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1、She held on to me tightly.她紧紧地抓住我。I will hold on to my dream and never give it up.我要坚持自己的梦想,永不放弃。电话用语 别挂断;等一下:Can you hold on? Ill see if the managers in the office.先别挂电话行吗?我去看看经理在不在办公室。Hold on! This isnt the right road.等一下!这条路不对!3. make up不用于进行时 组成;构成:In some languages, 100 words make up half of al

2、l words used in daily conversations.在一些语言中,100个词就构成了一半的日常会话用语。编写;编造:At your first meeting you should make up a rule book.在第一次会议上,你要编写出一个规章手册。为化妆:They made him up as an old man for the last act of the play.在演这出戏的最后一幕时,他们把他打扮成一个老头。4. pick up拿起;拾起:The phone rang and I picked it up.电话响了,我接了起来。I picked u

3、p the rubbish and threw it into the trash can.我把垃圾拾起来,扔进垃圾桶。She went over to the crying child and picked her up.她走到啼哭的孩子身边,把她抱了起来。(车辆等) 中途搭 (人);中途带 (货):Ive got to pick up my daughter from school at four oclock.我四点钟得去学校接女儿。Buses pick up and drop off people at different places on the route.公交车在其线路上不同的

4、地方让人们上下车。营救;救起:Twenty men fell into the water and were picked up by other boats.二十人落水后,被其他船只救起。(偶然地、无意地) 得到;学会 (语言);买到:She picked up Japanese when she was in Japan. Now she can speak it freely.她在日本时学会了日语,现在她日语讲得很流利。We managed to pickupa few bargains in the market.我们从市场上买到了几件便宜货。接收到:We were able to p

5、ick up the BBC World Service.我们能收听到英国广播公司的国际广播节目。重提 (话题);恢复 (健康等):He picks up this theme again in later chapters of the book.在该书的后几章,他又重回到这个主题上。5. take up 开始 (从事);占用 (occupy):Rogers took up painting for a while, but soon lost interest.罗杰斯学了一段时间的绘画,但很快便失去了兴趣。Meetings and phone calls take up a large p

6、art of the day.开会和接电话占用了一天中的大部分时间。6. turn out制造;生产;培养出:The factory turns out 900 cars a week.这家工厂一周生产九百辆汽车。原来 (是);证明 (是);结果 (是):Unexpectedly the weather turned out pretty nice that day.出乎意料的是,那天天气特别好。It turned out that his brother died of a heart attack.原来他的兄弟死于心脏病。7. work out算出;总共达:Im just trying t

7、o work out how much I spend each month.我正在尽力算出我每月的开销。 解决;把弄清楚:To work out the difficult maths problem, I have consulted Professor Russell several times.为了解出这道数学难题,我已经请教拉塞尔教授好几次了。 制定 (出):Trained exercise teachers can help you work out a training plan and keep you active.训练有素的体育老师能帮你制定一套训练计划,使你保持活力。产生

8、结果;被证明有效:Everything worked out OK in the end.事情的结果还不错。I want to follow Davids example but it never worked out for me.我想效仿大卫的做法,但这对我没有效果。 锻炼;训练:I go to the sports club and work out once a week.我一周去一次体育馆锻炼。8. get through到达;办完;(使) 通过;(使) 熬过;(打电话时) 打通:She got through the examination.她通过了考试。Focusing on t

9、hat goal helps me get through tough times.专注于那一目标帮我熬过了艰难时期。I tried phoning her office, but I couldnt get through.我试过打她办公室电话,但没打通。9. make out 勉强看见;听见:I could barely make out the stage in the darkness.黑暗中我几乎看不见舞台。I could hear voices but I couldnt make out what manage they were saying.我能听到说话的声音,但听不清他们在

10、说什么。 理解;弄清:His writing is so confusing that its difficult to make out what he is trying to express.他的笔迹模糊不清,很难弄清他到底想表达什么。 写出;开列:She was making out a list of people to invite.她正在写一份邀请名单。10. put up 举起;抬起;提高:Put up your hands if you have any questions.如果有问题请举手。They have put up the rent by $200 a month.

11、他们把每月的租金提高了200美元。 公布;张贴 (布告、相片等):Posters were put up around our school, calling upon us to join in the actions for a greener earth.校园中到处张贴着海报,号召我们加入到让地球更环保的行动中去。 建造 (房屋等);搭建:Theyve put up a lot of high-rise buildings recently.最近他们盖起了很多高楼大厦。 留宿;住宿:I was hoping Kenny could put me up for a few days.我希望

12、肯尼能让我留宿几天。11. set down 记下;放下:I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do.我不愿像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账。12. turn over翻身;(使) 翻转;翻过 (书页):He did not fall asleep, turning over in bed from time to time.他没睡着,在床上时不时地翻身。Dont turn over the page yet.先别把这页翻过去。 移交:He turned over the work to the s

13、ecretary.他把工作移交给了秘书。13. break down(机器等) 出故障;(身体等) 垮掉;(情感等) 失控:On my way to the station my car broke down.去车站的路上,我的车坏了。Her health broke down under the pressure of work.她的身体在工作压力下垮掉了。He broke down as he thought of his failure to sell all his newspapers.想到没卖掉所有的报纸,他禁不住哭了起来。(谈判等) 失败:Talks between the tw

14、o sides have broken down.双方的谈判破裂了。 把分若干部分 (以方便做或理解):Each lesson is broken down into several units.每一课都分成几部分。14. look down upon轻视;看不起:Never look down on people less superior than you.不要轻视不如你的人。15. look up to尊敬;仰视:I look up to him because hes a real artist.我尊敬他,因为他是个真正的艺术家。16. die down逐渐变弱;逐渐降低;When the applause had died down, she began her speech.掌声渐渐消失时,她开始讲话。The wind has died down a bit.风小了一点。 17. get over越过 (墙等);克服 (困难、偏见等);从 (病、损失等) 中恢复过来:I dont know how we are going

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