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1、 give away泄露; give up放弃。2. Not only food and clothes but also some necessary equipment _ sent to the disaster-hit area since the powerful earthquake occurred. A. has been B. have beenC. is being D. are being【解析】选A。考查主谓一致。 自从强有力的地震发生后, 一些必要的设备、食物和衣物被送到了灾区。这里的谓语和就近的some necessary equipment一致, 所以用单数形式。

2、not only A but also B结构中谓语动词单复数和B一致。时间状语为since+一般过去时从句, 所以谓语动词要用完成时。【加固训练】Not only _ the activity _ public awareness of world hunger, but raised a lot of money for the poor children. A. /; has increased B. is; increasedC. has; increased D. /; 这次活动不仅增强了公众对世界饥饿的认识, 而且为贫穷的孩子募集了很多资金。not only. . . but(al

3、so). . . 不仅而且, not only置于句首时, 所在分句用部分倒装。3. (2015合肥模拟)What a pity! I missed The Voice of China last night. Dont worry. It _ again this weekend. A. broadcasts B. will be broadcastC. is broadcast D. will broadcast【解析】选B。考查动词的时态和语态。 多么遗憾啊! 我昨天晚上错过了中国好声音。别担心。这个周末还会重播的。根据语境和时间状语this weekend可知, 此处应用一般将来时的被

4、动语态, 故B项正确。4. She spoke very confidently because she wanted to make a great _ on her employer. A. influence B. effortC. impression D. effect 她非常自信地说话因为她想给雇主留下好的印象。make an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象; influence影响; effort努力; effect效果。5. Thomas was _ of having stolen a famous painting worth $100 million

5、by Da Vinci. A. accused B. charged C. punished D. scolded 托马斯被控告偷了达芬奇所画的一幅价值1亿美元的名画。四个选项中只有accuse和of搭配。accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人某事; charge sb. with sth. 指控某人某事; punish sb. for sth. 因某事而惩罚某人; scold sb. for sth. 因某事而责备某人。6. An interesting suggestion for measuring the atmosphere around Mars has been _ .

6、A. put back B. put offC. put up D. put forward【解析】选D。 有人已经提出一项测量火星周围大气层的饶有趣味的建议。put forward提出; put back放回原处; put off推迟; put up举起, 搭建。7. We were in the same primary school for six years but now his name _ me. A. escaped B. forgotC. left D. fled 我们在同一所小学上了六年, 但是现在我记不住他的名字了。escape被遗忘, 主语为物; forget忘记, 主

7、语为人; leave离开; flee逃离。8. (2015福州模拟)Black holes _ not be seen directly, so determining the number of them is a tough task. A. can B. should C. must D. needcan意为“能够”, 表示黑洞是不能直接被看见的。should意为“应该”, 表示因责任、必要、义务、道义、原则等方面的原因而应该做的事。must意为“必须”, 表示出于职责、义务该做某事或出于主观意识而必须要做某事。need意为“需要”。9. (2015衢州模拟)The weather in

8、 Quzhou is rather cold in winter, especially _ that in my hometown. A. having compared to B. comparing toC. compare to D. compared to 衢州的冬天是相当冷的, 尤其是把它和我的家乡的气候相比较的时候。根据题意可知, 句子的主语是weather, 与compare之间构成被动关系, 此处是过去分词作状语。10. The bus stop at my block corner is very _ , where I take a ride easily to scho

9、ol every morning. A. necessary B. comfortableC. convenient D. practical 我们街区拐角附近的公共汽车站很方便, 每天早晨我在那儿可以很容易坐车去上学。convenient方便到达的, 方便的; necessary必要的; comfortable舒服的; practical实用的。11. How did you find the London Eye during your visit to London as an exchange student? _ ! It impressed me very much. A. Reg

10、retting B. AmazingC. Frustrating D. Amusing 在你作为一个交换生参观伦敦期间, 你认为伦敦眼摩天轮怎么样? 非常棒! 它给我留下的印象非常深刻。A项为动词regret的现在分词; amazing惊人的, 很棒的, 了不起的; frustrating令人沮丧的; amusing有趣的, 引人发笑的。12. I can finish the work alone! I feel much more _ about myself and my abilities these days after training in this field. A. conf

11、ident B. energeticC. generous D. curious考查形容词辨析。 我能自己完成这项工作! 经过这方面的训练后, 这些天来我对自己和自己的能力更加自信了。confident自信的, 确信的, 符合句意。energetic精力充沛的; generous慷慨的, 大方的; curious好奇的, 均与题意不符。13. (2015无锡模拟)The pleasant weather _ our pleasure. We had a wonderful time during our holiday. A. added up to B. added inC. added u

12、p D. added to 怡人的天气增添了我们的乐趣。我们假期过得很愉快。add to增添; add up to总计达到; add in把包括在内; add up把加起来。14. (2015福州模拟)With the word“PM2. 5” _ appearing in media reports, people pay greater attention to it and seek health tips for hazy days. A. constantly B. instantlyC. rarely D. directly 随着“PM2. 5”这个词频繁出现在媒体的报道中, 人们

13、更加关注这个词, 并寻找应对雾霾天气的健康建议。constantly经常地, 不断地, 符合题意; instantly立刻; rarely罕见地; directly直接地。15. He has got the job because he has the advantage _ others of knowing many languages. A. against B. beyond C. over D. above 他得到了那份工作, 因为他懂很多语言, 比别人有优势。have the advantage over优于, 胜过, 占优势, 为固定短语。. 完形填空I hadnt even got a chance to enter the store before an African American woman approached me and asked if I would help her return an item(商品). The item she had1was intended for her daughter, but she had already received a2one. The lady3to exchange the

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