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1、第一部分:单词单选( 满分10分)1. Its my _ to be invited here and give you a speech.A. participate B. privilege C. previous D. privacy2. The Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations _ Chinese cultural traditions.A. reflect B. refer C. reduce D. refresh3. It is important that students develop an _ of valuing parents love.

2、A. award B. avoid C. available D. awareness4. You are bound to achieving your _ if you try your best.A. abandon B. adapt C. ambition D. appreciation5. Well do a lot for the elderly, cleaning their rooms and _ them, which will make them delighted. A. accompanied B. declared C. encouraged D. accused6.

3、 She lay in bed, _ at the last leaf on the tree.A. glancing B. glaring C. staring D. seeing7. You need a password to get/have _ to the computer system.A. Absence B. anxiety C. attend D. access8. There was a time when I was _ to playing computer game. A. addicted B. adapted C. adjustable D. approval9

4、. Blue is my _ colour.A. fiction B. festival C.fluent D. favourite 10. Your watch will be repaired free if it is under _.A. generation B. graduation C. guarantee D. gym第2部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A.A gunman killed two members of a televi

5、sion news crew in the United States earlier this week. Their TV station broadcast the shooting“live”in real time.The shooting shocked many Americans and people around the world.The United States has the highest rate of civilian firearm ownership in the world.One US teenager wants to help prevent suc

6、h attacks. Kai Kloepfer lives in Boulder, Colorado.He has a talent for technology. He has been teaching himself engineering skills since he was a child. Hearing of so many gun attacks, he decided to use his skills to help prevent mass shootings.The young mans goal was to make a gun that would not wo

7、rk in the hands of a killer. But he knew it would be impossible for him to stop dangerous people from buying guns. So he changed direction. He decided to create a gun designed to prevent accidental shootings. The gun Kai Kloepfer designed only works when unlocked by the fingerprint of the owner, and

8、 not by anyone else. The gun only recognizes the touch of its owner.It took the teenager seven months and over 1,500 hours to create a plastic model of his smart gun. He entered his fingerprint handgun in a local science fair and won. His award included a financial prize. He received $50,000. The mo

9、ney is to support improvement in gun safety.Kai Kloepfer is now 18 years old. He has been using the grant money to improve the technology. He says the weapon he designed doesnt change the function of a firearm at all. It just makes it safer. He is now working to add the fingerprint lock technology t

10、o a real gun. He says he expects to one day see his“smart gun”for sale next to other firearms.The young man plans to spend the next year improving his fingerprint handgun. Then he will start college at one of the worlds top universities -the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.11. Why does Kai Klo

11、epfer try to invent the gun?A. To prevent people from buying guns. B. To protect peoples lives.C.To limit functions of a gun. D. To reduce power of a gun.12. The gun created by Kai Kloepfer is controlled by the owners fingerprint to _.A. keep it convenient to use B. make it safe to carry

12、tect its owner from harm D. avoid being used by others13. How is the progress of Kai Kloepfers gun invention?A. It is being shown in a fair. B. It is under further research.C.It will soon come into the market. D. It needs designing once again.14. Whats Kai Kloepfers wish for his fingerprint gun?A. I

13、t will bring enough money for him. B. It will replace traditional guns.C.It can be sold on the market. D. It can help forbid the use of guns. B.15. According to the survey, people left alone on a desert island would most want their _. A. Mp3 player B. dog C. spouse/partner D. celebrity16. Which of t

14、he following is true about George Clooney?A. He has been trained in wilderness survival.B. He may not be able to help you survive.C. He does not think Roseane is beautiful.D. He is the choice of most South African women.17. The survey results are analyzed in terms of the respondents _A. sex, age and

15、 nationality B. race, nationality and sexC. marriage, age and race D. age, sex and marriage C.Exercise is good for us. It reduces the risks of dying from all causes, including cancer and heart disease,according to the World Health Organization. But many people who work all week have little time for exercise. So, they might try to do something to increase their heart rates over the weekend - go for a long run, take a bike ride, hike in the mountains or do a chore around th

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