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1、菊花、茉莉花茶Scented Tea: Chrysanthermum Tea, Jasmine Tea皇帝,品尝茶王大红袍。Dahongpao is dedicated to emperor in Qing dynasty. Emperor Qianlong had written a poem for Dahongpao: there is nothing better than Wuyi Tea both quality and taste.第二道:喜遇知己Process 2 Observation先请大家欣赏茶叶。在山清水秀的良好环境中,生产的大红袍品质优良。历代爱茶的皇帝,都为大红袍的

2、知音。希望各位嘉宾也能像各代皇帝一样,成为它的知己。First of all, lets look into the tea-leaf. With an excellent living condition, it is no need to worry about its quality. In all ages, every tea-lover-emperor is a bosom friend of Dahongpao. We wish you; our dear customers, will also be a bosom friend of Dahongpao, like the

3、emperors.第三道:温暖茶壶Process 3 Warm the teapot明代有位制作紫砂壶的名师时大彬,他制作的紫砂壶贵逾黄金,被后人叹为观止,所以我们常把紫砂壶称为“大彬壶”。泡茶前先温热茶壶。In Ming dynasty, there was a professor who was good at making purple clay teapot called Shi dabin. The purple clay teapot he made was more precious than gold, and was honored by the world. Consequ

4、ently, we usually call purple clay teapot as “Da Bin Pot”. Please warm the teapot before making a cup of tea.第四道:茶王入宫殿Process 4 King in the Palace即把大红袍请入茶壶。Put Dahongpao tea-leaf into teapot第五道:高山流水Process 5 Lofty Mountains and Flowing River倾注的热水,如武夷山的瀑布在鸣奏着大自然的乐章,希望这高山流水能激起您心中的共鸣。The pouring hot wa

5、ter sounds like that the Wuy i Mountain waterfall playing the music of nature. We hope that it will rise your resonance.第六道:乌龙入海Process 6 Oolong goes into the sea大红袍属于乌龙茶类,其汤色是橙黄色,我们把茶汤出,称为“乌龙入海”。In Chinese saying, long means dragon. Dahongpao belong to Oolong, the colour of Dahongpao is orange. We

6、filtrate the tea, call it Oolong goes into the sea. 第七道:一帘幽梦Process 7 Sweet Dreams第二次冲入开水后,茶与水在壶中相融合。这时,还要继续在壶外浇淋开水,以便让茶释放出茶味。这种神秘的感觉,正如一帘幽梦。After a second-time brew up, tea leaf and water fuse together. At this time, we still need to pour boiling water outside the teapot to release the taste of tea

7、leaf. This makes us feel like Sweet dreams.第八道:美汤移入壶中Process 8 Transfer into another teapot冲泡时,避免大红袍在壶中长时间保留,因为这样会使茶水苦涩。我们把泡好的茶倒入公道壶称之为“玉液移壶”。When brewing up, the taste will get bitter if the tealeaf being soaked for a long time. We will put the tea into another teapot.第九道:精华均分Process 9 Share将茶水均匀分到

8、杯中,使每杯浓淡相同称精华均分,也代表茶道中众生平等的精神。Pour out the tea averagely. This represents the spirit of all creature are created equal by God.第十道:奉献茶王Process 10 Give out即把冲泡好的大红袍奉给各位。请品茶。Deliver the tea to guests.第十一道:鉴赏双色Process 11 observe the color大红袍的茶汤清澈艳丽,表面呈现油亮的光圈,可鉴赏这由浅到深的颜色。The colour of Dahongpao is limpid

9、, from light to dark.第十二道:细闻天香Process 12 Smell大红袍的茶香突出、持久,像梅花,如兰花,甜润又温馨。多种香型巧妙地混合在一起,飘散空中,变化无穷,被茶人称之为“天香”。The scent of Dahongpao is prominent as well as lasting, somewhat like plum blossom, somewhat like orchid.第十三道: 细品奇茗Process 13 Taste茶在中国,不但是一种礼仪,更是一种哲理。有诗言:红红炭火清清水,满座茶香四海情。我们将一杯香茗奉给各位,以表示茶人的热情,愿各

10、位细细品尝大红袍,感受浓浓的中国情。In China, tea not only stands for etiquette, more like philosophy. Lets pick up the cup and enjoy the Dahongpao, taste the tea, taste the chinese.乌龙(铁观音)茶艺Oolong(Tieh-Kuan-Yin) tea ceremony主持:欢迎各位来宾能在百忙之中抽空参加我们的茶艺品鉴活动!今天为我们带来精彩茶艺表演的是高级茶艺师罗方。Presider: Welcom to our tea tasting event

11、! Today, Luo Fang, the advanced tea master, will give us a wonderful performance. Lets welcome our tea master.请大家 和我分享茶艺的快乐,功夫茶艺共有 十 道程序,下面为各位一一演示。LF: Thank you. Its my honor to share the happiness of tea ceremony with you all. There are ten programs about Kong Fu Tea and I will present them to you

12、one by one.第一道:孔雀开屏,观赏美叶First: Like a peacock, appreciating beautiful tea leaves孔雀开屏:指孔雀在展示美丽的羽毛,这里我们也向大家一一介绍功夫茶茶具:茶盘;这是宜兴制作的紫砂壶,紫砂壶一向为爱茶人士所喜爱,它色泽光润,具有良好的吸水性,长期冲泡会留有茶香,外部也更润滑。公道壶,用来均匀茶汤,茶先倒入公道壶再分给来宾,可便每杯浓淡相同,体现中国茶艺对来宾共等对待,无分贵贱;这是闻茶香用的闻杯;这是品茶用的品杯。茶匙,用于量取茶叶;茶夹,用于夹杯;茶漏,可防止茶叶撒落;茶向导,拨取茶叶;茶针,这是疏通壶嘴用的。茶罐,用

13、于存放茶叶;茶荷花,用于装茶叶以供观看外形。现在我们用茶匙把茶叶放入茶荷中。观赏美叶:请大家观赏茶叶的外形色泽。它颜色墨绿、外形紧结。Peacock: It refers to a peacock showing its beautiful feather. Here, I would like to introduce the tea set of Kong Fu Tea to you. Tea tray: This is a ceramic tea pot made in Yixing. Ceramic tea pots have always been favored by those

14、who love tea, with the bright and bloom color and good water absorptivity. Besides, the tea aroma will stay in the pot after a long time of making tea. Whats more, the external part of the pot will be more smooth than before.Fair pot: It is used to make the tea ingredient. First, put the tea into th

15、e Fair pot and then distribute it to guests, so that the guests can drink neither too weak nor too strong tea, which shows that Chinese Tea Ceremony is respectful to every guest. This is When cup used to smell the tea, and this is Pin Cup used to taste the tea.Teaspoon is used to measure the amount of tea; Tea folder is used to cramp the tea cup; Tea strainers is to prevent tea spilled; Tea Wizard is used to take tea; Tea

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