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1、10.Ilost the key to the door. Can you use some ( 工具 ) to open it?11.Eating too much ( 糖 ) is bad for your teeth.12.Don t ( 喊) at Danny. He is just a child.13.If you press the ( 按钮 ) “ on” , you can turn on the radio.14.The villagers began to feed cats because there were many ( 老鼠 ) in the village.15

2、. Have you ever ( 收到 ) any letters from your father working inBeijing?二、用下列词组的适当形式填空。take a message wait for take care of hear from get in touch with1.When you get online, you can me by QQ.2.Lisa isn t in right now. Can I for you?3.It s fun to my sister s baby because she is lovely.1.Mary, Someone i

3、s you at the school gate.2.-How often do you your parents?-Once a month.四、单项选择:1.Jim Green succeeded _getting a good job in Shanghai last month.A. in B. on C. out D. with2.Turn your computer and connect the internet.A. off ; to B. on ; with C. off ; with D. on ; to3.He has been here two years ago.A.

4、 for B. since C. in D. during4.Li Ming helped me the internet.A. how to use B. what to use C. which to use D. to use how5.He lives but he doesnt feel .A. alone ; alone B. lonely ; lonely C. alone ; lonely D. lonely ; alone6.I dont feel well, so I dont feel like anything.A. eat B. ate C. to eat D. ea

5、ting7.Im looking forward to you again.A. see B. saw C. seen D. seeing8.If you dont work hard, youll fail the exam.A. in pass B. to passing C. to pass D. past五、句型转换1.What does “ failed ” mean? ( 同义句 )What do you ” failed ” ? Whats the “failed ” ?2.1received a letter from Jim yesterday.( 同义句)I Jim yes

6、terday.3.The scientist with a pair of glasses is Li Siguang.( 戈U线提问) is Li Sihua ng?4.I don t know which butt on I should press.( 同义句)I don t know which butt on .5.Jenny writes to her parents twice a mon th.( 戈 U线提问) Jenny write to her pare nts?6.Whatever you say, I won t believe you.( 同义句) what you

7、 say, I won t believe already cleaned the classroom.( 般疑问句 ) you clea ned the classroom ?8.He has already found his lost bike.( 否定句)He found his lost bike .9.Susan has been in this city for over ten years.( 戈U线提问) has Susa n bee n in this city?10.Youve never ridden a horse, ?( 反意疑问句)11.My gra

8、ndfather died five years ago.( 同义句 )My gran dfather has for five years.4.Mr.Smith went to Beiji ng last week. and he has nt come back yet.( 同义句)Mr. Smith has Beiji ng.12.My father has been to Lanzhou twice.( 划线提问)How has your father bee n to Lan zhou?13.Its a long time since we met last.( 同义句)We eac

9、h other for a long time.六、补全对话.A: Hello! May I to Jim , please ?B: rm sorry he isn t here the moment. Can I a message for you ? Yes, please. Whos that ? is Mary speak ing. Jim asked me to help him his English this evening, but I cant come today, my mother was ill. I m to hear that. Dont worry, ni te

10、ll him about it as soon as he back. a lot, Bye. B: You re . Bye.Unit 7 people and place1.G is Li Ming s favourite subject.2.China has the largest ( 人口 ) in the world .3.-Have you ever been a ? -No , never4.My new house is 120 square meters in a .5.Himalayas is one of the highest ( 山峰)in the world.6.

11、1r you up last ni ght ,but n obody an swered the phone.7.At the e of the street, You ll see the post office on your right.8.Deserts cover twenty ( 百分比)of the earth s (表面).9.The population of the world is ( 土曽长)faster and faster.lO.Greenland is the world s biggest i in the world.二、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Doe

12、s he have any (In dia) frien ds?2.The Yangtze River is one of the world s Iongest (river).3.On my way home, I met three (Japa nese) and two (Germa n).4.Don t forget (interview) the teacher.5.Mr. Wang is glad that the nu mber of his sheep is (in crease).三、 用所给短语的适当形式填空。be good for be abroad ring up l

13、ook up hold on1.Last ni ght I you , but n obody an swered.2.-May I speak to Miss Liu, Please? - , please. She is coming.3.-I haven t seen your father for a long time.-Oh, He isn t in our country. He for three years.4.Eati ng more fruit and vegetables our health.5.If you don t know the meaning of a word, you may it in a dict ion ary.四、 选择填空1.-_ ” is the populati on of Germa ny ?A. Which B. How many C What D. How much2.The populati on of China is tha n that of Ja

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