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2、许可/审批文件需要证单名称(划“”或补填)*检验检疫费品质证书重量证书数量证书兽医卫生证书健康证书卫生证书动物卫生证书_正_副植物检疫证书熏蒸/消毒证书出境货物换证凭单总金额(人民币元)计费人收费人报检人郑重声明:1. 本人被授权报检。2. 上列填写内容正确属实,货物无伪造或冒用他人的厂名、标志、认证标志,并承担货物质量责任。签名:_ 领 取 证 单日期签名注:有“*”号栏由出入境检验检疫机关填写国家出入境检验检疫局制中华人民共和国海关出口货物报关单预录入编号: 海关编号:出口口岸备案号出口日期申报日期经营单位运输方式运输工具名称提运单号发货单位征免性质结汇方式许可证号运抵国(地区)指运港境内

3、货源地批准文号成交方式运费保费杂费合同协议号件数包装种类毛重(公斤)净重(公斤)集装箱号随附单据生产厂家标记唛码及备注:项号商品编号 商品名称、规格型号数量及单位 原产国(地区) 单价 总价 币制 征免税费征收情况 录入员 录入单位兹声明以上申报无讹并承担法律责任 申报单位(签章) 填制日期:海关审单批注及放行日期(签章) 审单 审价报关员 单位地址:邮编:征税 统计查验 放行XXX进出口有限公司XXX IMPORT AND EXPORT.,LTD.NO.234XX ROAD , X X CITY , CHINA商业发票COMMERCIAL INVOICETo: Invoice No :_ I

4、nvoice Date :_S/C No :S/C Date :Credit No :_Issued by :_Marks & No.Description of GoodsQuantityU.PriceAmountTotal Amount in Words:Statement or Other Certificate:Signature:PACKING LISTInvoice No. :_Invoice Date :S/C No. :Shipment From:_ To:_ By VesselC/No.(箱号或件号)No. & Kind of pkgsDescription of Goods

5、,Packing,Quantity,etcG. WeightN. WeightMeasurementTotal Package in Words:Marks or Other Statement:一般原产地证明书Exporter:Certificate No.CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN OFTHE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINAConsignee:Means of Transport and RouteFor Certificate Authority Use onlyCountry / Region of DestinationNumber and Kin

6、d of Packages ,Description of GoodsH.S.CodeNumbers and Date of InvoiceDeclaration by the ExporterThe undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements are correct, that all the goods were produced in China and that they comply with the Rules of Origin of the Peoples Republic of China

7、.Place and date, signature and stamp of authorized signatoryCertificationIt is hereby that the declaration by the exporter is correct.Place and date, signature and stamp of certifying authority海运提单1. Shipper Insert Name, Address and PhoneB/L No.中远集装箱运输有限公司COSCO CONTAINER LINESTLX: 33057 COSCO CNFAX:

8、 +86(021) 6545 8984ORIGINAL2. Consignee Insert Name, Address and PhonePort-to-Port or Combined TransportBILL OF LADINGRECEIVED in external apparent good order and condition except as other-Wise noted. The total number of packages or unites stuffed in the container,The description of the goods and th

9、e weights shown in this Bill of Lading are Furnished by the Merchants, and which the carrier has no reasonable means Of checking and is not a part of this Bill of Lading contract. The carrier has Issued the number of Bills of Lading stated below, all of this tenor and date,One of the original Bills

10、of Lading must be surrendered and endorsed or sig-Ned against the delivery of the shipment and whereupon any other original Bills of Lading shall be void. The Merchants agree to be bound by the terms And conditions of this Bill of Lading as if each had personally signed this Bill of Lading.SEE claus

11、e 4 on the back of this Bill of Lading (Terms continued on the back Hereof, please read carefully).*Applicable Only When Document Used as a Combined Transport Bill of Lading.3. Notify Party Insert Name, Address and Phone (It is agreed that no responsibility shall attsch to the Carrier or his agents for failure to notify)4. Combined Transport *5. Combined Transport*Pre - carriage byPlace of Receipt6. Ocean Vessel Voy. No.7. Port of Loadi

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