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1、以o结尾的,只有tomato和potato是加-es,其余的都加-s,如:photo- radio- kilo- zero- zoo-特殊情况:man- woman- policeman- Englishman- Frenchman- 但:German- child- foot- tooth- 单、复同形:Chinese- Japanese- sheep-形式上是单数,实际上表复数概念:people,police 如:The people / police are working hard.有两种形式的:fish作“鱼”时,可数,其复数是 fish或fishes作“鱼肉”时,不可数。 复合名词

2、的复数形式:man player-men players , woman doctor-women doctors , apple tree-apple trees 4、不可数名词:无复数形式,不能与a /an或数词连用,必须用a cup of , a piece of , a pair of , some , much , so much , too much , little , a little , a lot of , lots of等表数量。much work, a little money, two bags of rice 注:一条裤子 a pair of trousers is

3、 The trousers are 一双袜子/鞋子 a pair of socks / shoes is My new shoes are 一副眼镜 a pair of glasses is 数杯橘子汁 glasses of oranges 数张纸 pieces of paper 如果这些短语中需要用形容词,形容词应该放在冠词后。 a full bottle of milk ten big pieces of paper 如果of 短语后的名词为可数名词时,必须用复数。 a bag of books a basket of apples a box of pens 5、名词的所有格:单数名词的

4、所有格:加 s the students book 以s结尾的单词, 加 James book复数名词的所有格:以s结尾的, 加 the students books a few years time twenty minutes walk不以结尾的,加 s childrens dolls mens shoes以and连接的:共同拥有,共同一个 s Lily and Lucys father is 分别拥有,每个名词后加 s Li Leis and Jims fathers无生命名词的所有格:表时间、距离、重量、世界、国家、城镇等的加s 或 s an hours walk , ten minu

5、tes talk , Chinas capital , (in) todays newspaper worlds population 用of短语。(语序与汉语不一致) a picture of my family , the classroom of our school , teachers of Class 1双重所有格:a friend of my brothers a new photo of minean old friend of Kates some flowers of hersthe name of her cat 表“在办公室”“在店/家”的名词所有格后面的名词常省去:a

6、t the doctors in Uncle Wangs in the teachers二、代词:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词 第一人称第二人称 第三人称单数复数单、复一样人称主格Iweyouhe /she / itthey代词宾格meushim / her / itthem物主形容词性物主代词myouryourhis / her / itstheir名词性物主代词mineoursyourshis / hers / itstheirs反身myselfourselvesyourselfhimselfthemselvesyourselvesherself / itself注:1)主格作主语,放在句

7、首。如果主语是几个并列代词时,You最前,I最后(你在前,我在后)。You, he and I are 但在表抱歉的句子中,I放在前,如:Sorry, I and Li Lei broke the glasses. 2)宾格作宾语,放在动词、介词后。放在动、副短语的之间。These are your things. Please put them away.3)形容词性物主代词后必须加名词。4)名词性物主代词后不能加名词,但相当于形容词性物主代词+名词。my book = mine his book = his her book = hers5)反身代词于动词、介词后作宾语。She teach

8、es herself English. She learns English by herself. 于句末加强语气,“亲自”。Youll see it yourself. 于主语后作同位语。He himself did it. 于固定短语中。enjoy oneself=have a good time=play happily be alone = all by oneself teach oneself sth. = learn sth. (all) by oneself leave sb. by oneself help oneself to sth. 指示代词:近指 this 复the

9、se 远指 that 复those1)打电话时用this 代替自己,that 代替对方。Hello! This is . Is that speaking?2)that / those可以用来代替前面提到过的人或物。This story is more interesting than that one.疑问代词、连接代词、关系代词:指人:who(主语) whom(宾语) whose(谁的) 指物:what whos(谁是) 指人/物:which1)The bag on the desk is Lucys. Whose is the bag on the desk?Lucys bag is o

10、n the desk. Whose bag is on the desk?2)What也可对人的职业、身份提问:What do you do? = What are you? What does she do? = What is she? 3)对某人的身高胖瘦提问用What:He is thin and tall. What is he like?不定代词:some 用于肯定句和表请求、征求意见的疑问句,如:Could you give me some? Would you like some? Why dont you give him some?any 用于否定句、疑问句、条件句,如:I

11、f you have any question to ask, you will call me. something / somebody / someone anything / anybody / anyone用法类似。 onethe other (一个另一个) 两者中一个,另一个onethe others(一个其余的) 多数中的一个,余下的全部 somethe others (一些其余的) 一些,余下的全部someothers (一些另一些)一些,余下的中的一部分another (另一个,又一个) 一个一个地连接,后+名单或few/数字+名复,如:another cake anothe

12、r two cakes = two more cakes1)the other和other后可加名词 2)the others和others后不加名词 3)the other / the others表特定范围内除去一部分后余下的全部。 4)other / others 表除去一部分后的另一些,但不是余下的全部。each强调个体,+名单(谓动:单) 两个或两个以上的每一个。each of +名复(谓动:单) Each woman has a book. = Each of the women has a book,every强调整体,+名单(谓动:单)三个或三个以上的每一个Every boy

13、likes 但Every of 1)Each of us has a room. = We have a room each. 2)each other 两者互相,于动词后,如:help each other understand each other each other的所有格each others,如:They filled each others stockings with presents.P.33)当each放在主语后时,谓动(复),如: We each have a book on the desk.4)one each 每人一个 both两者都否:neither两者都不+名单 Neither sentence is right. all 三者以上全都否:none三者以上全都不 both o

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