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1、( )4. A. have it for B. has is forC. to have it for D. to has it for( ). A. But B. And C. So D. Then( )6. A. angry B. happy C. glad D. tired( )7. A. but B. and C. so D. or( )8. A. can to fly B. can fly C. cant to fly D. cant fly( )9. A. no ways B. some ways C. any way D. not way( )10. A. come back t

2、o home B. come back homeC. come to home D. back home2.本句句意为“他们非常喜欢这只鸟并且每天都看它。”此处修饰like表示喜欢的程度应选D项。3.根据句意可知,see强调看见的内容;look强调看的动作,为不及物动词,通常跟宾语时要加介词;have a look表示看一看;have a look at表示看,后面可以直接跟宾语,符合语境。4.本句句意为“一只猫看见了这只鸟想吃了它作晚饭。”此处考查的want的固定用法want to do sth.,因此此处应选动词不定式的结构,故可知应选C项。5.根据前一句说猫想吃了这只鸟,而本句说这只鸟在

3、笼子里,可知前后句意转折,故应填表示转折关系的连词But。6.因为猫吃不到这只鸟,所以她应该是非常生气。angry意为“生气的”;happy意为“快乐的”;glad意为“高兴的”;tired意为“疲惫的”。故可知应选A项。7.本句句意为“她打开了笼子的门并且想抓住它。”分析可知,空前的opens与空后的wants同作谓语,为并列结构,因此应选B项。二、从所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。A young man _1_ himself in Japan with only enough money to buy the ticket for his _2_ back home

4、. As he knew that it would take him only two days to _3_ home, he decided that he could easily spend the time _4_ food. So he bought a ticket and _5_ the ship. The man _6_ his ears to the sound of the lunch bell. When dinner _7_ came, he didnt go to the dining room, _8_ that he was not feeling well.

5、 The next morning he still didnt have breakfast and at lunch time he again _9_ in his room. But at dinner time he was so hungry that he went to the dining room and _10_ everything the waiter put in front of him. “Bring me the bill,” he said. “The bill, sir?” said the waiter in surprise. “There isnt

6、any bill. On our ship meals are included in the money for the ticket.”( )l. A. reached B. reach C. found D. found out( )2. A. map B. road C. journey D. plane( )3. A. arrived B. reached C. take D. get( )4. A. on B. with C. without D. near( )5. A. got on B. got off C. runs to D. put on( )6. A. closed

7、B. opened C. stopped D. kept( )7. A. table B. time C. party D. dish( )8. A. says B. said C. say D. saying( )9. A. stayed B. kept C. walked D. shouted( )10. A. found B. took C. ate D. looked思路分析:本短文考查了动词、形容词、副词、介词的一些基本用法。需要根据人称、关键词、语境来判断如何选择正确的单词。名师解析:1. reach是到达的意思,find是发现的意思,它的过去式是found,find out也是发

8、现的意思,但此处应该填found,故答案为C。ABD都不符合句意。句意:一个在日本的年轻人发现他只有足够的钱去买回家的票。2. map是地图的意思,road是马路的意思,journey有旅程的意思,plane有飞机的意思,此处应该填journey,故答案选C。3.Take意思是带走,arrived、reached,get的意思都是到达,get home是固定搭配,表示到家的意思,所以答案选D。据他所知,到达他家会花费他两天的时间。4.可知此处应该填一个表示没有意思的单词,只有without意思是没有,其它的都不是,故答案是C。他决定在这两天时间里不吃饭也能熬过去。5. got on是上车,上船

9、,got off是下车、下船,runs to是跑向,put on 是穿上,答案是A。所以他买了一张票然后上船了。6. closed关上,合上;opened 打开;stopped 停止;kept 保持。所以答案是A。他合上耳朵不去听午餐的铃声。7. table桌子,time时间,party聚会,dish菜,故答案选B。当晚餐时间到的时候,他也不去吃晚餐。8. ABCD意思都是说的意思,但此处应该填saying,故答案填D。第二天他也没有吃早餐,午餐时间他也呆在房间里。9. stayed停留,kept保持,walked行走,shouted大喊。此处应该填stayed,答案是A。说他感觉不舒服。10

10、. found发现,took 带走,ate吃,looked看。此处填ate,答案是C。但是在晚餐时间他太饿了所以就去了餐厅吃光了服务员放在他面前食物。参考答案: 1. C 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C 易错提示:第1,5,6,9小题容易做错,这些都是考查了动词的过去式,要清楚动词过去式的变化规则再来进行选择。三、完形填空。You say youll have a two-week summer holiday and decide to travel a lot and visit as many new places as possible. I

11、_1_ its a good idea. I11 tell you a story about my friend Mr. Bell. Last July he _2_ in Europe. Europe is very beautiful, _3_ his holiday wasnt very nice. He visited four countries, and was in _4_ of the countries only three days. He visited quite a lot of museums and famous places, and was always _

12、5_.Bell was on the train or bus almost every day. When he returned _6_ Europe, he was very tired.So I think that you _7_ better spend your holiday in a different way. It is _8_ to travel with a friend to one country, and visit only one city. Choose a city _9_ and you will be able to have a good _10_ on the seaside.( ) sure B. believe C. dont think D. dont hope( ) 2.A.was B. studies C. worked D. lived( ) 3.A.with B. and D. but( ) 4.A.everyone B. either C. each D. all( ) 5.A.unhappy a worry C. excited D. interested( ) C. from D. for( ) 7.A.would

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