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人教版英语七年级下册 unit 12Word下载.docx

1、t like mice at all. I think they are very _ .A.scary D.beautiful4.-Jenny, you look very_today. -Yes. I didnt sleep well last night.A. excellentB. excitingC. thinD. tired5. -_ did you travel at that time, Grandpa?-By bus and train. It was quite interesting.A. What B. HowC. WhenD. Where6

2、.-How was your last summer vacation? -_A. Thank you B. Good luckC. It was really great D. It is great7.There_a lot of boats on this river ten years ago. A.have B.isC.were D.was8. -_ bad news !We didnt win the 15th Sudirman Cup.-Its a pity.B. What a C. HowD. How a9.I saw my brother _ basketball with

3、his friends when I met B.playing play10.Its dangerous for you_ in the river. You must get out of the water right now.A.swim swim D.swam11.-Does Jane want to watch the play?-No, she_ it three days ago.A. watch B. watchesC. watched D. will watch12.Its_good weather

4、 that we want to go for a picnic.A.such a a D.so13.-Are we going to have a sports meeting on Friday, Li Ping?-No, itll be_till next week because of the bad weather.A. put outB. put onC. put awayD. put off14.-_you afraid when you saw the big dog?-No,I_ feel afraid at all.A. Did: didntB. We

5、re; wasnC. Were;D. Did;15.I walked for a long time.I was_tired_I couldnt move on.A.too; to; thatC.such; that D.enough; to.完形填空。Last week our class went to the zoo as part of our science project. We spent a few hours 16 there. We didnt do much studying. We just had a good 17 .We left for the zoo

6、 by bus at 9:00 am and 18 at the zoo half an hour later.There were all kinds of 19 in the zoo. And the animals had many good 20 for us. We all wanted to watch the elephant show at 10:00 am. But before that we went lo look at snakes because it was part of our project.I dont like snakes because they a

7、re so 21 .The elephant how lasted 45 minutes.It was really nice.I didnt know elephants can play soccer so 22 !Then we had a 15-minute break for a drink. We went 23 the zoo trying to see as many animals as we could before 24 .Lunch was fun because we had it 25 monkeys. We went back on the bus at 2:00

8、 pm. It took 30 minutes to get back to school.16.A.getting B.staying stay get17.A.time B.friend C.teacher D.place18.A.ate B.studied C.arrived D.left19.A.elephants B.monkeys C.animals D.people20.A.shows B.presents D.drinks21.A.beautiful B.special C.scary D.scared22.A.good B.well

9、ce D.bad23.A.around C.out D.in24.A.class C.lunch D.dinner25.A.for C.about D.with.阅读理解。 A Dear Susan,Hows it going? How was your summer vacation? I am glad to tell you about mine. I went to Thailand for vacation with my parents this summer. We were very excited when we got there. I

10、t was our first time there. Thailand is a really beautiful country. The sky there is blue all the time.The trees are always green. The buildings are fantastic. We spent seven days in Bangkok(曼谷) .Of course,we took a boat to the floating market (水上市场) .We bought some delicious fruit there. We went to

11、 a very interesting temple (庙宇) called the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. We also visited some other temples. Everything of the trip was great. The best thing about the trip was the food in Thailand.It is delicious and interesting. I would like to cook it for you when I go to your home next week. You

12、rs ,Julia26.It was the_ time for Julia to go to Thailand.A.first B.secondC.last D.fourth27.How long did they stay in Bangkok?A.A day. B.A week.C.A month. D.A year.28.How did they go to the floating market?A.They took the boat.B.They went there by car.C.They got there by train. D.They walked there.29

13、.Which of the following is TRUE?A.They didnt visit any temples.B.They bought some fruit in the temple.C.The buildings in Thailand are tall and strange.D.The air in Thailand is very clean.30.How is the food in Thailand? A.It is different. B.It is colorful. C.It is very delicious. D.Julia cooked it by

14、 herself.BIn China, many students spend their weekends studying at school or doing homework or watching TV at home. What do the students do on weekends in America? Donna:I studied all weekend. On Saturday, I studied for a math test all day. On Sunday morning, I did my history homework. In the evening, I talked to my friends on the phone. Glen:I had a great weekend. I visited some of my friends. On Sunday night,I went to the park with my parents. We really enjoyed our

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