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1、wasrm in win ter. So the air is very clea n. The people in Qin gdao are very frie ndl青岛是个 美丽的城市。它有好气候。夏天凉爽冬天暖和。所以空气干净。青岛人很友 好。Besides blue sea,Qingdao is famous for seafood and Qingdao beer.I like my hometown very much.除了大海外,青岛因为海鲜和青岛啤酒而出名。我非常喜 欢我的家乡。2.Please say somethi ng about yourself介 绍你自己(a)Yo

2、ur name,age,rank,working experiences,hobbies名字,年龄,职务,工作经历,爱好(b)Your daily work. 日 常工作(c)Your spare time activities业余时间活动 Myname is Li Lin. I m 20 years old. I m a sailor. I have obaerednfowroarkyinegaro.In blike playing basketball.My daily work is to keep bridge watch or steer the wheel whenthe ship

3、 is at sea.When the ship is alongside the wharf,I ll keep the gangIn my spare time, I d like to listen我的名字是李林。我 20岁。我是一个 水手。我在船上工作一年。我喜欢打篮球。我的日常工作是当船舶在海上驾驶 台值班或操舵。当船舶靠码头时,我将舷梯值班。此外,我经常做一些其他工 作,比如除锈,油漆,清扫甲板等等。业余时间,我喜欢听音乐。3.Please say somethi ng about your family请介绍一下你的家庭(a)Members of your family 家庭成员

4、(b)Their occupati on s职业(c)Their hobbies and characteristics 爱好和特点There are 3 members in my family, my father, my mother and I. My father is aworker. He is forty-five years old. My mother is a teacher. She is forty-four years old.I am a sailor. My parents are very kind to me. They are willing to hel

5、p others. They both like to listen to music .我家有三口人,父亲,母亲和我。我的父亲是一 个工人。他 45 岁。我的母亲是教师。她是 44 岁。我是个水手。我的父母对我 很好。他们乐于帮助别人。他们都喜欢听音乐。4.Your favorite port you have called at.你最喜欢的挂靠港(a)A simple introduction of the port 港口的简单介绍(b)Reas ons why you like it 你为什么喜欢它(c)A nything special about it.特别之处My favorite

6、 port is Qingdao. It s a coastalcity in east China. There are8millionpeople in this city.我最喜欢的港口是青岛它是中国东部的沿海城市。有 800 万人口。Qingdao is a beautiful city. It has a good climate. It s cool in summwi nter. So the air is very clea n. The people in Qin gdao are very frien dl清岛是个美 丽的城市。青岛人很友好。Besidesblue sea,

7、 Qingdao is famous for seafood and Qingdaobeer.I like Qingdao Port very much.除了大海外,青岛因为海鲜和青岛啤酒而出名。我非常喜欢青岛港。5.Please say somethi ng about your respon sibilities on board!请描述你在船上的 责任(a)Your position on board 职位(b)Your daily work on board 日常工作(c)Your duties on board 职责My position on board is A.B.My dai

8、ly work is to keep bridge watch or steer the wheel when the ship is at sea.When the ship is alongside the wharf,I llgangway watch.Besides,I often do some other work,such as derusting,painting,sweeping the deck and so on. My duties are to keep safe watch, steer the wheel, keep proper look-out,hoist t

9、he signal flag and assist officers to do some work. When in emergency, III act as required in the muster list.我在船上的职 位是一水。我的日常工作是当船舶在海上驾驶台值班或操舵。当船舶靠码头 时,我将舷梯值班。此外,我经常做一些其他工作,比如除锈,油漆,清扫甲 板等等。我的职责是安全值班,操舵,保持正规瞭望,升起信号旗,帮助驾驶员做一些工作。当在紧急情 况时,我将按照应变部署表里的要求行动。第三章靠离与锚泊业务1.Please describe the responsibilities

10、 as a watch officer while the ship is at an chor.请描述当船舶锚泊时作为值班驾驶员的责任(a)Regular operations for anchor watch.(b)Emergency handling in case of dragging(c)ConclusionsWhile at anchor, as an officer on watch, I always keep watch as follows:当锚泊时,作为值班驾驶员,我总是按照如下值班:(1)Determine and plot the ship s position o

11、n the ch在海图上确定和标绘船 位(2)Keep proper lookout 保持正规瞭望(3)Take beari ngs of fixed n avigati on marks or shore objects freque ntly频繁地量 取固定助航标志或岸上物标的方位(4)Inspect around the vessel at regular intervals 定期检查全船(5)Observe weather, tidal conditions and sea state 观察天气,潮汐情况和海 况Keep a sharp lookout for other vessel

12、 对于它船的船位保持敏锐的瞭望(7)Notify the captai n and take all n ecessary measures if the ship drags an cho如 果船舶走锚,通知船长,采取所有有必要的措施2.Describe the proper way of usi ng VHF描述使用甚高频的正确方法(a)How to operate VHF set properly 怎样正确操作甚高频(b)Ge neral rules of usi ng VHF 使用甚高频的规则(c)Rules of using VHF Channel 1使6用 16频道的规则Pick

13、up the receiver and set the calling channel,then press the button on the receiver handle and speak. If the channel is not chosen, when turned on, the VHF will tune to channel 16 automatically.拿起接收机设定呼叫频道,然后按接收机手柄上的按钮并讲话。如果频道 没有被选择,当打开时,甚高频将自动调到 16 频道。VHF should be used correctly according to the Rad

14、io Regulations.Thefollowing in particular should be avoided:根据无线电规定甚高频应该被正确地使用。以下应该尤其被避免:(1)Non-essential transmissions 不必要的发送(2)Transmitting without correct identification 没有正确识别的发送(3)Use of offensive language and so on. 不当语言的使用等等3.Describe the procedures before arrival at a port.描述至 U港前的步骤(a)The preparations from the bridge 驾驶台的准备工作(b)The preparations from the engine room 机舱的准备工作(c)The preparations from the deck 甲板的准备工作The captain and all deck officers

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