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上海牛津版八年级下册Unit4 Newspapers 同步讲义 解析版.docx

1、上海牛津版八年级下册Unit4 Newspapers 同步讲义 解析版 上海牛津版八年级下册同步讲义Unit 4 Newspapers单词听写publish v. 出版,发行publishing n. 出版业,发行业publisher n. 出版人,发行人 editor n. 编辑edit v. 编辑elect v. 选举election n. 选举experience n. 经历/经验experienced adj. 有经验的,经验丰富的brief adj. 简短的briefly adv. 简短地decision n. 决定decide v. 决定free adj. 自由的freedom n

2、. 自由conclude v. 结束conclusion n. 结论arrange v. 安排arrangement n. 安排agree v. 同意agreement n. 协议,合同cooker n. 厨具cook n. 厨师typewriter n. 打字机typist n. 打字员choose v. 选择choice n. 选择一、词汇Words 1.publish v. 出版 e.g. This company publishes childrens books. 这个公司出版儿童书籍。 The book was published in 1988. 这本书是1988年出版的。【知识

3、拓展】 publishing adj. 出版的;出版业的e.g. a publishing house出版社2. hold v. 举行 e.g. A debate will be held in the school hall tomorrow afternoon. 明天下午学校礼堂将举行辩论会。 The Motor Show is usually held in October. 汽车展览会通常在十月份举行。3. headmaster n. 男校长 e.g. Cai Yuanpei was the headmaster of Beijing University. 蔡元培曾是北大的校长。注:

4、在讲到这个单词的时候老师可以补充下构词法,这里是典型的合成法,例如此类的单词我们学过合成名词spaceship, afternoon, highway. 合成形容词hard-working, 合成副词anywhere, however, 合成代词anyone, anybody4. elect v. 选举;推选 e.g. The government is made up of men and women elected by the people of the country. 政府是由这个国家的人民选出的人员组成的。【知识拓展】 election n. 选举e.g. Tom is stand

5、ing for election. We elect him chairman of the club. 汤姆是候选人,我们选他为俱乐部主席。5. chief adj.主要的 e.g. Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces. 稻子是大多数南方省份的主要作物。 The President of the US is the chief executive of the country. 美国总统是美国的最高行政长官。6. editor n. 编辑;编者 e.g. She is a fashion editor. 她是一名时装栏编辑。【知

6、识拓展】 edit v. 编辑;校订e.g. He is editing a Shakespeare play for use in schools. 他正在编辑一部莎土比亚剧本供学校使用。7. experience n.(1) 经历e.g. Please tell us your experiences in America. 请你告诉我们你在美国的经历。(2) 经验e.g. My father is a man of rich experience. 我爸爸是一个经验丰富的人。注:这个单词一定要和学生讲解清楚在做经历时候是可数名词,在做经验的时候是不可数名词。让学生比较例句,以及试比较ma

7、ny experiences和much experience。【知识拓展】 experienced adj. 有经验的;经验丰富的;老练的;熟练的e.g. She is experienced in looking after children. 她有照料孩子的经验。8. vote v. 投票选举 e.g. Vote for Johnson-the peoples friend! 请投约翰逊一票他是人民的朋友!【知识拓展】 vote v. 投票选择e. g. secret vote不记名投票 I gave my vote to Mr Wang. 我投王先生的票。 He won the elec

8、tion because he got most votes. 他选举获胜了,因为他得到了大多数的选票。9. suggestion n. 建议e.g. We ordered the shrimp, a suggestion of the waiter.听取服务员的建议,我们点了虾。 He made the suggestion that we go by train. 他建议我们坐火车去。【常用搭配】 at/on ones suggestion根据某人的建议make/offer a suggestion提议;建议注:表示建议的我们还学过advice注意区分:suggestion为可数名词,而s

9、uggestion为不可数名词。注意动词的搭配:advise sb to do sth.以及suggest doing sth.10. free adj.免费的e.g. Anyone who buys this breakfast food gets a free gift of a fine greeting card. 购买这份早餐的人都可得到一张免费的精美贺卡。【知识拓展】 freedom n. 自由 freely adv. 自由地e.g. The prisoner has no freedom in the jail. He cant walk freely there, 囚犯在狱中没

10、有自由。他不可以随便走动。11. consider v. 考虑,认为e.g. I am considering going abroad. 我正在考虑出国。 We consider that the driver is not to blame. 我们认为这不是司机的过错。指点迷津:consider(as), regardas与treatas这三个词组都含“认为是”的意思。(1) consider侧重“经过考虑而认为”,表示一种比较客观的看法。e.g. I consider what he said (as) reasonable. 我认为他说的有道理。(2) regard指“把认为,把看作”

11、,表示以外部形象得出认识或个人的主观认识。e. g. He was regarded as the foremost authority on chemistry. 他被认为是化学最高权威。(3) treat表示在某种认识的基础上看待或对待,重在行动,而不在认识。e. g. They will not be treated as enemies. 他们不会被当作敌人对待。12. briefly adv.简要地e.g. Id like to comment very briefly on that last statement. 我想就最后一句简要地谈谈我的看法。 Briefly, you ar

12、e fired. 一句话,你被解雇了。 【知识拓展】 brief adj. 简短的;短暂的 e. g. a cold and brief welcome冷淡而简短的欢迎make a brief visit作短暂的访问13. decision n. 决心;决定e.g. Have they reached a decision yet? 他们是否已有所决定? She could not make a decision about the dress. 她对(买不买)这件裙子下不了决心。 【常用搭配】 come to/arrive at/ reach a decision作出决定 give a de

13、cision for/against判决对有利不利make a decision作出决定;下决心 注:decision的动词形式为decide 注意搭配形式为decide to do sth.14. conclude v. 结束;决定 e. g. To conclude, I wish you all good health and a long life. 最后,祝大家健康长寿。 The doctor concluded that the patients disease was cancer. 医生断定病人患的是癌症。【知识拓展】 conclusion n. 结束,结论 e.g. I fo

14、und the conclusion of her story very exciting. 我觉得她那故事的结尾很激动人心。二、Daily expressions. 日常表达1. take charge of负责 e.g. Mr Smith will take charge of our class next term. 下学期史密斯先生将负责我们班。 You take charge of making the salad.=Youre in charge of making the salad. 你负责做沙拉。 charge n. 主管 v. 使承担(任务、责任)【常用搭配】 take c

15、harge of负责,看管 under the charge of在看管(负责)之下 in charge of负责 e.g. The chief engineer was in charge of directing the building of the subway. 主要工程师负责指导地铁的建造工程。 This ward is in/ under the charge of Dr Green. 这间病房是由格林大夫负责的。 Dont forget to charge the money of the shoes to my account. 别忘了把鞋钱记在我账上。注:在讲到take charge of 词组时,老师要告诉学生注意对于句型转换中,同义句的转换,它就相当于be in charge of 以及be responsible for。2. talkover详细讨论;详谈e.g. We should talk it over among ourselves. 我们应该详细讨论一下。3. make a decision作出决定e.g. We talked

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