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1、A. adopt B. admire C. advertise D. adapt【答案】C【解析】adopt采取,采用;admire钦佩,赞美,羡慕advertise做宣传;adapt改编,改装。你不需要做宣传(广而告之)是你捐了100块钱。3.Their cultural backgrounds gave them a spirit of _.A. acceleration B. accomplishment C. adventure D. acquisition【解析】acceleration加快,加速;accomplishment成就,完成;adventure冒险;acquisition

2、获得。他们的文化背景赋予了他们一种冒险精神。4.Various student clubs are set up in many senior high schools to urge students to _ the opportunities to cultivate their good virtues and qualities.A. gain admission to B. account for C. ache for D. take advantage of【答案】D5.Chinas new era will be an era of building on past succ

3、esses to further _ the cause of the CPC and the country.A. advertise B. accompany C. advance D. accumulate【解析】advertise为做广告;accompany陪伴;advance推进;accumulate累积。中国的新时代将是一个建立在过去的成功基础上,进一步推进中国共产党和国家事业的时代。6.While experts _ delaying the retirement age, some citizens doubt whether they can _ easily to the

4、new age of workforce.A. accomplish, adopt B. attain, allocate C. adore, adapt D. advocate, adjust7.Its thought that ones anxiety often occurs as a result of his unsuccessful _ to the new surroundings.A. adoption B. adaptation C. admission D. access【答案】B【解析】adoption采用,采纳,收养;adaptation适应;admission准入;a

5、ccess接近,进入。人们认为,一个人的焦虑往往是由于他不能成功适应新环境而产生的。8.The government will force companies to _ any possible measures to reduce air pollution.A. adapt B. adopt C. advocate D. accept【解析】adapt适应、改编;adopt采用,收养;advocate拥护,提倡;accept接受。政府会迫使公司采取任何可能的措施,以减少空气污染。9.The world will be different and we will have to be mor

6、e ready to _ the changes.A. adapt to B. add to C. abandon to D. gain admission to【答案】A【解析】adapt to适应;add to给增加;abandon to使全然陷于;gain admission to获准进入。这个世界会变得不一样,我们要做更多的准备来适应世界的变化。10.I was once ashamed to _ my weakness, but now I have no such feeling and I save myself much discomfort.A. abandon B. adm

7、it C. adjust D. accuse【解析】abandon放弃;admit承认;adjust调整,调节,校正;accuse(sb. of sth.)指责,控告,指控。我曾经羞于承认自己的弱点,但是现在没有这样的感觉了,也使自己免受很多尴尬。11.Nowadays, an increasing number of museums are open to visitors free. However, free _ might lead to some social problems as well.A. accommodation B. advertisement C. admissio

8、n D. adjustment【解析】accommodation住处;advertisement广告;admission承认,准许进入;adjustment调解,调整。如今,越来越多的博物馆免费向参观者开放。然而,免费入场也可能导致一些社会问题。12.All his friends _ his creativity, for he always comes up with many original ideas in the discussions.A. acknowledge B. acquire C. adopt D. admire【解析】acknowledge承认;acquire获得,取

9、得;adopt采取,采用;admire钦佩。他的所有朋友都钦佩他的创造力,因为他总是在讨论的时候提出许多新颖的主意。学科网13.She went through a period of emotional _ after her company fell into ruins and she finally decided to find a new job.A. adjustment B. action C. adoption D. advice【解析】adjustment调整,适应;action行动;adoption采用,采纳,收养;advice忠告,建议。在公司倒闭之后,她经历了一段情绪

10、的调整适应期。最终,她决定找一份新工作。14.To their delight, their newly-developed products were not _ for the demand as soon as they went on the market.A. acceptable B. absolute C. adaptable D. adequate【解析】acceptable可以接受的;absolute十足的,地道的;adaptable可适应的,有适应能力的,适合的,可改编的;adequate足够的。让他们高兴的是他们新上市的产品供不应求。15.The government h

11、as been under growing pressure to _ the causes of air pollution as smog frequently smothers the countrys large cities.A. accuse B. acknowledge C. address D. accumulate【解析】address“处理”,符合语境。由于大城市上空的频繁被雾霾覆盖,政府处理空气污染案件的压力越来越大。accuse指责,控告,指控;acknowledge承认;accumulate积累,收集。16.It is never easy for graduates

12、 to find their ideal jobs, where _ being equipped with necessary knowledge, they are required to have some related experience.A. on account of B. in addition to C. in addition D. above【解析】on account of因为;in addition to除之外(还有);in addition 另外,此外;above all最重要的句意:毕业生找份理想的工作很不容易,除了要具备相关的必要知识,还要有相关的工作经验。1

13、7.The new survey shows that the number of students _ computer games has been increasing in recent years.A. accustomed to B. absorbed to C. adapted to D. addicted to18.This is the _ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.A. actual B. adequate C. accurate D. absolute【解析】actual“真实的”,符合语境。这是作曲家创作他的一些杰出作品时实际使用过的那台钢琴。19.The Hong Kong government has threatened to take legal _ against those advocating full separation from China. A. activity B. action C. abuse D. accuse【解析】take

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