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1、_.(本文的主旨)There are upsetting(如文章不是讽刺性的,就把upsetting删除) parallels today in our contemporary community,and an acquaintance of mine may serve as a good example._.(用一句话或者两句话来举例)Another telling example is my fomer colleague,who_.(另外一个例子,如果字数够就不用再举) 第三段: Much can be done. To begain with the schools and the

2、 mass media should develop noble and worthy values and qualities among people,doing their utmost to awaken people of the growing threat of this worsening situation.(of this worsening situation自己可以换成主旨的句子,如果不换,这样也可以。如文章不是讽刺性的,就把worsening删除)What is more,the authorities (当局)should play a dominant role

3、in taking nationwide actions to curb(如文章不是讽刺性的,就把curb换成promote) such practices.In conclusion ,all the society should actively more sustained(持续) and concerted (一致)offorts.Although we still have a long way to go ,a promising start has bagun,and a happy,healthy and harmonious(和谐) society may be not be

4、 far benind.注意事项:1不要写题目2要看清楚图画是一副还是两副,单数还是复数3看清楚是卡通还是普通图画卡通cartoon 也可以用以下几个picture image drawing illustration图画Photo 也可以用以下几个picture image photograph 刘晓艳作文模板-2015(2015-06-19 15:23:40)标签:摘录杂谈 分类:外语-编以前学过的,重复下:Dear sirmadam, Thank you in advance for your attention to this letter and Im writing to pres

5、entmy complaintinquiryapology concerning sth. that Theres an array of factors contributing to this.For one thing,For another,.There are a host of aspects Ill offer here Id be most grateful if you can reply me at your earliest convenience and anyfavorable considerations will be greatly appreciated.Yo

6、urs sincerely,Li Ming2007商志作文模板(2007-02-02 21:33:58) 分类:考研大作文(单号版)(讽刺类型) What a compelling and thought-provoking drawing it is!As is vividly presented inthe interesting and instructive cartoon above,in contrast,.What on earth doesthe drawer really attempt to convey? Simple as the image is,the implic

7、ations mirrored are apparently far-reaching.Initially,such a phenomenon as reavealed in the picture has aroused wide-spread social concern.Nowhere in the history has the issue ofbeen talked so muchas in our society today.In the second place,the painting reveals an upsetting storyand similar events h

8、appened and happening are heard or reported in nearly all aspectsin our life.Additionally,the painter intends to convince us that a package deal ofprograms should be initiated to reverse the grim situation-launching a nationwideeducation campaign,setting up relevant laws and regulations,and the list

9、 goes on. To conclude,it is high time that much importance were attached to such cases.And itis imperative actions be taken to curb such practices.There is reason to believe thatas long as all the society,the authorities and the mass media and individualsinvolved,make concerted effort to strive hard

10、,such upsetting stories will ultimatelyterminated or at least reduced.如果是多个漫画,要改成复数。如果是非讽刺的,第2段里的Additionally,到后面都删除,改成Lets come to an exampleconcerning an acquaintance of mine,which serves well as a good example to the point第3段的curb改为ensure最后一句such upsetting全删除,改为we can maintain a happy,healthy and

11、 harmonioussociety as we all wish.漫画作文类第一段:1、How/what thought-provoking the above cartoon/picture is!2、As is vividly presented in the drawing.。As can be seen from the drawing,。.第二段:1、what is the symbolic meaning of the drawing?或者what on earth can we learn from the drawing?2、it is far beyond any reas

12、onable about that what the drawer really intends to convey is far reaching /profound.3、by depicting this image, the drawer attempts to expose/convince us/advocate that4、the picture reveals a serious problem in(方面),and more and more similar events happened and happening are heard or reported in our s

13、ociety as well as life.5、to make the point event clear . lets come to an example concerning.第三段:3 www。oh/ov。com/teach/student/shougong/1、judging from all evidence offered above ,we may come to the conclusion/conclude that it is high time +虚拟语气的从句 (we took effective measures to/ we enhanced the aware

14、ness of the people to tread the better/ much importance were attached to this kind of phenomenon)2、what we should do now is to根本不知道3、only in this way, I do believe, can we live-in a harmonious society.“漂亮女生”号称全国连锁店,相信他们有统一的进货渠道。店内到处贴着“10元以下任选”,价格便宜到令人心动。但是转念一想,发夹2.8元,发圈4.8元,皮夹子9.8元,好像和平日讨价还价杀来的心理价位也差不多,只不过把一只20元的发夹还到5元实在辛苦,现

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