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北师大版高中英语一轮复习讲练精品Part I 学案+作业 Unit 17Laughter学案Word文档格式.docx

1、7_n. 喜剧_n. 喜剧演员8_adj. 厌恶的_v讨厌;厌恶9_adj.深深的_n深度10_vt. 使恐惧_adj. 惊恐的;担惊受怕的重点短语1._out laughing 突然笑起来2._a cheque 兑现支票3turn sb _令人讨厌 4.play_四处游玩5_to 多亏;由于 6._into碰上;撞上7_of 不管;不顾 8.without _毫不延迟;毫不耽搁9make an _to do sth 试图做某事 10.result _ 导致;造成11have _ (in) doing sth 做某事有麻烦 12._ harmony with 与协调一致重点句式1.After_

2、being_seated at his table, Mr Bean takes out a card, writes a few words on it, seals it in an envelope and places it on the table.2If you think that Rowan Atkinson is anything like his famous creation, then you are_in_for a surprise.核心语法过去完成进行时自我校对重点单词:1amuse; amusement2.unbelievable; believable3.ha

3、rmony; harmonious4.identify; identification5.caution; cautious6tension; tenseedy; comedian8.disgusting; disgust9.deep; depth10.scare; scared重点短语:1burst2.cash3.off4.around5.thanks6.run7.regardless8.delay9.attempt10.in11.trouble / difficulty12.in1)The law was passed _ _ _ public pressure. 在公众压力下,该法规被通

4、过。2)His question failed to get a _ _ any of the students. 没有学生回答他提出的问题。【答案】1)in response to2)response from重点词汇探究1response n. 回答;反应;回应in response to 作为的回应respond v. 反应;回应;答复respond to 回复responsible adj. 负有责任的;应承担责任的;对负责的 (常与for连用)responsibility n. 义务;职责;责任;负责have / take responsibility for 对负责have the

5、 responsibility to do sth 有义务做某事(1)完成句子The product was developed _ _ _ customer demand. 这种产品是为了满足顾客的需要而开发的。【答案】in response to(2)名校押题(2010福建厦门普高毕业班模拟)“Sure, why not?” was his _ to all of Marks suggestions.AreasonBReflectionC.responseD.recommendation【答案与解析】C题意:“可以,为什么不呢?”就是他对马克的所有建议的回应。故选C项。2harmony n

6、. 协调;和谐harmonious adj. 和谐的;和睦的;一致的in harmony (with.) (和)一致/和睦/和谐out of harmony (with.) (和)不一致/不和睦/不和谐1)The _ of sea and sky makes a beautiful picture. 大海与蓝天之间的和谐构成了一幅美丽的图画。2)She has a natural sense of _. 她天生有种和谐感/协调能力。3)There can be no _ between two selfish people. 两个自私的人之间不可能和谐。4)The tribes there l

7、ive _ _ _ nature. 那儿的部落与自然和睦相处。5)Your suggestions are not _ _ _ the aims of the project. 你的建议与本项目的目标不一致。【答案】1)harmony2)harmony3)harmony4)in harmony with5)in harmony with(1)单项填空This red tie is not in _ with your newlybought shirt.AneedBdeedCharmony Dfit【答案与解析】Cin harmony with “与和谐相处;与相配”。(2010兰州一中高三第

8、一次月考)I went along thinking of nothing _, only looking at things around me.Ain particular Bin harmony Cin doubt Din brief【答案与解析】A题意:我行走时没有想什么特别的,只是环顾周围事物。in particular“特别”;in harmony“和睦;和谐”;in doubt“怀疑”;in brief“简而言之”。3delay v. & n. 耽搁;延迟delay doing sth 拖延做某事delay sth until.把推迟到without delay 毫不拖延1)_

9、_ would cause a lot of complication. 再耽误将造成许多困难。2)In practice, most planes either _ _ or arrive slightly ahead of schedule. 实际上,大多数飞机不是晚点,就是比时间表稍稍提前到达。【答案】1)Further delay2)are delayed1)I arrived late but luckily the meeting _ _ _. 我迟到了, 幸而会议也推迟了。2)We _ _ _ a traffic jam on the highway this morning.

10、今天早上我们给公路上交通阻塞耽搁了。3)Nothing could have saved him even if he had been tended _ _. 即使当时他得到了及时的救护,他的生命也无法挽救。【答案】1)had been delayed2)were delayed by3)without delay1)(2010江苏南通一模)John was late for the business meeting because his flight had been _ by a heavy storm.Akept Bstopped Cslowed Ddelayed【答案与解析】Dde

11、lay“耽搁;延迟”。题意为“John在商务会议时迟到了,因为暴风雨使他的航班延误了”。2)(2010山东济南高三统考)I dont mind _the choice on condition that it is not too late.Ayou to delay making Byour delaying making Cyour delaying to make Dyou delay to make【答案与解析】B考查mind doing 和delay doing的用法。4scared adj. 惊恐的;害怕的be scared of害怕be scared to do sth害怕干某事

12、be scared to death吓死be scared stiff吓得呆若木鸡scare vt. 恐吓;(使)受惊吓 vi. 受惊吓 scare sb away / off把某人吓跑scare sb into / out of sth (doing sth)吓得某人做/不敢做某事scary adj. 恐怖的;吓人的1)The thought of my exams next week _ me stiff. 我一想到下星期要考试就很紧张。2)They_ _ _ handing over the keys. 他们把他吓得交出了钥匙。3)His threats _ _ _ _carrying out the plan. 他的威胁迫使他们不敢实行该计划。4)They _ _ that the ship might be wrecked. 他们怕船失事。【答案】1)scares2)scared him into3)scared them out of4)are scared(1)用scare的适当形式填空1)The high price is_ _ possible buyers.2)Dont let the noise _ you; its

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