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1、。Write a love poem in the middle of the night. Eat ice cream for breakfast. Wear red sox. Visit a junk yard. Work the weekend. Take the slow way home. Sleep on the other side of the bed. Such jolts to your routines will lead to new ideas.在深夜写一首情诗,早餐试着吃点冰淇淋,换一双红色袜子,逛逛废旧品商店, 尝试在周末工作,回家路上放慢步伐,体会一下睡在在床的

2、另一侧打破你 的乏味生活或者例行步骤,这将会带给你新的思路。How can you whack your thinking?哪些方式能让你冲击一下自己的思维?002Ask Why?尝试问问为什么Leonardo da Vinci : I roamed the countryside searching for answers to things I did not understand. Why shells exist on the tops of mountains along with imprints of plants usually found in the sea. Why th

3、under lasts longer than that which causes it达芬奇曾这样说道:我漫步在乡间小路,找寻那些我无法理解事物的答案。贝 壳一般都在大海里,为何能在一些山顶上发现?为什么听到的雷声比看到的闪 电时间长?How circles of water from around the spot which has been struck by a stone. And how a bird suspends itself in the air.泉水被一块石头阻挡后他的运动轨迹是什么样子的?小鸟是如何在空气中悬停 自己?Questions like these enga

4、ged my thought throughout my life. 我的一生中,头脑里经常会挑出这样的问题。What are you curious about? What probing questions can you ask? Where can you ask 什么东西能引起你的好奇心?你会问出什么样的问题?在哪些地方你能问出为什么?”003Get out of your box 跳出自己固有思维Each culture has its own way of looking at the world. Often the best ideas come from cutting a

5、cross disciplinary boundaries and looking into other fields.每种文明都有其自己独特看待世界社会的方式。通常最好的想法来自于突破规 定的范畴,到其他领域探索。As Robert Wieder put It, Anyone can look for fashion in a boutique or history in a museum. The Creative explorer looks for history in a hardware store and fashion in an airport.0 Example : Wor

6、ld War I military designers borrowed form the Cubist art of Picasso to create more efficient camouflage patterns for tanks.就想罗伯特韦德说过:“任何人偶可以在时装店寻找时尚,在博物馆了解历史。 但创新的探索者在硬件商店就能发现历史,在机场就能找到时尚的灵感。正如 一战时期军方设计师从立体派艺术家毕加索的作品中,探索坦克的伪装方法。 In what outside can you look for ideas?挑出固有思维,在什么地方你能得到新想法?004Look some

7、where else试着四处看看Finding new ideas is like prospecting for gold. If you look in the same old places, you II find tapped out veins. But if you venture off the beaten path, you* II improve your chance of discovering new idea lodes. Remember: you can t see the good ideas behind you by looking twice as h

8、ard at what, s in front of you.寻找新想法就像勘探金矿一样。如果你还一直在原处寻找,只能发现已经被开 采过的。如果你尝试冒险一次,这将大大提高你发现新思路宝藏的几率。记住, 原地踏步有时候很难发现新的想法,试着四处看看。Where else can you look for ideas?想想看,你还能在何处找到新思路?005Dig Deeper再深度挖掘一下Emile Chartier: Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when it s only one you have. Don t stop with the f

9、irst right answer you find. Dig deeper and look for others. How do you keep a fish form smelling? Cook it as soon as you catch it. Keep a cat around. Burn incense. Cut its nose off. Remember: the best way to get a good idea is to get lots of ideas.埃米尔 沙儿杰说道:只局限在中唯一思路中,这是最危险的。发现最初的 正确答案后千万不要放弃,深度挖掘并看

10、看其他的想法。当抓住一条鱼后,如 何保存它呢?尽快烹饪、让猫咪看住它、焚香祈祷、去掉它的鱼鳏请记住, 找到一个好想法的快捷方式就是尽可能挖掘更多想法。What good ideas are below the surface?What s the second right answer? 试着深入一点,还有什么好想法么? 再试着想一个好想法出来?006Change Viewpoint改变视角试试看Long age, a curious plague struck a village. When afflicted, its victims went into a deathlike coma,

11、 and most died within a day. The problem was that the villagers couldn t tell if a victim was dead or alive. After discovering that someone had been buried alive, an alarmed town council convened. The majority - hoping to save lives 一 voted to put food and water in every coffin. Another group propos

12、ed a cheaper solution: implant a stake in every coffin lid directly over the victim* s heart. When closed, all doubts about the victim* s condition would vanish. What differentiated the solutions were the questions used to find them. Whereas the first group asked, uWhat if we bury somebody alive? th

13、e second group asked, How can we make sure everyone we bury is dead?很久以前,一场奇怪的瘟疫袭击了村子,爆发过后,受感染者几乎无法动弹, 并在一天内就会死亡。然而问题是,村民们并不被告知受感染者是否能活下来。 当发现一些人被活埋,慌张无措的村委会召开会议。希望救人的观点被大部分 人支持,他们在每个棺材中放了食物和水。另一部分人提出一种更廉价的方式, 直接在棺材上加装一个柱子,刚好在感染者的心脏部位,当棺材盖上之时棺材 内人必死,有关生死的所有的疑虑都消失了。这两种不同的解决方法,在于他 们关注的视角不同,前者是在乎的活埋的人要

14、是活着怎么办,后者则在乎如何 确定被埋着是否已经死亡。Remember: the second assault on the same problem should come from a totally different direction. How can you change your viewpoint 请记住:同一个问题的第二种解决办法应该基于另一个完全不同的角度。 想一想,你如何改变你的视角?007see the big picture 拓宽自己的视野In 1866 an Iowa farmer watched the construction of the transconti

15、nental railroad near his fields. After seeing the track laid and a locomotive steam through, he thought, So that* s what railroading is all about: tracks and trains. What didn t he see? That he could get his products to more markets more quickly, and that once there they would have to compete against products from many mo

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