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1、t even_4_well atn加油 night. When I close my_5_.In加油m out there in the footbaln加油l field_6_after a flying ball. n加油When I wake up, Im more_7_n加油_than I was I went to bedn加油. What am I going to do?the doctor san加油t back and said, First of all, you_8_n加油_to do your best not to dream about fn加油ootball .B

2、efore you are falling asn加油leep, try to_9_about somethin加油ng else. Try to think that you aren加油 at a party and someone is goingn加油 to give you several mn加油illion dollars.(医生说完话了)Are you cran加油zy?the man shouted.Ill_10_the balln加油!1.A.problem C.sporn加油t D.journey2.A.an加油lways B.already C.nev

3、er n加油 D.often3.A.interested B.carefun加油l C.deep D.stron加油 B.playn加油 Dn加油.sleep5.A.doors Cn加油.books D.eyes6.A.n加油booking B.playing C.running n加油 D.waiting 7.A.worried n加油B.tired C.surprised D.pleased8.An加油.want B.hope C.havn加油e D.decide9.A.hear B.wrn加油ite n加油D.think10

4、.A.miss n加油 C.catch D.pass2.One n加油day, a Chinese student goes to stun加油dy English in England. His family nn加油ame is Sun. It is the 1 as thn加油e word sun. England is a country n加油with 2 . It is often cloudyn加油 or misty(多雾的), and it 3 again, so then加油 days there 4 get much sunshine(阳光) aln加油l t

5、he year. When the Chinese student getn加油s to London, a tall 5 pon加油liceman with a long facn加油e 6 his passport(护照) to check(检查)n加油 it. The policeman finds the Chn加油inese name sun in the passport. n加油He 7 it is pronounced(发音n加油) just like the 8 word . So hn加油e says to the Chinese student, I see n加油you

6、r name is Sun, youre wanted hern加油e. You bring sunshine 9 Englan加油nd, so we dont want n加油you to 10 . They smile.()1. A.n加油same B.different A.gn加油ood weather(天气) B.bad pen加油ople C.bad weather D.good people(n加油)3. A.rains B.raining rainsn加油 rains()4. A.dont B.dn加油oesnt C.also

7、 D.often()5. A.Chinese n加油B.China C.English D.Japanese()6. A.in加油s open B.opens C.opening open加油n()7. A.think B.thinking thinn加油k D.thinks()8. A.Engn加油lish B.Chinese C.Japan D.Frenn加油ch()9. B.of D.for()10.n加油 A.go away B.goes away C.going away D.n加油away3.Its Wednesday aftn加油ernoo

8、n. School is over. The studentn加油s are putting their books, pencil-boxesn加油 1 their school bags. The teacn加油her comes in and says to the studentn加油s, Wait a minute, please. I have n加油something to tell you. Listen to n加油me, 2 is Thursday. Then加油res going to 3 a 4 meeting in on加油ur school. The meeting

9、 is at nine n加油in the morning. 5 aren加油 your school reports(成绩单) an加油nd letters 6 your parents. 7 then加油m home. Give your parents the letters an加油nd 8 them your school reports. Ask thn加油em 9 to the meeting on time tomorrow n加油because Im 10 tell them sn加油omething about next term.()1. A. intn加油o B. to

10、 C. in D. out()2. A. today Bn加油. tomorrow C. it D. next day()3. A.n加油 have B. has C. be D. is()n加油4. A. student B. teacher C. pn加油arent D. parents()5. A.n加油 There B. Here C. Those Dn加油. The()6. A. for B. wn加油ith C. give D. to ()7. A. n加油Take B. Bring C. Taking D. Carn加油ry ()8. A. tell B. n加油say C. t

11、alk D. show ()9. A. come B. cn加油omes C. to come D. coming()1n加油0. A. going B. going to C. gon加油 to D. want4.Dear Robert,I hope n加油you are well. Thank yon加油u for your last letter. You ask me abon加油ut Mid-autumn Day. Now, let me 1 youn加油 something about it. Everyone n加油in China likes Mid-autumn Day. I

12、t n加油2comes in September or Octobern加油. 3that day, everyone ean加油tsmooncakes. A mooncake is a deln加油icious, round cake. It 4 the n加油moon. There are many different kn加油inds of mooncakes. Some have nn加油uts in them, 5 some have meat or eggn加油s in them. My friend Lin加油 Lei likes mooncakes with men加油at.

13、But I think the 6 with nuts inn加油 them are 7 . Han Meimei says the nicn加油est cakes 8 Guangdong. At night, famn加油ilies often stay 9 the open air nn加油ear their houses. There they 10 the mn加油oon, and eat the cakes. Mmm! How den加油licious they are! ()1. A. speak B. ten加油ll C. say D. talk()2n加油. A. never

14、B. usually C. sn加油ometimes D. not often()3.n加油 A. On B. At C. For D. In ()4. A. lin加油ke B. likes C. looks for D. looks n加油like ()5. A. but B. until C. n加油and D. so()6. A. moon B. mn加油oons C. ones D. one ()7. A. delicn加油ious B. nicer C. nicest D. bigger (n加油)8. A. hear from B. comes fron加油m C. is fro

15、m D. come from()9. A.n加油 under B. with C. into D. in n加油 ()10. A. lookn加油 at B. look after C. loon加油k for D. look up5.Jacn加油k lost(丢失)his Job last week. It wn加油as difficult for him to finn加油d another 1. 2told him that in加油t was possible(可能的) to get a new on加油ne in a town two hundred kilomen加油ters3 . He decided to get there n加油4. So he went to the r

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