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高中英语配北师大版选修6Unit 16StoriesWord文档格式.docx

1、10hurt v. 伤害11bleed v. 流血12recover v. 痊愈;恢复13deadly adj. 致命的14suffer from 遭受;患病15fall ill 生病16build up 逐渐增强;建立17save ones life 救命18get hurt/injured 受伤19a balanced diet 平衡膳食20first aid 急救1The survey shows that the state of middle school students body quality has been getting worse, with more people h

2、aving the problem of being overweight.调查显示,中学生的身体素质一直在下降,更多的人体重超重了。2Some experts suggest that students should do sports for at least one hour a day.一些专家建议学生应该每天至少运动一个小时。3It will take him a long time to recover from the operation.要花很长时间他才能从手术中康复过来。(2017四川双流中学高三一模)假定你是李华,上周你校对“中学生的健康状况”进行了调查,发现学生身体素质逐

3、年下降,肥胖人数增多。请给美国朋友Peter写封信介绍该情况并询问美国学生的健康情况, 要点如下:调查结果;肥胖的原因(至少两条);专家建议。Dear Peter, Id like to tell you something about the survey conducted last week in our school about middle school students health in China.The survey shows that the state of middle school students body quality has been getting wor

4、se, with more people having the problem of being overweight. One reason is that they seldom do physical exercise. Another reason is that they dont do labor work like housework. Besides, they dont have a balanced diet. Some experts suggest that students should do sports for at least one hour a day an

5、d eat more fruits and vegetables and refuse junk foods. In the end, Id like to learn about the situation about that in your country.Looking forward to your reply. Yours,Li Hua1victim n 受害者2criteria n(pl.) (评判的)标准3architecture n. 建筑4authentic adj. 原作的,真正的5monument n. 纪念碑,纪念堂6sorrow n. 悲伤,难过7vivid adj

6、. 生动的,逼真的8hardship n. 艰苦,困苦9tease vt. 嘲笑,取笑10superb adj. 出色的,卓越的11former adj. 以前的12precious adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的13sweetness n. 甜蜜,温柔14tense adj. 紧张的15clumsy adj. 笨拙的;不得体的1abandon vt. 放弃,遗弃2witness v. 目击3tremble vi. 颤抖,发抖4loss n. 遗失,失去,丢失5awesome adj. 令人敬畏的6sympathy n. 同情7burst vi. 爆炸;冲,闯8specific adj. 详细的;特

7、定的9origin n. 起源,开端;出身10severe adj. 严重的;严厉的11stubborn adj. 倔强的,固执的12complex adj. 复杂的13breakthrough n. 突破,重大发现14uncertain adj. 不确定的15awkward adj. 笨拙的;令人不舒服的16gather vi. & vt. 聚集1preserve vt.保护,保存preservation n保护,保存2occur vi.发生occurrence n发生3particularly adv.特别地;特定地particular adj.特别的;特定的;特有的4significan

8、ce n重要性,意义significant adj.重要的,重大的;影响深远的5discourage vt.使泄气,使灰心discouraging adj.令人沮丧的discouraged adj.失去信心的discouragement n泄气encouragement n鼓励(反义词)6suffering n痛苦,困难suffer v遭受;患(某种病)7admirable adj.令人钦佩的,极佳的admire vt.佩服,称赞admiration n佩服,称赞8restriction n限制,约束restrict vt.限制,约束restricted adj.有限的,受限制的restric

9、tive adj.受限的9unbearable adj.不能忍受的bearable adj.可忍受的(反义词)bear v忍耐10eager adj.渴望的,热衷的eagerly adv.渴望地eagerness n渴望11expand v扩大,扩充expansion n扩大;膨胀12warmth n温暖warm adj.温暖的warmly adv.温暖地13abnormal adj.反常的,不正常的normal adj.正常的,通常的(反义词)normally adv.通常,一般14applaud vi. & vt.鼓掌applause n鼓掌15apparent adj.明显的,显而易见的

10、apparently adv.显然地 用所给词的适当形式填空1She is not rich, but she is particular about her clothes. She likes red coats particularly(particular)2Please give a warm welcome to our guests.If we say “Hello” to them warmly,they will sense the warmth from our smile.(warm)3The girl is eager to know something about t

11、he star.Now she is waiting eagerly outside the hall,from whose face we can see the eagerness(eager)4We should give the students much encouragement,for they will get discouraged when criticized too often.But now we should focus on discouraging them from smoking.(courage)5Its hard to try to work in su

12、ch a restricted space and the conditions restrict the childrens chances for play,so many people think life here is too restrictive(restrict)1come_into_view 出现2knock_sb.over 撞倒某人3once_upon_a_time 从前4block_out 堵住5in_a_way 从某种程度上说6on_ones_side 侧身7split_up (使)解散;决裂8name.after 以的名字给某人/某物命名9come_across 偶然

13、遇见,偶然发现10hold_up 支撑起;延误,推迟11count_on 依靠12figure_out 理解13end_up 以结束,以告终14put_up_with 容忍,忍受15in_particular 特别,尤其16refer_to 查阅;提到;涉及;提交17on_the_way_to 在去的路上18pay_rise 增加工资 选用上面的短语填空The other day I was walking in the street when I 1.came_across an old woman,who was lying on the ground.I came up to her a

14、nd 2.figured_out that she had lost her way.It seemed that she couldnt 3.put_up_with hunger,on such a cold morning 4.in_particular.She told me that she had no family and no person to 5.count_onI decided to help her,so I took her to my home.1as if引导表语从句Another man,lying on his side,looks as if he is trying to get up.【仿写】他在那里大声说着,他好像对世界上的事情无所不知。He is speaking loudly there and he looks as_if_he_knew_everything_in_the_world2now that“既然,由于”,引导原因状语从句Now that

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