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1、新目标英语九年级第3单元知识点第三单元知识点:1、Could you please ? 意为“请你好吗?”,是表示请求的礼貌用语,后接动词原形。其否定形式是在please后加 : Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ?Could you please not play soccer on the street? 注:一、could 为情态动词,意为“能,会,能够”,在此处表示委婉的语气,并非can的过去式,故宾语从句不需用过去时态。 eg : Could you please tell me_? A .where I c

2、an get a dictionary B .where can I get a dictionary C .where I could get a dictionary D .where could I get a dictionary 解析: 因为宾语从句要求利用陈述句语序,故排除B、D两项,又因could表委婉的语气而非can的过去式,故宾语从句不需用过去的时态,因此选A 二、Could you please.? 的答语 确信回答:Sure./ Of course ./ Certainly / No problem / Id love/like to .等 否定回答: Sorry , I

3、 cant / Sorry ,Id love/like to, but/ Sorry, Im afraid not .等 eg : - Could you go shopping with me ? - _ . My father and I will go to Wuhan tomorrow . A .I think so B .Yes , I hope so C .Im afraid so D .Sorry , I m afraid not 解析:依照答语可知对方不去,其否定回答通经常使用Sorry , I cant / Sorry , Im afraid not等,应选D 3、表示委婉的

4、请求及请求许诺做某事的句型还有: Would/Will you please do sth ? Would you like to do sth?二、名词作定语 :名词能够用来修饰另一个名词,表示材料、类别、用途等。名词作定语时常利用单数形式。 eg : a shoe factory 鞋厂 a fruit shop 水果店 注:一、sport 作定语时经常使用复数形式 a sports car 一辆跑车 sports shoes 运动鞋 二、man和woman作定语时有数的转变,其单复数形式与其所修饰的名词的数维持 一致。 a man teacher 一名男教师 two men teacher

5、s 两位男教师3、辨析 :past , over , across与through Past 从隔壁通过 表示时刻上的“超过”或空间上的“通过” Over 从上方跨越而过 表示动作发生在物体的上方 Across 横穿;越过 表示动作是在某一物体的表面进行的,强调从一端到另一端 Through 穿过;越过 表示动作是在某一空间内进行的,强调从内部穿过 eg : 一、The man is walking past a shop .二、There is a bridge over the river . 3、The little boy is walking across the road . 4、

6、He can go through the forest by himself .4、” 疑问词+动词不定式(to do)”结构可在句中作主语、宾语和表语,常见的疑问词包括:疑问代词what 、who 、which和疑问副词where、when、why 、how等 eg :一、How to get there is a question .(作主语) 二、We dont know when to have a meeting .(作宾语)3、The problem is how to choose .(作表语)4、- Which dress do you like best , Madam ?

7、 - Sorry , I cant decide _ now . A . to buy which one B . buy which one C . which one to buy D .which I should buy it解析:此题考查“疑问词+动词不定式”,故排除A、B ,又因D选项中which作buy的宾语,不用再加it,故排除D , 因此选C注:含有宾语从句的复合句在必然的条件下能够转化为简单句 假设主句的主语与从句的主语一致,那么由疑问词引导的宾语从句能够变成“疑问词+动词不定式”的结构 Eg 一、I dont know how I should do it next .

8、- I dont know how to do it next . 二、Have you decided where you will take a vacation ? (改成简单句) Have you decided _ _ _ a vacation ? 解析 :where to take , 因为在宾语从句中 ,主句的主语和从句的主语是一致的 ,故能够换成“疑问词+动词不定式”结构五、Pardon me 的用法 一、要打搅他人时,意为“对不起,劳驾,打搅一下”,相当于Excuse me Pardon me , is this your handbag ? 对不起,这是你的手提包吗? 二、

9、没听清对方的话,希望对方重复一遍时,意为“什么,请再说一遍”,读时用升调 相当于Pardon? 或 I beg your pardon ? Pardon me , I couldnt hear it clearly . 请再说一次,我没能听清楚。 3、对自己的过错、失礼等表示歉意时,意为“对不起” Oh , pardon me , I didn,t mean to interrupt you . 哦,对不起,我不是成心要打搅你 Eg : - Open the window please ,Mike . - _ ? I didnt hear what you said . A .What B .

10、Pardon C .Really D .All right 解析:依照答语中“我没有听清你说什么”可知,是要求对方重说一遍。应选B六、当名词所有格限定的是表示住宅、诊所、商店等的名词时 ,该名词通常能够省略 eg :一、They are at the doctors (office) . 他们在诊所。 二、He is going to his aunts (house) this Sunday . 那个礼拜天他打算去他姑姑家。 3、at the barbers ( shop) 在理发店 4、- Where is Mike ? - He might be _ . A .in Jim B .in

11、Jims C .at Jim D .at Jims 解析:在家应用at , 又因名词所有格限定的是表示住宅的名词,而且在此省略。应选D7、spend、take、cost与paySb spend some money / some time on/doing sth 花费时刻、金钱做某事Sb pay some money for sth 做某事花费某人多长时刻Sth cost Sb some money 某物花费某人多少钱It takes sb some time to do sth 做某事花费某人多长时刻 eg : I spent one hundred yuan buying/on the

12、present . I paid one hundred yuan for the present. The present cost me one hundred yuan . It took me 30 minutes to get to school . I _ some of my free time playing basketball for my school team . A . spend B .cost C .take D .pay 解析:由主语是I可排除B、C, 又因spenddoing sth , payfor及playing可知此题 选A八、include 及物动词

13、,意为“包括,包括”。Including用作介词时,意为“包括” eg : The price includes both the house and the furniture in it. There are seven people in my family , including my grandparents .九、such as 与for example such as 意为“例如”,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个作为例子for example 意为“例如”,一样只以同类食物或人中的一个为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末eg : China has many big

14、cities ,such as Beijing , Shanghai and Shenzhen . Noise , for example , is a kind of pollution .10、词性转换:一、许多动词的后面可加后缀er或or 组成名词 speak- speaker write- writer invent-inventor visit-visitor 二、形容词后加ly 变成相应的副词 direct-directly (直接地) polite-politely (有礼貌地) correct-correctly(正确的) eg Tom thinks people will h

15、elp him if he asks for help _ (polite ) 解析:空格处需用副词来修饰前面的动词asks ,故填politely3、加否定前缀组成反义词 A .dis-表示“分开;分离;不” likedislike agree-disagree B .in- (im- ,ir-)表示“不,无” possibleimpossible polite-impolite directindirect expensive-inexpensive C .un-表示“不,非” able-unable like(像)-unlike crowded-uncrowded happyunhappy healthy-unhealthy4、形容词转化为名词 important-importance convenient-convenience confident-confidence五、名词转化为形容词 safe-s

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