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1、8believe hat he sas = believe his rds 相信他所说的话9tell lies 说谎 tell stries 讲故事 tell es 讲笑话 lie v动词, 躺 lie -la-lain n名词,谎话 tell lies 说谎10 interested ad感到有趣的,一般修饰人 interesting ad 令人感到有趣的,一般修饰物 interesting属外向性质的词,用于指人、事、物的外在影响方面,意为“使(外)人感兴趣的”;interested属内向性质的词,用于指人的内心感受方面,意为“(内心)对„&感兴趣的”。试比较:a)That i

2、nteresting ld an ae t ur shl ever da那个有趣的老人天天到我们学校。(外在影响)b)An interested freigner ae and visited ur shl一位感兴趣的外国人参观我们学校。(内心感受)a)Thisbisinterestingte这本书在我看很有趣。b)Iinterestedinthisb我对这本书很感兴趣。(内心感受) 本例句:1)I thin gd friends shuld be interesting t (page7)(外在影响) 2) ax is s interesting (page8)(外在影响)11ne f +形

3、容词最高级+名字复数 eg ne f best friends ne f the tallest bs12 has 动词,“长着,”在句中作谓语动词;ith 介词,“长着,戴着”,在句中作定语 ear 动词,“穿着,戴着”,在句中作谓语动词;in 介词,“穿着”,在句中作定语 1) sister has shrt hair 动词,长着,做谓语动词 2) The girl ith shrt hair is sister介词,长着,做定语,修饰the girl,不可用has,因为句中已经有谓语动词is 3) sister ears sall rund glasses 4)The girl ith

4、sall rund glasses is sisterShes a sall girl ith a pntail(page14)(作定语)13help sb (t) d sth, 帮助某人做某事 help sb ith sth 14be illing t d sth= be read t d sth 乐意做某事;愿意做做事1give nes seat n the bus t sene in need 在公交车上给需要的某人让座16have a gd vie 嗓音甜美 vie 嗓音 sund 声音 nise 噪音17ant t be 想成为 gr up 长大18have a (gd) sense

5、 f huur = be (ver) hurus (很)有幽默感 a sense f 感19bred ad (人)感到无聊的 bring ad(人、物)令人感到无聊的feel bred 感到无聊的 a bring ftball ath 一场令人感到无聊的足球赛20al past 走着经过 past 介词 动词+past pass 动词21n nt the flr 把撞到地板上22sa a bad rd abut sb说某人的坏话 “众说纷纭”sa +说话内容egsa a bad rd abut sb; sa t neself 自言自语;spea +语言; 打电话;作演讲tal ith/t sb

6、; tal abut sthtell sb sth; tell sb (nt) t d sth;tell stries/es/lies 讲故事/讲笑话/说谎23true ad正确的,真实的 trul adv(副词) truth n 真相,真理,事实24sbrr abut sth/sb =sb be rried abut sth/sb 某人担心某事/某人 sth rr(rries三单/rried过去式) sb某事让某人担忧eg Sething rries e(sething 不定代词做主语,谓语动词用三单)2l sart in his sall rund glasses 戴着圆圆的小眼镜让他看起

7、很神气 sb l +ad+in sth = sth l +ad+n sb26be faus t 对于很出名 be faus as 作为出名 be faus fr 因为很出名27ae friends ith sb 和某人交朋友28listen t sb arefull 认真地听某人讲话 areful ad 认真的,仔细的 advarefull <反> ad areless 粗心的 advarelessl 29travel arund the rld 环游世界 30be ind t sb 对某人很好 be friendl t sb对某人友好的31an artist 一名艺术家32lea

8、rn re abut 了解更多关于 learn 过去式:learned/ learnt33tae part in +比赛/活动= in in +比赛/活动 “参加” in +组织/sb “加入”in sb in ding sth 加入某人做某事34be bth/ be all (bth/all放be动词后)3sile v≈ n 微笑 ad siling 微笑的 siling ees ear/have a sile n nes fae 面带微笑36patient n 病人 ad有耐心的 & ipatient 没有耐心的,急躁的 an ipatient teaher37ae an exell

9、ent teaher 成为一名优秀的教师38形容词中比较级和最高级需要双写最后一个字母,再加er/est大(big)热(ht)天,一个穿红(red)衣浑身湿(et)透的伤感(sad)胖(fat)子想要变得又瘦(thin)又苗条(sli)39hat be sb。lie ?问某人的长相或品格hat d(des) sb l lie?仅询问某人的长相hat d(des) sb lie?问某人喜欢什么40lu n 运气 Gd lu t u祝你好运。 lu ad 幸运的-luil adv unlu ad不幸的练习:一、单项选择1 ell tr ur best t d the r ith _ ne _ pe

10、ple A fe, little B, a fe, a little less, feer D feer, less 2 N re and re hinese peple are _ enugh t bu ars A rih B ea pr D strng 3 hat abut _ ftball? A t pla B pla plaing D pla 4 - L! This seater is beautiful-_ A h nt tr it n B h nt tr n it h nt tring it n D h nt tring n it hat ill u d if it _ trr?

11、A rain B rains ill rain D is raining 6 The re , the _ A gd B best better D ell 7 ax has a gd sense _ hur A f B ith t D fr 8 Bills ther never ges t bed _ he is ba fr shl A until B as sine D if9 -I thin iss Sith ust be in her ffie I have se questin t as her-N, she _ be there Ive ust been there A ant B

12、 ustnt neednt D nt 10 Usuall, Bett _ lrful T-shirts in suer A ears B is dressed is earing D dresses 11 -uld u lie se re tea? _ , please A N re B ust a little Ive had enugh D es, I uld 12 Lets stp _ I n a gd restaurant near here A t have a eal B t have a rest having a rest D having a eal13 -u, a I ha

13、ve se aes? -Srr, theres _ left in the bx Ill g and bu se fr u tnight A nthing B n ne n D nne 14 I as brn in Xuzhu _ 4th a 1964 A at B in n D fr 1 The eather in Beiing is lder in inter than _ in Hainan A it B that this D ne16 ate lies t r _ hildren A fr B ith t D f17 His rs ade us _ A t laugh B laugh laughing D laughed 18 D u _ singing an English sng? A ant B uld lie feel lie D ant t19 I thin ate is better fr plaing basetball, beause She is _ than enn A shrter

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