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1、3Ensure that lettering is appropriately sized should correspond to 8 or 9 pt when 指的字号大小。我们汉语里经常是五号字,四号字等。这是英文的要求。都在相同的栏下改。此杂志要求是 8、或 9 号字。4We ask authors to state all possible conflicts of interest,including financial and other relationships.If you are sure that there is no conflict of interest,ple

2、ase state this.You might like to look at an editorial in the British Medical Journal on Beyond conflict of interest(http:/ that sources of funding should be acknowledged in your paper.本编辑部提请所有文稿作者注明一切可能的“利益冲突”(conflicts of interests).包括(作者研究科题的)资金来源及其它(关连)关系.尚若作者确信无利益冲突,请明确注明“无利益冲突”(No conflicts of

3、interests).请注意:作者应在文稿中注明课题资金来源关于基金资助有的杂志是在利益冲突中申明(包括每个基金是谁的,都要写清)。有的是在致谢中写,不包括在利益冲突条款中。5Submission items include a cover letter(Authors are highly encouraged to include a list of 5-6 potential reviewers for their manuscript,with complete contact information),the manuscript(including title page,abstr

4、act,manuscript text,references,and table/figure legends),tables,and figures.就是你相关研究领域内的一些比较有名的专家,你可以推荐他们帮你审稿,编辑有可能会从中选择,但也可能会另外选。要把推荐的人的详细地址,邮箱,全部写上,以方便编辑和他们联系审稿的事情 6Manuscripts should be written in clear,concise form and sent to the Director,Three copies of the manuscripts must be written in Englis

5、h and double-spaced throughout.论文要写得思路清晰,整洁精悍,并寄给 the Director,需要三份拷贝,必须用英文书写并双倍行距。7Each table should be titled,appropriately numbered and typed on a separate sheet.Units of measurement should be indicated and all abbreviations defined.每个表格都必须有标题,并有适当的编号。表格必须另起一页。测量单位和简称必须有说明。8All the illustrations(

6、graphs,drawings and photographs)should be referred to in the text as Figures.These should be good quality glossy photographs(or original India-ink drawings).所有的图必须按照文中出现顺利标记编号,图片必须有高的分辨率(原始图片的扫描或者原稿的黑墨画)9Since graphs are generally reduced in size to 8.5 cm,numbers,letters and symbols are to be origi

7、nally large enough so that,when reduced,they will remain at least 2 mm high to maintain legibility.To avoid reduction,photographs width should generally not exceed 8.5 cm.When necessary,photographs can be arranged to form a plate of the maximum size of 17 cm(width)x 18 cm(height).Legends to figures

8、should be typed on a separate sheet.一般图片的大小会 8.5 厘米,所以当中的数字,字母和标记要稍微大点。图片宽度不会超过 8.5 厘米。如果一定需要,图片可以增至最大 17 cm(width)x 18 cm(height)。图片的解释说明文要另起一页。10Reprints should be ordered when returning the revised proofs and will be charged to the Authors.翻印应该在修回定稿之后,作者须付 Money。11Authors can submit their article

9、s electronically via the“Author Gateway”page of this journal(http:/ system automatically converts source files to a single Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the article,which is used in the peer-review process.Please note that even though manuscript source files are converted to PDF at submission for the

10、 review process,these source files are needed for further processing after acceptance.可以通过网络在线投稿,并且投稿系统能把源文档自动转成 PDF.12Alternatively authors can submit by sending three hard copies of the manuscript and matching disk or e-mail directly to an editor who is an expert in the field of work being submitt

11、ed.作者可以直接寄稿给该领域专家的编辑.如果通过 Email 投给专家编辑,不必同时发 3 copies。13The Publisher welcomes the receipt of an electronic version of your accepted manuscript(preferably encoded in LATEX).If there is not already a copy of this(on diskette)with the journal Editor at the time the manuscript is being refereed,you wil

12、l be asked to send a file with the text of the accepted manuscript directly to the Publisher by e-mail or on diskette to the address given below.If the electronic file is suitable for processing by the Publisher,the article will be published without rekeying the full text.The article should be encod

13、ed in LATEX,preferably using the Elsevier document class elsart,or alternatively the standard document class article or the document style re-vtex.评审阶段的稿件不一定用 LATEX 生成,但是录用后稿件一定用 LATEX 生成,稿子确定能被接收后,要重新上传一个 latex 生成的稿子。14The Title page should include(1)a short and informative full article title(serie

14、s titles are not accepted);(2)names of all authors(with one forename in full for each author),followed by their affiliations(department,institution,city with postcode,country);(3)the mailing address,fax and phone number and e-mail address of the corresponding author;(4)a running title of 50 characte

15、rs or less.就是一个高度概括的标题.一般来说文章的题目很长,但是 running title 要求字数限制,主要用于文章每页最上方.起页眉作用,一般控制在一行之内.如果你的题目不长,就可以直接用TITLE 作为 RUNNING TITLE。15Please enter any additional comments that you would like to send to the editorial office.These comments do not appear in your manuscript.主要指其他的一些可能有助于文章发表的内容,类似于cover letter内容.比如文章的特色,意义,等等,也可以包括回避审稿人,文章被谁谁或公司修改过等等.可检索本版内容.16Teaching Cases:“Teaching Cases”are p

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