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届高考英语专题限时集训16 完形填空记叙文ⅠWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、t able to bend my legs,which had to be wrapped in bandages. 13 this period,I dont recall experiencing pain.It was only when I 14 what an exciting summer my sister was having that my situation began to seem 15 Weve never talked much about the 16 my dad has never been an especially 17 person.Now that

2、I have kids of my own,I do sometimes wonder what he 18 .Ive never felt any 19 at him,and I recognize that but for his swift actions the situation could have been 20 But Id certainly never have a barbecue with my kids.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,“我”回忆了自己人生中与父亲一起经历的难以忘记的事情。1Achoice BideaCdoubt DworryC根据空前的“they wi

3、ll often give some fairly dull possibilities and not be sure which comes first”和空后的“The earliest thing I recall”的对比可知,此处表示“我”对于自己的记忆毫不怀疑。2Aankles BblanketCsleeves DbellyA根据下文的“Thats where the 8 memory of my burning ankles kicks in”可知,此处应选A。3Aexchanged BsetCheld DcaughtD那是1981年7月的一个周日的下午,“我”的脚踝处着火了。c

4、atch fire“着火”。4Atended BstruggledCrefused DmanagedB根据下文的“After several failed attempts”可知,父亲的几次尝试都失败了,所以此处表示父亲需要努力点燃烧烤架。5Aeventually BgraduallyCinterestingly DfortunatelyA根据上文的“After several failed attempts”可知,此处指父亲经过了多次的尝试,最终不得不使用助燃剂。6Abefore BunlessCthough DasD因为风向突然改变,火球朝“我”这边飞来。as“因为”,引导原因状语从句。7

5、Astopped BhowledCchanged DdroppedC参见上题解析。stop“停止”;howl“大声叫喊”;change“改变”;drop“落下”。8Avivid BsweetCprecious DvagueA根据上文的“However,I have no 1 at all about mine.”可知,此处表示“我”着火的脚踝留给了“我”清晰的记忆。9Ahid BactedCescaped DapproachedB根据下文的“He dashed indoors,grabbed a large blanket”可知,此处指父亲看到这种情景后行动很快。 10Agot away Bb

6、roke inCstood by Dran backD根据上文的“He dashed indoors”可知,此处指父亲又从屋内跑回来。11Awaiting for Basking forCpaying for Dsearching forB“我”记得的下一件事情是坐在大箱子上,感觉很热,然后反复地要水喝。12Ahospital BpoolCcaf DgymA根据下文的“I underwent lots of skin operations and for weeks I wasnt able to bend my legs,which had to be wrapped in bandages

7、”可知,此处指“我”被送到医院。13AThanks to BBut for CThroughout DAfterC根据上文的“for weeks”可知,此处指在这整个期间。14Arealized BimaginedCpredicted DexplainedA当“我”意识到“我”的妹妹有一个令人兴奋的夏天的时候,“我”的状况才开始看起来难以忍受。15Aridiculous BacceptableCsatisfactory DunbearableD参见上题解析。16Aillness BconflictCaccident DvisitC我们从来不过多地谈论这次事故。illness“疾病”;confl

8、ict“冲突”;accident“事故”;visit“参观”。17Astrict BopenCshy DhonestB根据上文的“Weve never talked much about the 16 ”可知, 此处指父亲不是一个性格特别开朗的人。18Agave away Btook overCwent through Dlooked intoC“我”有了自己的孩子,有时“我”很想知道父亲当时经历了什么。go through“经历”;give away“泄露,分发,赠送”;take over“接管”;look into“调查”。19Asympathy BanxietyCguilt Danger

9、D“我”从来都没有对父亲感到生气。sympathy“同情”;anxiety“忧虑”;guilt“内疚”;anger“怒气”。20Aworse BsimplerCstranger DclearerA“我”意识到要不是父亲当时快速的行动,情况可能会更加糟糕。worse“更糟的”。B 【导学号:52384067】武汉市武昌区调研考试)The Gift at the Parking LotI never thought I would be writing about a trip to the convenience store.It was just a month after my grandm

10、other had 21 and I did useless things hoping to fill the hole in my heart and make me forget the pain.In the store,I was upset because I couldnt even remember 22 I went there to buy so I ended up buying something 23 As I walked out of the store to get my car,I was 24 angry at everything that was goi

11、ng on around me which was a very 25 feeling at that time.Feeling 26 ,my belief in God was beginning to fade.Suddenly,a woman driving right by my side rolled down her 27 “Excuse me,excuse me.” she said loudly. 28 she was going to ask for my parking spot,I 29 pointed to my car.“No,excuse me,” she said again.At this point,I felt I had no 30 but to see what this 31 lady wanted.As I got closer,I realized that she was 32 something in her bag.Surprisingly,I was 33 with a sense of relief while others would be nervous in this situation.Finally,she 34 me a booklet,which read “Wha

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