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1、7、Im going to see white tigers. 我打算去看白老虎。第二段:8、Oh no. 哦,不。9、We have been to the zoos in GuangZhou many times,Were going to the Six Banyan . 我们已经去过广州的动物园许多次了,我们去六榕寺吧。10、Temple.Were going to take photos, and all of us are going to have fun there.我们可以拍照,每个人都会在那里玩的很开心。11、Its boring too. 那也很无聊。12、Lets go

2、 to Baiyun Hill. We are going to watch birds there. 咱们去白云山吧。我们可以在那里看鸟。13、We can see more birds at the zoo than on Baiyun Hill.我们在动物园可以看到比白云山更多的鸟。14、Shall we go shopping in Xiajiu Road?我们去上下九路购物好吗?15、Then we can have dimsum at the famous Guangzhou Restaurant.然后我们可以去著名的广州餐馆吃点心。16、Good idea! 好主意!17、I w

3、ant to buy some new clothes. 我想去买一些新衣服。18、There are a lot of beautiful clothes there.那儿有许多漂亮的衣服。19、Great! 太棒了!20、I like Guangdong dimsum. Yummy,yummy!我喜欢广东点心,好吃,好吃!Unit 2 What Shall We Do? Dialogue第一段:1、What are you going to do on Thursday morning,Xiaoling? 小玲,星期四上午你打算做什么?Xiaoling:2、Mmmlet me see.嗯让

4、我想想。3、Im not going to do anything. 我没打算做什么。4、Why?为什么问这个问题?5、My family are going fishing. 我的家人要去钓鱼。6、Would you like to go with us?你愿意和我们一起去吗?7、Id love to, thanks a lot. 我愿意去,非常感谢。8、When are you going to start? 你们打算什么时候出发?9、We are going to leave our house at half past eight. 我们打算8:30从家里出发。10、Why dont

5、you come to our house at twenty past eight? 你为什么不在8:20来我家呢?11、Great! 太好了!12、Ill see you then! 那到时再见!第二段:Jiamin:13、Are you going to watch the football game on TV tomorrow evening, Ben? 本,明晚你打算在电视上看足球比赛吗?14、Yes, we are. 是的,我们打算看。15、Im going to watch it together with Mike and Yongxian.我打算和迈克、勇贤一起看。16、M

6、y family are watching a stupid film when the football game is on. 播足球比赛的时候我的家人要看很无聊的电影17、So I cant watch it. 所以我看不了。18、Why dont you come to my house to watch it? 你为什么不来我家里看呢?19、Were going to have dinner before the game. 比赛开始前我们会吃晚饭。20、You can eat with us too. 你也可以和我们一起吃。21、Thanks, Ben. 谢谢,本。22、Ill a

7、sk my parents.我要问问我的父母。第三段:23、Janet, do you want to play table tennis with me tonigh? 珍妮特,今晚你想和我大乒乓球吗?24、im sorry, I cant. 对不起,我不能去。25、Im going to do my homework.我打算做我的家庭作业。26、What about tomorrow night? 明天晚上怎么样?27、Im sorry, I cant. 对不起,我不能去。28、Im going swimming with my parents. 我打算和我的父母去游泳。29、What a

8、bout Saturday night? 星期六晚上怎么样?30、To tell you the truth, I dont like playing table tennis. 跟你说实话,我不喜欢打乒乓球。第四段:31、Im going to the cinema with Ben tonigh! 今晚我打算和本一起去看电影!Sally:32、What film are you going to see? 你们打算去看什么电影?33、The Lion King.狮子王34、Can I go with you? 我能和你们一起去吗?35、Yes, of course. 是的,当然可以。36、

9、But youd better assk your parents first. 但是你最好先问一下你的父母。Unit 4 I Know This City!Mr Chen:1、Boys and girls, look at this flag please. 孩子们,请看这面旗。2、What national flag is it? 他是哪个国家的国旗?3、Easy! 简单!4、Its the Chinese national flag. 他是中国的国旗。5、Good. 很好。6、Whats the capital of China? 中国的首都是什么?7、Thats easy too. 那

10、也简单。8、The capital of China is Beijing. 中国的首都是北京。9、Very good. 非常好。10、Look at these three flags. 看这三面国旗11、What national flags are they? 它们是哪个国家的国旗?12、Thats the national flag of the UK. 那是英国的国旗。13、The capital of the UK is London. 英国的首都是伦敦。14、That is the Italian national flag. 那是意大利的国旗。第三段;15、Whats the

11、capital city of Italy, do you know? 意大利的首都是什么,你知道吗?Yongxian:16、I know. Mr Chen. 我知道,陈老师17、Its Rome.是罗马。 18、And thats the French national flag. 那是法国的国旗19、The capital of France is Paris.法国的首都是巴黎。20、Excellent!太好了!21、What about this one? 这个呢?22、Thats the American national flag. 那是美国的国旗。23、New York is th

12、e capital of America. 纽约是美国的首都。24、No. 不对。25、The capital of the USA is Washington D.C New York is the biggest city of the USA. 美国的首都是华盛顿哥伦比亚区,纽约是美国最大的城市。26、Fantastic! 太棒了!27、Look at this flag. 看看这面旗。28、What flag is it, Janet? 珍妮特,它是什么旗?Janet;29、Its the national flag of Australia. 是澳大利亚的国旗。30、Whats the capital of Australia? 澳大利亚的首都是什么?31、Sydney.悉尼。32、No. 不对。33、Sydney is the largest city of Australia. 悉尼是澳大利亚最大的城市。34、The capital of Australia is Canberra. 澳大利亚的首都是堪培拉。Unit 5 Where Would They Lik

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