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1、 What is the boy going to buy?A. Some juice. B. Some oranges. C. Some apples. 答案是C。A)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听完每段对话后, 你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分) 1. Who drew the cat? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. Sally. B. John. C. Kate.2. Where is the supermarket?A. On Main Stre

2、et. B. Across from the bank. C. Next to the hospital.3. How much will the man pay for the tickets?A. $ 4. B. $ 6. C. $ 8.4. Why is Linda happy?A. She will see a movie. B. She will see her mother. C. She will get a new bike.5. What does the girl mean?A. She is very scared. B. She is really surprised.

3、 C. She is a bit angry.B)请听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几个小题, 从题中所给的AB、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听每段对话前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。(每小题1分)请听对话,回答下列小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】6. Whats the matter with the man?A. Hes got a cough. B. Hes got a sore throat. C. Hes got a headache.7. How long should the man take th

4、e medicine?A. 3 days. B. 5 days. C. 7 days.8. What time is the Sunday lunch?A. At 12:30. B. At 1:00. C. At 1:30.9. What do we know about David?A. He is a customer. B. He is a manager. C. He is a waiter.请听对话, 回答下列小题。10. What happened to the woman on the first day?A. Her bag was stolen. B. Her ID card

5、 was lost. C. Her money ran out.11. What did she do in the last evening?A. She had a big meal. B. She joined in singing. C. She went out for a walk.12. What are they talking about?A. The holiday. B. The accident. C. The concert.13. Where do they have the party?A. In the park. B. in the hotel. C. At

6、home.14. Why do they have the party?A. Alice finished her courses. B. Mikes sister has a new baby. C. Alices family is coming over.15. What can we get from the conversation?A. Alice is very busy today. B. Alice and Mike are classmates. C. Alice must bring a gift to the party.C)请听下面一段独白, 根据独白内容完成下列句子

7、, 每个空格不超过3个单词。将答案填写到答题卡的相应位置。听独白前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读句子内容。独白读两遍。请听下面一段独白, 根据独白内容完成下列句子, 每个空格不超过3个单词。16. In _, we took part in an event in India.17. Each team drove a car to the _ of India.18. Our team raised around _ dollars.19. We drove for about _ every day.20. We managed to have a game of _ with the loca

8、l people.二、单项填空(8分)请阅读下面各小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Your leg looks really bad! I think you should send for a _ about that.A. pilot B. doctor C. singer D. postman22. Whats the terrible noise?Its John. He _ the violin.A. practiced B. is practicing C. was practicing D. has pr

9、aticed23. Sue works _, so she never seems to make mistakes.A. late B. alone C. happily D. carefully24. These beautiful animals are endangered. We must _ them.A. save B. show C. stop D. catch25. There are no buses to the beach. _ you have a car, its difficult to get there.A. Since B. After C. Unless

10、D. Because26. How do we turn on the oven?I _ you, werent you listening?A. tell B. am telling C. will tell D. have told27. Are you going to the airport by bus? Id rather take a taxi. Its _.A. quicker B. cheaper C. the quickest D. the cheapest28. The man did a great job in fighting COVID-19. He _ on T

11、V and becomes very known.A. interviewed B. has interviewed C. was interviewed D. will be interviewed三、完形填空(26分)A)请先阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。They weigh almost nothing. Yet they are _29_ than steel. In fact, some spiders webs are among the worlds strongest mate

12、rials, _30_ they can be pulled longer than elastic(橡皮筋). They can also be any _31_. Spider webs are amazing. A spider has hundreds of small openings in its body. Silk comes out of these openings as a liquid(液体), and, as it reaches the air, it becomes tread-like. These _32_ threads(线)come together to

13、 form a single thread. The spider can make many different kinds of thread. The tread can be thick or thin, wet or dry, or sticky. Each kind has a different _33_. Some webs create an egg box. Others _34_ hiding places. The most common purpose of a spider web, however, is to catch food. There are many

14、 _35_ the spider uses its web to catch food. For example some spiders produce a single thread. An insect then sits on it _36_ realizing what it is doing, and becomes _37_. Slowly, the spider moves towards the insect. _38_, it covers its food in silk. Some spiders use a different kind of _39_, They make webs that cheat insects. An insect sees the web and thinks its a flower. It then _40_ the web. The spider can feel even the smallest move

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