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1、s website ( ) . Central bank Governor Zhou Xiao chuan is concerned that cash from a record trade surplus is stoking excess investment, raising the risk of accelerating inflation and boom-and-bust cycles in asset prices. Zhou has resisted calls from Europe and the US to let the Yuan strengthen at a f

2、aster pace, making Chinas exports more expensive.The central bank said, said in a statement posted on its website, that this interest rates adjustment will be conducive to the rational growth of credit and investment; conducive to maintaining a stable price level; conducive to the steady operation o

3、f the financial system; conducive to the balanced economic growth and structural optimization, and conducive to promoting sound and fast growth of the national economy. The data released in the past week suggests that the economy is not actually slowing and that the government is becoming quite conc

4、erned that the economy is disproportionally driven by investment and production, Glenn Maguire, chief Asia economist at Societe Generale SA in Hong Kong, said. The central bank will probably raise interest rates again two more times this year, Maguire said. Fixed-asset investment in urban areas clim

5、bed 23.4 percent in the first two months, down from 24.5 percent for all of 2006. China still must act to slow investment, Ma Kai, head of the National Development and Reform Commission, the countrys top planning body, said last week.中国提高利率是为了减缓通货膨胀的压力为了努力控制世界发展最快的大国经济的通货膨胀和经济泡沫,中国人民银行即中央银行,从星期日(3月1

6、8日)开始在11个月中第三次提高储蓄和借款利率。据银行( )报道, 一年期的贷款利率将从至6.39, 一年期的存款利率将从至2.97。中央银行行长周晓川担心,创记录的贸易顺差带来的资金加剧了已经过度的投资,从而使中国面临着加速通货膨胀和经济繁荣与萧条之交替循环的更大危机。周晓川一直抵抗着欧洲和美国政府的要求,以更快的步伐增大人民币的价值,以使中国的出口商品更加昂贵。据其上的发布,中央银行表示这次的利率调整将有益于信贷和投资的发展,有益于保持平稳的物价水平,有益于财政体系的稳定运转,有益于平衡的经济增长和结构优化,有益于国民经济健全和快速地增长。“过去一周发布的资料显示,实际上国民经济考试大并没

7、有减慢。政府现在已经非常重视由于投资和生产带来的不平衡经济,”一位重要的亚洲经济学家Glenn Maguire,在XX召开的Societe Generale SA会议上说,“中央银行可能在本年内再度两次提高利率。”国家最高计划部门即国家发展改革委员会的领导人马凯上周谈到,城区固定资产的投资在最初两个月升高了23.4%,之后的整个2006年从24.5%回落。中国仍必须采取行动减缓投资Trade Surplus Chinas economy, the worlds fourth largest, expanded at the fastest pace in 11 years in 2006. T

8、he central bank raised interest rates in April and August and last month ordered banks to set aside more money as reserves for the fifth time in eight months to rein in the money supply. The trade surplus surged nine-fold in February from a year earlier to $23.76 billion, the second highest on recor

9、d. Money supply grew 17.8 percent, the most in six months. Inflation accelerated to 2.7 percent from 2.2 percent in January. Record overseas sales pump cash into Chinas financial system, raising the risk of property and stock bubbles. The trade surplus in 2006 was $177.5 billion. Chinese stocks have

10、 touched record highs this year and also had the steepest decline in a decade. Growth in urban fixed-asset investment declined to 24.5 percent for all of 2006 from 31.3 percent for the first six months. Still, the slowing of loans and spending is “not stable,“ Ma cautioned in January. Chinas economy

11、 expanded 10.7 percent last year. Gross domestic product increased 10.4 percent in the fourth quarter, slower than the previous three months and down from the second quarters decade high of 11.5 percent. 贸易顺差 位于世界第四的中国经济,在2006年,以11年来最快的速度扩X。中心银行在四月和八月两次提高利率,又在上月即八个月以来的第五次,要求银行留出更多的资金作为储备金,以此来控制货币供给。

12、 在二月份,贸易顺差高达237亿6百万美金,是去年同期的9倍,创有史以来的第二高记录。货币供给量曾长了17.8%,为六个月以来的最高。通货膨胀的增长率从一月份的2.2% 增加到2.7%。创记录的海外销售给中国金融系统带来了巨大的资金,加大了地产和股票的泡沫危机。2006年的贸易顺差达1775亿美金。中国股票市场已经达到了今年的创记录的最高点,也经历了十年中的最斜的走低。在整个2006年,城区固定资产投资增长率从前六个月的31.3%下降到24.5%。尽管如此,贷款和消费的缓慢仍是“不稳定的”,马凯在一月份的时候告诫说。去年中国的经济增加了10.7%。国产品总量的增长从第二个季度的11.5%,即十

13、年中的最高点开始下降。第四个季度的增长率为10.4%, 低于前三个月的增长。第三十篇 金融体制改革中国金融体制的改革目标是建立符合中国特色社会主义市场经济的现代金融体系、现代金融制度和良好的金融秩序。这包括有计划分步骤地进行中国人民银行管理体制和国有商业银行、中国人民保险(集团)公司的商业化改革;发展城市商业银行等地方性金融机构,建立健全多类型、多层次的金融机构体系;按金融企业的基本属性建立各项经营管理制度,要求所有金融企业依法自主经营,严禁任何部门和个人干预金融企业的业务,同时要求金融业承担经营责任风险;进一步完善金融法律体系,依法整顿和规X金融秩序;切实加强金融机构内部自律控制机制;建立市

14、场经济条件下的金融监管制度,在国有全国性金融业成立监事会等等。The reform of Chinas financial system aims at establishing a modern financial system with a sound financial order, a system that agrees with a Chinese-type socialist market economy. Efforts will be made to reform the management system of the Peoples Bank of China and turn state-owned commercial banks and the Peoples Insurance Co. of China into full-fledged commercial entities in a planned and step-by-step manner, develop urban commercial banks and other local f

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