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1、SALESMAN: What SiZeSiZe five .Lady:SaIeSman: %rhat COIOUrBIaCk Lady: In SOrry. We haven, t any.BUt my SiSter bought this Pair IaSt month .Lady: Did She buy them hereNo, She bought them in the Lady:t any,We had SOme ShOeS Iike those a month ago, but We havenSalesman:now Lady: Can you get a Pair for m

2、e PleaSet They Were in fashion IaSt year and m afraid that I CanISaIeSman: the year before IaSt re not in fashion this year .But they TheSe ShOeS are in fashion now .Sdlesman:Lady: They IOOk Very UnCOnlfOrtabIe.They are Very UnCOnlfOrtabIe BUt WOmen always Wear SaIeSman:UnCOnlfOrtabIe shoes!.LeSSOn7

3、7 TerribIe toothacheNurse:GOOd morning, Mr. CrOftGOOd morning, nurse I Want to See the dentist, PIeaSe Mr. CrOft: Nurse: HaVe you an appointment (有预约吗)Mr. Croft: , t No, I havenNurse: IS it UrgentMr. CrOft: S Very Urgent I feel awful. I have a Yes, it is It terrible toothacheth Nurse: Can you COme a

4、t 10 am On MOndayJ APriI 24Mr CrOft: I must See the dentist now, nurseat you COme 2:00 NUrSe: Very The dentist is busy at the moment Can PMMr Croft:That, t the dentist See me now S Very late. Can, t you Wdit till m afraid that he Cant , Mr. CrOft Can Nurse: this afternoon t ! I Can wait, but my toot

5、hache CanMr Croft:LeSSOn79 Peggy, S ShOPPing-IiSt Tom: %rhat are you doing, Peggy Peggy: m making a ShOPPing-IiStJ TOnl Tom:%rhat do We needPeggy:We need a IOt Of things this Week.Peggy: I must go to the grocer, S We haven, t got much tea Or coffee,and We haven, t got any SUgar Or jam.Tom:Whdt about

6、 VegetabIeSt got many tomatoes,s. We haven, Peggy: I must go to the greengrocer Ve got a IOt Of POtatOeS but we, t,meat We havensome We s, butcheto must I Peggy: go the r, too. need got any meat at all. HaVe We got any beer and WineTOm:m not going to get any!, t And Peggy: No, We haven I hope that y

7、ou, Ve got SOme moneyPeggy: I haven, t got much,t got much either! WelIj I havenLeSSOn81 ROaSt beef and POtatOJohn: HUlIOl Peggy! Wheres TOlnPeggy: He, S UPStairS He S having a bath Tom! YeS JOhn, S hereITom: , In nearly ready. Tom: Hullo, JOhn. HaVe a Cigarette John: NO thanks, Tom. HaVe a glass Of

8、 WhiSky then. John: ThankSIS dinner ready, PeggyPeggy: It S nearly ready. We Can have dinner at SeVen o, CIOCk JOhn and I had IUnCh together today. We Went to a restaurant Peggy: %rhat did you have We had roast beef and POtatOeS Oh!t, Tom: S the matter, Peggyha to nigh t! again POtatOeS and beef roa

9、st have to going re ,youPeggy: Well,LeSSOn83 GOing On a holiday Peggy: HUlIOJ JOhn. COme in. re having IUnChDO you Want to have IUnCh With , HUlIOj JOhn. WeTom:USVe already had IUnCh I had IUnCh at half No thank you, TOnl IJOhr1: PaSt twelve Peggy: HaVe a CUP Of COffee then. Ve just had a cup, thank

10、 you. I had One after my IUnCh,IJohn: Let, S go into the IiVing-room, Peggy. We Can have OUr COffee there .Peggy: EXCUSe the mess, JOhn. ThiS room, S Very Untidy. WerePaCkingOUr SUitCaSeS We, re going to IeaVe tomorrow. TOm and I are going to have a holiday. Aren, t you lucky!When are you going to h

11、ave a holiday, JOhn I don,t know. Ive already had my holiday this year Where did you go I Stayed at home!LeSSOn85 PariS in the SPringGeorge: HUlIOJ Ken.Ken: HUlIo, GeOrgeHaVe you just been to the Cinema George:Yes, I have Ken:S OnWhat, UPariS in the SPringKen:Ve already Seen it. I SaW it On a televi

12、sion PrOgramme,George: Oh, I , IaSt year It S an Old film, but its Very good Ken: PariS is a beautiful City I have never been there HaVe you ever been there, Ken Ken: Yes,I have I WdS there in APri1. George: PariS in the spring, ehIt WaS spring, but the Weather WaS awful It rained all theKen:time Ge

13、Orge: JUSt Iike dear Old LOndOn!LeSSOn87 A Car CraSh Mr Wood: IS my Car ready yet I donAttendant: t know, Sir Whats the IiCenSe number Of your Car S LFZ 312 G t, IMr Wood: Attendant: When did you bring it to USMr. Wood: I bought it hear three days ago.Attendant: Ah yes, I remember now. HaVe your mechanics finished yet No, they, re StilI WOrking On it. Let, S go into

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