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1、5. It was the first time such a beautiful place. (visit)那是我第一次看到这么美丽的地方。6. This gift was the Amber Room, because several tons of amber were used to make it. (give)这件礼物就是琥珀屋,它之所以被这样命名,是因为造这间房子用了好几吨的琥珀。7. So on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.

2、(continue)所以,在未来的数百万年间,生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决。8. that she had been admitted into Oxford University, I sent an e-mail to congratulate her. (moment)我一听到她被牛津大学录取的消息,就马上发电子邮件向她表示祝贺。9. If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people paint such realistic pictures. (able) 如果没有发现透视法,人们就不可能画出如此逼

3、真的画。 10. I about it myself than let him find out from other people.(rather)我宁肯自己把事情告诉他,也不愿他从旁人处得知这事。11 When first _, these products were widely accepted by consumers(introduce) 当初次被介绍到市场上时,这些产品获得了极大的成功。 12. He made it clear_the problem by himself(solve) 他说的很明白,他自己能解决这个问题。13The manager insisted that

4、the companies who had done something that hurt our feelings(break) 经理坚持要求我们与那些做了伤害了我们感情的事的公司决裂。 14. By no means_before your parents(tell) 你绝对不能在父母面前撒谎。 15. When you get the paper back, pay special attention to what .(mark) 当你拿回试卷时,一定要特别注意那些批改了的地方。 16She is proud of her two sons, _is now studying in

5、the US(young) 她为她的两个儿子而感到自豪,其中年龄小的那个现在正在美国学习。 17. It is those who are willing to give rather than receive respected. (deserve) 是那些宁愿付出不愿获取的人应该得到尊重。18Since 1978, in this small village(take) 自从1978年以来,这个小村庄发生了巨大的变化。19She_her homework when her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday(ha

6、rdly) 昨天她一完成作业,她妈妈就叫她练习弹钢琴。20He knows so much about this problem! He a lot of books. (refer)他对于这个问题知道得这么多,他一定是翻阅了大量的书。21. When his mother came home from work, he was lying on the sofa, _. (absorb)母亲下班回家的时候,他正躺在沙发上专心致志地看书。22. He has been suspected of taking government funds for himself and _ by the p

7、olice. (investigate)他已被怀疑挪用政府资金,正在接受警方调查。23. The outdoor training is an exercise _ build teenagers confidence. (design) 户外训练是旨在增强青少年自信心的一种运动。24. I really admire her because she _ those kids on her own. (bring)我的确佩服她,因为她全靠自己把那些孩子抚养大了。25. We have to admit that adopting this technique is painful, but p

8、atients _. (benefit)我们得承认采用这项技术会有点痛,但会对病人有益。26._ different languages and cultures does a lot of good to children. (expose)接触不同的语言和文化对孩子们大有裨益。27. It is surprising that the young man _ in a big company after graduation. (employ)毕业后那个年轻人竟然在一家大型公司就职了,真是令人讶异。28._ whether or not he will be elected as mayo

9、r in two years time. (remain)两年后他是否当选为市长仍不得而知。29._ this new policy will act as a brake on inflation we are faced with? (possibility)这项新的政策有可能会抑制我们面临的通货膨胀吗?30. I think that it is I rather than my sister that _what happened. (blame)我认为出了事不能怪姐姐而应该怪我。31Jane wont join us for dinner tonight and _(neither)

10、 今晚Jane不和我们一起吃饭,Tom也不。32If he had not broken the ipad last week, he , which cost him a large amount of money, (repair) 要是上周他没弄坏ipad,他就不会请人修了。33 her book, Judith didnt realize the coming of her friend, (absorb) 专注于读书,Judith没有注意到朋友的到来。34The computer _ at the airport yesterday is an IBM laptop, (lose)

11、他昨天在机场丢失的那台手提电脑是IBM的。35The electricity last night, for the workers were examining the electric wires (cut)昨晚,电肯定切断了,因为当时工人们正在检修线路。36It rained for three weeks on end, completely _(ruin) 雨连续不断地下了三个星期,彻底毁了我们的假期。37MrBlack was rather busy every day, so the messages from his secretary would reminded him o

12、f_(do) Black先生每天相当忙,因此,他的秘书常常留言提醒他该做的事。38It is requested that the young children should put things back (belong) 小孩子们被要求把东西放回原处。39The CEO from the big company believed that it was the newcomers ability ,not the university they graduated from(difference) 这家大公司的首席执行官认为,真正重要的是新员工的能力,而不是他们毕业于什么大学。40With

13、 , he burst with anger, which put an unpleasant end to the discussion(run) 他没耐心了,突然生气起来,不愉快地结束了讨论。41Seldom each other any more though we studied and lived in the same town.(see) 即使我们生活、学习在同一城市,我们也很少碰面。42Could you possible let us know ?(as) 你一决定了,请尽快告诉我们好吗?43 , and you can see Mt. baker hard against the Canadian border. (look) 朝另一方向看,你可以看到紧靠着加拿大边界的贝克山 。44In space the astronauts will have to face the circumstances on the earth. (train) 在太空,航天员将不得不面对他们在地球上训练时的情形。45“I dont want to get to the end of my life and find that just the length of it. I want to have lived

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