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1、 In Kansas, America, there are no towns or buildings within miles. So instead of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distance. For example, people will say, Go north two miles _. People in Greece sometimes do not even try to give directions. They will often say, Follow me. _ Sometimes if

2、a person doesnt know the answer to your question, he or she, like a New Yorker, might say, Sorry, I have no idea. But in Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers I dont know. _ They usually give an answer, but often a wrong one. A visitor can often get lost in Yucatan!_ You might not understand a persons wor

3、ds, but maybe you can understand his or her body language. He or she will usually point to the correct direction. Go on in that direction and you may find the post office!A. Turn east, and then go another mile.B. But one thing will help you everywhere.C. People there think t know. is not polite.D. T

4、urn left at a big hotel and go past a fruit market.E. Then he or she will take you through the streets of the city to the post office.F. Sorry, I dont know, Im a stranger here.【答案】 D;AECB【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了外出时如何问路指路。(1)根据其前一句“Go straight down to the corner.沿着中心广场直走”及其后一句“The post office is across

5、from the bus stop.邮局从公交车站穿过”,结合选项,故选D。(2)根据其前一句“Go north two miles 向北两英里。”抓住关键词“mile”,故选A。(3)根据其前一句 Follow me.跟着我,然后他(她)会带着你穿过城市街道到达邮局。故选E。(4)根据其前一句“no one answers .没人回答:我不知道。”抓住关键句“I dont know”,故选C。(5)根据其后一句“You might not understand a persons words, but maybe you can understand his or her body lang

6、uage. ”可知,你也许不理解一个人的话语,但是或许你可以理解他的肢体语言。“故选B。【点评】做好此类题目的要领:1.通览全文,领会大意,揣摩话题。解题时应先跳出空格通览全文,了解对话大意,根据对大意的把握,判定语境,揣摩话题。2.根据语境,细读选项,选择答案。在把握话题和语境的基础上,针对每一空白处,细读所提供的选项,认真分析它们之间的异同,依据有关情景内容,选择正确的答案。3.通盘考虑,前后联想,先易后难。从整体出发,依据上下问答逻辑关系来选择。先解决有把握的,简单的,再回头补选较难的。4.通读全文,义形结合,验证答案。所选答案不仅语义上要符合语境,而且要保证语言正确,做到说话得体。2陈

7、琳准备在学校外语文化节上介绍巧克力脆饼(chocolate crunchies)的制作方法。请你帮她从A-E中选择相应的图片,填入各个步骤中,完成PPT演示文稿。Ingredients200g dark chocolate 50g butter4 spoons of cornflakes (玉米片) 50g honeyInstructions_ Step1. Break the dark chocolate into small pieces. Put them into a saucepan._ Step2. Add the butter and honey (sugar is also O

8、K)._ Step3. Heat gently until the mixture is smooth. Stir (搅动) the mixture while it is heating. Do not let the mixture boil._ Step4. Take the saucepan off the heat and wait for 5 minutes.Add the cornflakes to the mixture. Mix it well._ Step 5. Spoon the mixture into paper cake cups. Put the cups wit

9、h chocolate crunchies into the fridge. Leave them for six hours to set.A. B. C. D. E. 【答案】 C;E;A;D;B 3阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的方框中所给的 A、B、C、D、E、F、G七个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能选一次,选项中有两项为多余选项。 Fires do happen. If there is a fire, you might not have much time to decide what to do. Being prepared and knowing wha

10、t to do early can save your life. _Your family should practice this gettingout plan._If you have such a meeting place outside, you can quickly make sure that everyone is out of the house. You should also remember that smoke is usually far more dangerous than the fire. A person can die after just a f

11、ew minutes in a smoke filled room._ Finally, before you open any doors, always feel the door lock first. If the door lock is hot, fire must be on the other side of the door._You will have to find another way out. These are simple suggestions._.A. Your family should also have a meeting place outside.

12、B. The most important thing is to have a getting-out plan.C. Since smoke rises, stay low to the floor.D. Go upstairs to the top of the building.E. If you can remember them, you will be much safer in a fire.F. Do not open it!G. Can you use water to put out the fire?【答案】 B;C;F;E 【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述发生火灾时,应

13、如何自救的一些方法。 A. Your family should also have a meeting place outside.你的家庭也应该在外面有一个聚会的地方。 B. The most important thing is to have a gettingout plan.最重要事情就是有一个逃生计划。 C. Since smoke rises, stay low to the floor.由于烟雾上升,保持低到地面。 D.Go upstairs to the top of the building.上楼到楼顶上去。 E.If you can remember them, you

14、 will be much safer in a fire.如果你记住了它们,你在火灾中就会更安全。 F.Do not open it!不要打开它! G.Can you use water to put out the fire?你可以用水扑灭火灾。 (1)根据后句Your family should practice this getting-out plan你的家人应该演练一下这个逃生计划,可知结合选项,应说最重要的是要有一个逃生计划,故选B。 (2)根据后句If you have such a meeting place outside, you can quickly make sure that everyone is o

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