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1、Will you be free this evening? 今天晚上有空吗?I think he will tell us the truth(真相)。 我想他会告诉我们真实情况的。(2) be going to + 动词原形。表示已经计划或安排好了的事情,也可表示有迹象表明肯定要发生的事情。We are going to have a meeting to discuss (讨论)the matter this evening. 今天晚上开会讨论这件事情。Look at the black clouds over there. I think it is going to rain soo

2、n. 看一看那边的乌云,我想天要下雨了。There is going to be an English evening this week. 本周要举行一个英语晚会。 (3) be +现在分词。这个句型中动词主要是瞬间动词:come, go, leave, arrive, begin, start, stop, close, open, die, join, borrow, buy等。Go ahead, and Im coming. 走前面一点吧,我就来。The dog is dying. 那条狗要死了。Hurry up. The shop is closing. 快点,商店就要关门了。(4)

3、 一般现在时。表示一种严格按照计划进行的动作。比方说,上课、飞机起飞、火车离站等。Dont hurry. The meeting starts at a quarter past eight. 不要匆忙,回忆八点过一刻开始。The bus goes back at four thirty. 汽车四点返回。巩固练习:一、用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Li Lei tells me he _(visit)the Great Wall(长城)this weekend.2.My mother _(buy)me a pair of new trousers tomorrow.3.She says she

4、_(leave)soon.4.We _(go) skating if it doesnt rain next Sunday.5.There _(be)an English evening next week.6.Think over, and you _(get)a good idea.7._Jim _(have)a picnic next Monday?-No, he _.8.I _(miss)you after you leave here.9.Who _(teach)you English next year10.He _ (be) back in three hours.11.Look

5、 at these clouds. It _ (rain).二、改错:每处划线中有错误,在题后改正He will sing anddancesfor us tomorrow.Are you going to swim? -Yes, Iwill.He will help Jim with his Englishevery day.Will her sistersingsa song for me tomorrow?Theywillntplant trees next week.Are they going toplaysbasketball tomorrow?Willwe go to visit

6、 the factory tomorrow?Paulwill be going tomake dumplings for Emma.Are the boys going to the Great Wall next month? -Yes, they三、句型转换:Jimis going to play footballtomorrow.Marywill clean the windowsnext week.否定句:_ _一般疑问句:_ _两回答:_特殊疑问句:_四、选择题 ( )1. Are you going to _ our English team? Yes, I am. A. take

7、 part in B. join C. took part in D. joined( )2. Xu Xia and her teammates are _ the USA next week. A. leaving for B. leave for C. leave D. left( )3. There _ an English party in our class next week. A. is going to have B. is going to beC. will have D. Have( ) 4. If it _ tomorrow, we will go to the par

8、k. A. isnt rain B. dont rain C. doesnt rain D. wont rain( )5. There _ a football match next week. Shall we go and watch it? A. will have B. has C. have D. will be “Would you mind doing”句型透视 mind用作动词时,习惯后接动名词(短语)作宾语,而不接动词不定式,常用于Would you mind doing?句型中,具体用法是:1. “Would you mind doing?”句型常用于表示请求,意思是“请你

9、做你是否介意?、请你做好吗?”,是一种比较客气的表达方式。Would you mind turning off the light in the room?请你把房间里的灯关掉好吗?如果要表示“请你不要做你是否介意?、请你不要做好吗?”,只需要在doing前面加上not.如:Would you mind not standing in front of me?请你不要站在我的前面好吗?2. 如果同意,表示不介意时,可用如下用语来表达:Certainly/Of course not./Not at all./No, not at all; 如果不同意,表示介意时,常用“Sorry/Im sorr

10、y.”(对不起)及陈述某种理由来表示拒绝或反对。Would you mind going to the movies this evening?今晚去看电影好吗?Im sorry. But I havent finished my homework yet.对不起,我的作业还没有完成。学习时还要注意:1.“Would you mind doing?”句型中的would也可用do代替,但语气较生硬,不如用would客气。2.“Would you mind doing?”句型中的逻辑主语只能是谈话的对方you.如果想要对方允许自己做某事,可用“Would you mind my doing?”句型

11、,如:Would you mind my smoking here?你介意我在这里吸烟吗?巩固练习:一、用下面提供的短语完成句子。1. help me wash my clothesWould you mind _?2. give her a cup of teaWould you mind _?3. help him mend his carDo you have _?4. walk on the roadWould you mind _ on the road?二、选择题( )1. Would you mind _ us in the game? Not at all. A. joining B. join C. join in D. joining in( )2. Would you like to climb mountains with me this Sunday? Id love to. But I _ play table tennis against Class Three. A. am going B. am going to C. am D. going to( )3. Would you mind _here?

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