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1、由题意可知是过去进行的动作,并且在过去完成没有继续进行下去,所以是过去完成时,所以选B。考点:考查过去完成时2The girl, when _ why she _ in the exam, just lowered her head and kept silent.Aquestioned; was cheatedBbeing questioned; was cheatingCquestioned; had cheatedDbeing questioned; has cheated【答案】C考查非谓语动词。当被问到为什么在考试中作弊中,小女孩子低头不语。When引导的是是时间状语从句,与girl

2、 之间是被动关系,所以用done形式,作弊没有被动语态,故选C项。3By the time he arrived in Beijing, we _ there for two days.Awill have stayed Bstay Chave been staying Dhad stayed【答案】D考查时态。by the time用完成时态,根据arrive用过去时态,故用过去完成时,表动作先于发生。选D。4-Whats wrong with your cell phone? I cant get through.- Oh, my line was cut off because I _

3、my bill.Ahavent paid Bhadnt paid Cwasnt paying Ddont pay本题考查时态。根据“我的线路被切断了”是过去发生的事情,而应为我没有付我的账单是在“我的线路被切断了”之前,故用过去完成时。选B。5It was not until 3 days later that the boy came back to life and explained to the police what_ to him.Awas happening Bwas to happen Chad happened Dhas happened句意为:两个星期后,那个男孩才苏醒过来

4、,向警方解释到底发生了什么事。happen发生在explain之前,是“过去的过去”,用过去完成时。6By the time Jack returned home from England, his son. from college.Agraduated Bhas graduatedChad been Dhad graduated考查动词时态,By the time 截止到过去某时间为止做了某事,用过去完成时态。 A是一般过去时;B是现在完成时;C是过去完成进行时。根据句子意思“截止到Jack从英国返家,他的儿子已经大学毕业了。7The battery in my cell phone is

5、 running low.I that last night before we went to bed.Awas noticing Bhave noticed Cwould notice Dhad noticed根据“我昨晚注意到”是在“我们上床睡觉”之前,故用过去的完成时had noticed,选D .8 The boy _ loudly because he _ his way in the jungle and thought he couldnt go back home.Ahad cried; lost Bhas cried; has lostCcried; had lost Dc

6、ried;考查动词时态。因为在从中中迷路认为不能回家所以小男孩大声地哭起来。迷路这个动作发生在大哭之前,故用过去完成时,故选C项。9Father _ for London on business upon my arrival, so I didnt see him.Ahas left Bleft Chad left Dwas leaving分析句子,由于后半句用的是一般过去式,故根据意思可知前半句的事是发生在后半句之前,故用过去完成时,故选C。父亲在我回来之前已经去出差了,所以我没有见到他。10I was surprised to find the snack shops around th

7、e school empty; the students everything!Ahad been buying Bhad boughtChave bought Dhave been buying考查时态辨析。根据句意是过去某一时间之前已经完成的事情,故采用过去完成时。我惊讶地发现学校周围的零食店都已经空了;学生们买完了所有的东西。根据句意可以判断,故选B。考查时态辨析11Hardly _ when she _ someone knocking at the door.Adid she sit, heard Bdid she sit, had heardChad she sat, had he

8、ard Dhad she sat, heard考查倒装句和时态。本句中放在句首的副词hardly,是一个表示否定含义的副词,放在句首谓语动词要使用部分倒装的形式。且hardly.when.意为“一.就.”,主句的动作发生在从句之前,时态要保持一致。她一坐下来就听见有人敲门。故D正确。【名师点睛】请先看一道题:a. I _ seen such a good harvest!b. _ I seen such a good harvest.A. have never, Never have B. never have, Have neverC. have never, Have never D. n

9、ever have, Never have此题应选A。这里考查的是否定词置于句首,句子用部分倒装的问题。一般说来,以下否定词位于句首,句子要用倒装(部分倒装-用一般问句的形式):seldom, never, little, few, hardly, not, not until, in vain, in no way, by no means, on no account, no longer 等。如:Never does he come late. 他从不迟到。Little did he know that the police were after him. 他一点也不知道警察在找他。By

10、 no means shall I go there again. 我决不会再去那儿了。Hardly had he arrived at the station when the train began to leave. 他一到车站,火车就开动了。Few students did they see in the classroom. 他们在教室没看到几个学生。Not a word did I ever say to him. 我从未对他说过一句话。Not until all the fish in the river died did the villagers realize how se

11、rious the pollution was.直到河里的鱼全死了,村民们才意识到污染是多么严重。考查倒装句和时态12-I will never forget when we met the famous writer-Neither will I. He_ some goods and was at the checkout of a supermarket.Ahad selected Bhas selectedCwas selecting Dselected【答案】A本题描述的是过去发生的事情,另挑选好物品是发生在在收银台等待这个行为之前,应用过去完成时表示过去的过去,句意:我永远忘不了我

12、们遇见那位著名的作家。我也是。他那时是挑好物品之后在超市的收银台。故选A考查时态13 The hotel wasnt particularly good. But I _ in many worse hotels.Awas staying Bstayed Cwould stay Dhad stayed试题分析:这家旅馆不是特别好。但是我住过很多更差的旅馆。从句意可知动词stay是发生在说话之前,是表示“过去的过去”,用过去完成时,答案选D。14They became friends again that day. Until then they _to each other for nearl

13、y two years.Adidnt speak Bhadnt spokenChavent spoken Dhavent been speaking考查时态:他们在那天又成为了好朋友,直到那时他们已经近两年没有说话了。从They became friends again that day.可知他们两年没有说话是到那天为止发,属于过去的过去的动作,用过去完成时,选B。15I didnt get into the two-hour quarrel; I know how it _, though.Awould break out Bhas broken out Cwas breaking out Dhad broken out【分析】【详解】我没有卷入两个小时的争吵,但是我知道它是如何爆发的。根据句意,吵架是过去的事情,它发生应该是过去的过去,所以用过去完成时。故选D。16Mary went to the box office at lunch time, but all the tickets _ out.Awould sell Bhad sold Chave sold Dw

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