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高考英语 Modle1Unit2知识复习 苏教版Word下载.docx

1、as if之后除了连接从句外,还可接名词、动词不定式、形容词(短语)、介词短语和分词。这时,也可把其看作是从句中省略了与主句中相同的主语和从句中的谓语动词be而得来的。She hurriedly left the room as if angry.She stood at the door as if waiting for someone.She opened her lips as if to say something.1.She had a tense expression on her face, _ she were expecting trouble.A. even though

2、 B. as though C. now that D. in case2. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _. A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been broken3. The badly wounded soldier slowly opened his lips as if _ something.A. to say B. said C. he had said D. was saying4. The actor threw him

3、self from the horse, as if _.A. to be shot B. being shot C. shooting D. shot2.insist on sth. / doing sth“坚决要求;坚持某事或做某事”insist 作及物动词时,后跟that-clause, 从句中的动词形式因insist的意思不同而不同: (should) do / (should) be done“坚持应该干”(虚拟语气) (从句中用should 或省略should, 这时insist 可被order 代替)insist that 句中的动词用直陈语气,可根据需要选用任何时态。 (ins

4、ist“坚持某种观点,坚持说”;这时insist表示坚持一个事实,一个主张或想法,insist 可被say,think等动词代替)All of them insisted the murderer be sentenced to death. He insisted that his method was correct. 老师坚决要求我们在朗读课文上花一点功夫。(用insist that和insist on) _. _.1. It was no use trying to give explanations. They insisted _ the project ahead of time

5、.A. you to complete B. that you completedC. on your completing D. completing2. The woman asked for the money, but the man dressed in blue insisted that he _ his debts.A. should pay B. paid C. pays D. had paid3. The doctor insisted that Mrs White _ more exercise to keep fit, but Mrs White insistedtha

6、t she _ all right.A. do; was B. did; was C. do; be D. should do; should be3. suggest sth./doing sth.He suggested London for their meeting. 他建议在伦敦开会。He suggested her going to a science college. 他建议她上一所理科大学。 She suggested that a meeting be held to discuss it. 她提议召开会议讨论此事。 Her expression suggested that

7、 she was angry. 她的表情说明她在生气。It is suggested that 从句中同样用虚拟语气。It is suggested that some measures (should) be taken to protect the wildlife. 名词suggestion 后面的表语从句或同谓语从句中的谓语动词也需要用虚拟语气。My suggestion is that we should send a few students to help the other groups.What do you think of Li Leis suggestion that

8、we should put on a play at the English evening?校长建议把运动会推迟(put off)到下周。_.他看我的那种方式表明他不相信我的话。改错1.我建议运动会延期举行。I suggest to put the sports meet off. 2.他建议我们再一次游览长城。 误 He suggested us to visit the Great Wall again.3.他建议立即动工。He suggested that the work was started at once. 4.她那苍白的面孔,表明她身体很不健康。Her pale face s

9、uggested that she should be in bad health. Ex.1.The place he _ is quite far from here.A. suggested hold the meeting B. suggested to hold the meetingC. suggested holding the meeting D. suggested should hold the meeting2. How do you we go to Beijing for our holidays? I think wed better fly there. Its

10、much more comfortable. A. insist B. want C. suppose D. suggest3. _ has been suggested is that we _ there much earlier than planned.A. What; be B. That; will beC. It; should be D. Which; would be4. The smile on the old mans face suggested that he _ satisfied with the results.A. is B. should be C. was

11、 D. would be4.than expected意思是“比预期的,比预料的”There were more men who died in the air crash than reported.在飞机坠毁中死亡的人数比报道的多。expect vt.“期望,指望,期待;预期,预料” sth. to do sth.expect sb. to do sth. sth. from sb. that-clauseso./ not.We were expecting you at eight, but you didnt turn up. 我们预计你八点钟来的,但是你没有来。He is a sel

12、fish man. You cant expect too much from him.How can you expect to make progress if you dont work hard? 你不下苦功怎么能指望取得进步?I expect him to pass the college entrance exam. 我预料他会通过高考考试。- Will it rain tomorrow? “明天会不会下雨吗?”- I expect so (not). “我想是 (不是)。1.He came back _ later than _.A. much; expecting B. ver

13、y; expectedC. much; expected D. even; to be expected2. Does this meal cost $50? I _ something far better than this!A. prefer B. expect C. suggest D. suppose 3. Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls? Yes. They have better players, so I _ them to win. A. hope B. prefer C. expect D. want5.Eric runs in after it, followed by a dog, walking very slowly. 埃里克跑进起居室追足球,身后跟出一条大狗,走路慢吞吞的a. The manager came in, _ (follow) by the secretary, who was holding the files needed for the meetin

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