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3、ype:Date Obtained (or Expected)Field:/University:Country:Day Month Year9. Higher Education (Starting from the latest)Name of University / InstitutionLocationDegreeFieldCompletion Date (Month/Year)10. Previous Employment (Starting from the latest)Name of InstitutionPositionFrom to (Month/Year)11. Aca

4、demic Awards (Please indicate title, year and conferrer.)12.Research Field and Specialization13. Name of Proposed Host Researcher and Host InstitutionHost Researcher:Host Institution:14. Research project in CAS (up to 100 letters including spaces and symbols)15. Proposed Tenure of CAS Visiting Profe

5、ssorshipFrom:toTotal:Day Month Year Day Month Year Months16. Research Plan in CAS: Please include at least the following items:a. Present research relevant to proposed research plan b. Purpose of proposed research c. Proposed Plan d. Expected results and impacts17. Subject and Achievement of Past Re

6、search18. List of Major PublicationsAuthors (all,) Year Title, Journal, Vol, No., pp.- 19. Language Ability (5: excellent 1: poor)ReadingWritingHearingSpeakingEnglish5 4 3 2 1Chinese20. Past Stay(s) in CASPlace:Year:Purpose:21. Name(s) of other fellowship(s) for which you are now applying22. Mailing

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