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1、数词0-20(zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty)Unit 3 4tell sure speak some poor pet want visit lot all any doctor mother farmerdriver cook nurse work hospital drive familydaughter hap

2、py teach chicken drink juice ideawater vegetable take something wait moment breakfastlunch supper dinner kind buy try hundred need heavy worry free go picnic love call forget bring fun afraid time carry ask elephant quarter show clever animal getway wrongUnit 5 6plane train ship boat weekday early c

3、atch walk ride play swim read always sometimesseldom never make dance borrow keep returndormitory lab dining hall classroom easy interestingdifficult boring physics geography art math history Monday beautiful large left shop someone turnacross danger last fast carefulUnit 7 8sport birthday date cele

4、brate party present shapecircle ago square football special candle surprisesmart count climb anything word mean recitepoem magic enjoy fall wash happen standlie truth everyone angry silent blow breath delicious funny weather warm season hot rainsnow cloudy sunny rainy windy bright temperaturelow tri

5、p wear holiday travel umbrella remembershine passage arrive busy leaf report togetherinterest sound expensive camera tent raincoat enterwet point touch lucky pass stay greeting festival dumpling Christmas sweet luck believe fullimportant prepare open gift start whole knockshout hold race national ca

6、pital burn 目标短语来自 be/ come from 用英语(表达) in English.岁 years old 看起来像 look like 把某物给某人 give sth. to sb. 看着 look at看起来不一样 look different 看起来一样 look the same穿黑颜色的衣服 in black 帮助某人做某事 help sb. (to) do sth. help sb. with sth.没问题 no problem 互相帮助 help each other一点也不 notat all 很,非常,许多 a lot一点点 a little 非常,很 v

7、ery much在家 at home 就座 have/take a seat 在农场 on a farm 照看、照顾 look after请随便(吃点) help oneself (to) 行了,好吧,不客气 all right一杯 a glass of 好主意 good idea等一等,稍等一会儿 wait a moment/ just a moment 喝的东西 something to drink记下顾客点的菜 take ones order 下馆子 eat out吃饭 have dinner 例如 such as/ for example给你 here you are 对某人友好 be

8、 kind to sb.喜欢做某事 be glad to do sth. 在那边 over there试穿 try on 认为,看法,想起 think of考虑 think about 购物 do some shopping给某人买某物 buy sth. for sb. 有空 be free野餐 go for a picnic/ have a picnic 把某事告诉某人 tell sb. about sth.去钓鱼/购物 go fishing/ shopping 不得不 have to和说话 speak to 给某人回电话 call sb. back下次 next time 起床 get u

9、p回家 go home 吃早饭/中饭/晚饭have breakfast/ lunch/ supper在某人回家的路上 on ones way home 对也一样 the same to快点,加油 come on 步行 on foot乘公共汽车 take a bus/ by bus 短暂的休息 have a short rest take/have a rest 休息在业余时间 in ones free/spare time 去上学 go to school做家庭作业 do ones homework 一小会儿 for a little while此刻,现在 at the moment 在学校,

10、在上课 at school去游泳 go swimming 听 listen to上课 have classes 睡觉 go to bed一些,少量 a few 当然 of course寻找 look for 按时、准时 on time穿、戴上、上演 put on 在后面 at the back of从到 fromto 在近旁,紧邻 next to对友好 be friendly to 进来,进入 come in在 前面 in front of 谈论 talk about将收起 put away 在的中心 in the center of在尽头 at the end of 许多,大量 a lot

11、of(=lots of)在附近 close to 远离 far from立即、马上 right now/ at once/ right away/ in a minute 在对面 across from迟到 be late for 出生 be born刚才 just now/ a moment ago 把带到 taketo打扫卫生/洗洗东西/读点书 do some cleaning/ washing/ reading玩得愉快 have a good(great,wonderful,nice) time/ enjoy oneself 照相/拍照take photos/ pictures 擅长于某

12、事 be good at/ do well in在的年纪 at the age of 在的帮助下with the help of/ with ones help起立 stand up 回来,回想起来 come back摔倒,倒下 fall down 撒谎 tell a lie手工 by hand 许愿 make a silent wish熄灭,(风等)吹灭 blow out 一口气 in one breath去散步 take a walk 出去,熄灭 go out后来 later on 与不同 be different from复苏,复活 come back to life 忙于做某事/某事

13、be busy doing sth./ with sth.聚会,联欢 get together 名胜 places of interest 一双,一幅 a pair of 随身携带 take sth. with sb.脱掉,摘掉,起飞 take off 指向 point to挣钱 make money 挂起,举起,贴(广告等)put up为做准备 prepare for 熬夜 stay up敲打 knock on/ at八年级部分:Unit 1against cheer team win join club volleyballdream grow future record gold hou

14、r baseballheart relax leave ill mind practice throwmyself careless chance nothing invent score sidefollow become however tired mile instead habitfeel foreign maybe shall pick hit winnerfinish encourage visitor environment modern ring symbolUnit 2toothache dentist cough fever flu headache liftpale terrible care serious sick cause healthmedicine meal litter energy necessary disease emptystomach illness tidy sweep choose tomato hurryquestion spread among exa

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