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Words in ReadingUnit 1文档格式.docx

1、I am uncertain whether he will come. 我无法确定他会不会来。他不清楚接下来应该做什么。He was uncertain what to do next.(作定语)易变的,不可靠的uncertain weather 多变的天气a man with an uncertain temper 一个脾气多变的男人2. superior adj. 优越的,占优势的;优秀的,上等的a superior whiskey 上等威士忌be superior to sb. (in sth.) 在某方面超过胜过某人e.g.你的英语水平一定胜过我。You must be superi

2、or to me in English. 3. wind v. 上发条;缠,绕;弯曲,蜿蜒 (wound, wound)e.g. I wind this clock every day. 我每天给这个钟上发条。Does this watch wind automatically?这只表是自动上发条的吗?The nurse wound a bandage around my arm. 护士用绷带包扎我的手臂。Will you wind the wool into a ball?请把毛线卷成球好吗?The river winds through the jungle. 那条河蜿蜒流经丛林。wind

3、 ones way 弯曲前行4. apply v. 应用,运用;申请apply to把应用于e.g. Laser is applied to an operation. 激光被应用于一项手术。applyto 使适用于,使.适合e.g. You cant apply this rule to every case. = This rule cant be applied to every case.这个规则并不能适用于所有的情况。apply to 适合e.g. What you said doesnt apply to me. apply (+to) for sth. (向) 申请e.g. Th

4、ey apply to the government for financial help every year. 每年他们都向政府申请财务援助。我申请了奖学金。I apply for a scholarship. apply for a job as an English teacher 应征英语教师的工作5. demand -v. 要求; 需要,需求demand sth. from sb. 对(人)要求She demanded an apology from him. 她要求他道歉。demand to do 要求做They demanded to be told everything. 他

5、们要求被告知一切。demand thatThey demanded that the company (should) pay for the loss.他们要求该公司赔偿那个损失。 (sth.) + demand +n. (事物)需要The work demands a great deal of care. 那项工作需要非常耐心。- n. 要求;需要 (for)Is there much demand for these goods?这些商品的需求量大吗?in demand (形)有需要的;It was an unusually hot summer and air conditioner

6、s were in great demand. 那年夏天非常热,因此空调机需求量甚大。demanding adj. 要求高的,苛求的Shes a very demanding child.a demanding job/task6. assume v. 假设,设想,以为assume + n. 认为If you assume his innocence, who do you think the criminal is?如果你认为他无罪, 那么你认为罪犯是谁?assume + that-I assumed that he was dead. -I assumed so, too. -我认为他死了

7、。-我也这么认为。Assuming that his story is true, what should we do?假定他的话是真的, 我们应该怎么办?assume + n. + (to be) n. (adj.) 认为是的I assumed him (to be) an honest man.7. convenience n. C 便利之物.The house has every modern convenience.convenient adj.-方便的Our local shop has very convenient opening hours.+ that Its very convenient that you live near the office.+ to infinitive I find it convenient to be able to do my banking(银行业务) by phone.What time would it be convenient for me to come round?NOTE: The opposite is your convenience 在你需要时The goods will be delivered at your convenience.

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