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1、难点:1.take up 、take away、take off 等关于take短语的意义; 2.“to”做介词的用法注意事项。【学法指导】1.正确反复朗读词汇,注意发音、变形及用法。2.重点单词自行造句,体会用法。【教学过程】一、导入二、深入学习及迁移运用1.impression n. C印象;感想;印记(P17) What was your first impression of London?你对伦敦的第一印象是什么? She made a good impression on his mother.她给他母亲留下了很好的印象。I was under the impression tha

2、t you hadnt visited the city before, was I right?我以为你以前不曾到过该市,对不对?My father impressed on me the value of hard work.我父亲让我记住努力工作的重要性。用impress的适当形式填空1I was very _ with her performance.2I had a very good _ of him. She always wears a gentle and warm smile, which is _.2.take up拿起;接受;开始从事;继续;占去(时间或空间)【原句】I

3、 still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year.(P17)我还是无法相信我是在接受去年获得的这个奖励。He took up the telephone receiver and began to dial.他拿起电话听筒开始拨号码。I put the telephone down and took up my work again.我放下电话继续干我的活。She always tries to help her mother with housework even though going to

4、 school takes up most of her day.尽管上学用去了她的大部分时间,她总是尽力帮助妈妈做家务。The table takes up too much room.这张桌子占的地方太大。At first they took him for a foreigner.开始他们把他当成了外国人。She took over his work after his departure.他离开以后,她接替了他的工作。根据句意写出下列各句中take up短语的意义1Important people dont often have much free time as their work

5、 takes up all their time.( )2He took up the book and hurried to the classroom.( )3When does the new manager take up his duties? ( )4I think Ill take up oil painting in my spare time.( )3.previous adj.在前的;早先的【原句】This is similar to the “jet lag” you get from flying, but it seems you keep getting flash

6、backs from your previous time period.(P17) 这就与你乘坐飞机会产生时差反应相似,但不同的是,在你脑子里似乎会不断地闪现以前的时光。I had already visited Italy on a previous holiday.在早先一次休假中,我访问过意大利。Previous to that, we had traveled by car to Paris.在那之前,我们坐车去了巴黎。思考并列举与介词to连用表示比较的形容词还有哪些?【思考提示】 be superior to 比好be inferior to 比差be senior to 比年长b

7、e junior to 比年轻 完成句子1 _, I worked in London.来此之前,我在伦敦工作。He said he had arrived _.他说他是在前一天夜里到达的。4.surroundings n.周围的事物;环境【原句】At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.(P18)开始的时候,新的环境让我难以忍受。Animals in a zoo are not living in their natural surroundings.动物园里的动物不是生活在自然环境之中。He likes to surro

8、und himself by beautiful surroundings.他喜欢生活在美丽的环境中。The old-fashioned house is surrounded with many beautiful trees, and it, together with its surrounding lake, creates very beautiful surroundings.这座老式房子被很多漂亮的树包围着,它及它附近的湖泊共同营造了非常美的环境。选词填空(circumstances/setting/surroundings/environment)An unhappy home

9、 _ can affect a childs behaviour.2The government of this country is trying hard to improve its financial _.3It took me a few weeks to get used to the new _ .The play has its _ in the beautiful cityVienna.Unit 3Life in the future教学案第二课时 使用时间:2015年9月 22 日1. press、adjust的变形及短语在句中的用法; 2.“sight”短语的意义及用法1

10、.lack of 、lack for 等关于take短语的意义; 2.“sight”短语的识记及常见句型。复习上节课中重点单词短语的用法5.tolerate vt.忍受,容忍,包容;容许;能经受(困难条件)(P18) I cant tolerate his rudeness.我不能容忍他的粗鲁行为。The school cannot tolerate cheating on exam.学校不容许作弊。 cant/couldnt tolerate sth./doing sth.意为:不能容忍, 思考并列举类似用法及意义的结构。cant/couldnt stand /bear sth./doing

11、 sth.不能容忍 1The teacher _ in the class.老师不容许在课堂上吃东西。 The government _ but not taking drugs.该政府允许吸烟, 但不允许吸毒。 Few plants will_ in temperature.很少有植物能经受住气温的突然变化。6.lack vi .& vt .缺乏;没有(不用于被动语态) n.缺乏;短缺的东西【原句】Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached.(P18)由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。We lack neither food nor clothing to

12、day.如今, 我们不愁吃, 不缺穿。Lack of time prevented me from writing to you.由于没有时间, 我没能给你写信。I promise that you will lack nothing when you attend college.我答应你使你上大学时样样齐备。The room is lacking in colour.这间房缺乏色彩。The project was hung up for lack of funds.由于缺少资金, 这项工程被搁置下来。More and more high-rise buildings have been b

13、uilt in big cities _ space. 2010福建,27A. in search of B. in place ofC. for lack of D. for fear of 7.adjustment n.调整,调节;适应【原句】Just as I tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situation, Wang Ping appeared.(P18)当我正在努力做必要的调整来适应新环境时,王平出现了。They decided to make adjustments to the plan.他们决定调整一下计划。I soon adjusted to my new work.我很快便适应了新工作。句型转换1Watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed acc

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