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1、反不正当竞争法 anti-unfair competition law第二题:大概是Why different types of text call for different methods to translating? 共10分经常光顾 偶尔会去 不会去“碧芝”最吸引人的是那些小巧的珠子、亮片等,都是平日里不常见的。店长梁小姐介绍,店内的饰珠有威尼斯印第安的玻璃珠、秘鲁的陶珠、奥利的施华洛世奇水晶、法国的仿金片、日本的梦幻珠等,五彩缤纷,流光异彩。按照饰珠的质地可分为玻璃、骨质、角质、陶制、水晶、仿金、木制等种类,其造型更是千姿百态:珠型、圆柱型、动物造型、多边形、图腾形象等,美不胜收。

2、全部都是进口的,从几毛钱一个到几十元一个的珠子,做一个成品饰物大约需要几十元,当然,还要决定于你的心意。“碧芝”提倡自己制作:端个特制的盘子到柜台前,按自己的构思选取喜爱的饰珠和配件,再把它们串成成品。这里的饰珠和配件的价格随质地而各有同,所用的线绳价格从几元到一二十元不等,如果让店员帮忙串制,还要收取的手工费。第三题 汉译英 共60分开了连锁店,最大的好处是让别人记住你。“漂亮女生”一律采用湖蓝底色的装修风格,简洁、时尚、醒目。“品牌效应”是商家梦寐以求的制胜法宝 。(一篇叫做中国人力资源服务白皮书2012的节选,但是XX找不到。下面的是其中一部分,仅供参考)大学生对手工艺制作兴趣的调研我国

3、国民经济和社会发展正式迈入“十二五”开局之年,转变经济增长方式、实现科学发展成为全国人民的共识。在“十二五”规划纲要中,我国明确地提出要把加快现代服务业的发展作为经济结构战略性调整的主攻方向,为人力资源服务业提供了广阔的市场空间和坚实的政策保障。我们认为:创业是一个整合的过程,它需要合作、互助。大学生创业“独木难支”。在知识经济时代,事业的成功来自于合作,团队精神。创业更能培养了我们的团队精神。我们一个集体的智慧、力量一定能够展示我们当代大学生的耐心.勇气和坚强的毅力。能够努力克服自身的弱点,取得创业的成功。关于DIY手工艺制品的消费调查第四题 英译汉 共60分标题:大学生究竟难在哪?创业要迈

4、五道坎 2004年3月23日(一反常态的,好长好长的,一篇文章)2、传统文化对大学生饰品消费的影响Every family has its own holiday traditions. In the Brown household, Christmas was always a time of delicious food, sing-alongs, colorful gifts, and mysterious codes.Yes, codes.When I was a kid, no Christmas morning was complete without the annual tre

5、asure hunt. When the last present under the Christmas tree had been opened, my siblings and I knew that there still remained one big present hidden somewhere in the house for us to find. Our only hope of locating it was a cryptic clue that traditionally resided in a lone envelope perched high on the

6、 tree, out of our reach.One year the envelope contained a particularly mind-boggling treasure hunt that my brother, sister and I still recall as The TOCEP Christmas Mystery. (In fact, this treasure hunt directly inspired the scene on page 111 of The Da Vinci Code.)That was the year we had a foreign

7、exchange student living with us. Bea was South African and understandably was somewhat overwhelmed by the frenzied anticipation that led up to an American Christmas. Nonetheless, she embraced the decorating, singing, and cooking with a zeal that made the holidays doubly special for us that year. So

8、it was with great happiness, on Christmas morning, after all the presents were opened, that my parents handed Bea the mysterious envelope and explained to her the Brown tradition of a Christmas Quest.Looking amazed that such a tradition could exist, Bea excitedly opened the envelope. The poem inside

9、 announced that this years quest involved locating five letters of the alphabet, which had been hidden around the house. According to the poems final stanza, the first letter we needed to find was T.You seek a letter in a nook(Its very hard to see).But of the places you might look,Theres just one sp

10、ot for Only one spot for T?My little brother Greg was the first to figure it out. He leapt up and dashed into the kitchen. We all ran after him as he retrieved a stool, dragged it into the breakfast nook, climbed up onto the counter, and grabbed the canister in which my mother kept her tea bags. Sur

11、e enough, inside was a note card emblazoned with the letter Brilliant!Along with the letter T we found another clue, which ingeniously guided us down to the basement where we found the letter O taped to an O-shaped Hoola Hoop.Again, fiendishly clever!From there more clues led us all over the house.

12、In the kitchen we found the letter C stuffed in a Vitamin C container. In the mud-room, the letter E was hidden inside my Exeter baseball cap (bearing that same letter).By then, we had located four letters (T-O-C-E), and still we felt no closer to understanding our mysterious prize. We hoped the fif

13、th and final letter would make it all come clear. The final clue, however, was baffling.The final letter in your quest,Is simple as can be.Its hidden in a special roomQuite natural for a P.A special room quite natural for a P?I looked in the pantry around the canned peas. Nothing.My little brother c

14、hecked his bedroom for his Phillies cap. Nothing.A natural place for P?It was Beatrice, our exchange student (having learned a good amount of American slang), who suddenly gasped, jumped to her feet, and dashed up the stairs. For a moment, my siblings and I thought she was ill. but then we heard her

15、 shriek with joy. We raced upstairs to find Bea in the bathroom, laughing hysterically and pointing into the toilet. We peered inside, and there, to our enormous delight, we found the letter taped inside the toilet bowl. in the toilet!The joke left all four of us kids rolling on the floor in hysterics. Surely my parents had to be the two funniest people alive. Finally, when we all coul

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