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1、拓展词汇6emotion Imn n感情;情感;情绪emotional adj情感的7unusual njuul adj特别的;不寻常的usual adj平常的,通常的阅读词汇8kangaroo k ru n 袋鼠9insect Insekt n 昆虫10net net n 网adj 净得的;纯的11binoculars bInkjlz n 双筒望远镜12dolphin dlfIn n 海豚13Yangtze River dolphin 白鳍豚14koala kl n 树袋熊;考拉15stir st vt 激发;搅动重点短语1due_to 由于;2search_for 搜索;查找3be_use

2、d_for 被用来4care_for 关心,照顾5pay_attention_to 注意6carry_out 实施7clean_up 打扫,清除8put_up_the_poster 张贴海报9stir_up 激起,唤起10run_the_shelter 管理避难所重点句型1When it comes to.当涉及:When_it_comes_to_wildlife_protection(当涉及野生动物保护时), all speciesthe good, the bad, and the uglyshould be treated equally2so that 引导目的状语从句:Is it r

3、ight to make animals homeless so_that_humans_can_have_more_paper(以至于人类就可以有更多的纸)?3强调句型:It_is_for_this_reason_that(正是因为这个原因) the WWF constantly put up information to stir up public interest in the welfare of the planet4That is what.what引导表语从句:That is what_the_animals_really_need_most(动物们最需要的)Read the

4、text on Page 20 and then choose the best answer.1What should we do when we protect the wildlife animals?ATreat all the wild animals equallyBOnly pay attention to less cute animalsCPay attention to cute animalsDCare about endangered wildlife animals2Whats the bad effect of cutting down billions of tr

5、ees to make paper for humans?AMake a lot of animals homelessBMake a number of wildlife animals dying outCThe animals habitat is being destroyedDAll of them3What does the second poster want people do?AProtect the environmentBProtect the animalsCDont make animals homeless for making paperDDont cut dow

6、n trees答案:13.ADC reducevt.减少(教材P18)It is reported that living spaces for wildlife are being reduced due to the cutting of trees据报道,由于砍伐树木,野生动物的生存空间正在缩小。(1)reduce(2)rise/increaseIf you want to lose weight, try to reduce the amount of fat in your diet如果你想减肥,请尽量减少饮食中的脂肪。All the shirts in this shop were

7、 reduced to 10 last Sunday上周日这个店里的所有衬衫都减至10英镑。即学即练单句语法填空It was foggy so the driver had to reduce speed to forty kilometres an hourIf you buy more than ten, they will reduce the price by 10 percentLuckily, their salary has been increased by 20 percent since last year dueadj.由于;因为;预期;到期;应归于(经典佳句)I thi

8、nk my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live我想我(之所以)长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生活。be due to 由于,归功于be due to do sth 预定/计划(做)某事be due to sb 应支付/给予/归于某人be due for sth 应用某物;应得到某物As a matter of fact, his success is entirely due to hard work事实上,他的成功完全是努力工作的结果。Please make sure you pay back the m

9、oney before it is due请确保在到期前还钱。She is due to_complete(complete) her study this yearThey hurried to catch the train due to_leave(leave) at 4:15 in the afternoon链接写作一句多译多亏了英语老师的帮助,我的英语成绩总是名列前茅。 Due_to_my_English_teachers_help,_my English scores are always on the top of my classIt_is_due_to_my_English_

10、teachers_help_that my English scores are always on the top of my class(强调句型) search for搜索;(经典佳句)He often searches for information through Google, Yahoo or Baidu他经常通过谷歌、雅虎或XX搜索信息。(1)search sb/some place 搜某人的身/搜查某地search() for 为了找到搜查()(2)in search of 寻找;搜寻Youd better search for as many chances as poss

11、ible to practise listening你最好寻找尽可能多的机会练习听力。The police are searching the house for more evidence为了找更多的证据,警察正在搜查这个房子。He is determined to go to the USAin search of a better life他决心去美国寻找更美好的生活。听到消息后,我们都出去寻找这个失踪的男孩了。Hearing the news, we all went out in_search_of the lost boy(search n)Hearing the news, we

12、 all went out to search_for the lost boy(search v) When it comes to.当涉及(教材P20)When it comes to wildlife protection, all speciesthe good, the bad, and the uglyshould be treated equally当涉及到野生动物保护时,所有的物种好的、坏的和丑陋的都应该被平等对待。When it comes to 当谈到come to 达到;谈到come across 偶然遇到come up (太阳)升起;发生;被提及come up with

13、 想出,提出When it comes to how to protect traditional Chinese culture, the students hold different points of view当谈到如何保护中国传统文化时,学生们持有不同的观点。When it comes to the Internet, he is always very excited当谈到因特网时,他总是很兴奋。即学即练用come的相关短语填空On my way to the museum, I came_across one of my teachersHe came_up_with a good suggestion at the meeting链接写作完成句子说到我最喜欢的运动,我想说我最喜欢乒乓球。When_it_comes_to_my_favorite_sport,_Id like to say that I like table tennis best 强调句型(教材P22)It is for this reason that the WWF constantly put up information to stir up public interest in the we

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