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届广州版英语五年级上册Module 1《Hobbies》word教案文档格式.docx

1、情感目标能积极与他人开展口语交际,询问对方的爱好。教材分析教学重点将语言知识尽可能运用于真实自然的情景当中; 通过小组合作完成学习任务。教学难点重点:听、说、读新单词;理解和朗读课文对话难点:新单词的理解和运用教学准备图片,金太阳课件过程Warming upActivity 1: Rhyme展示课本P6的小诗,由此引出本单元相关的话题hobby。Activity 2: Look and say观看课本P2-3的图片,老师让学生回忆图中三个人物的名字。 Leading inActivity 3: 学习单词hobby让学生注意图片中的物体,引导学生理解这三个孩子正在谈论他们喜欢做的事情,学习单词h

2、obby Presentation & practiceActivity 5: Watch the video观看课文视频,进一步了解课文内容。Activity 6: Follow and read跟光盘或老师读。读完一行,停顿下来,让学生仿读,老师可适当解释意思,学生可在重点词句处做笔记,划出重点。巩固重点句型Whats your hobby? My hobby is句型的操练。Activity 7: Read the dialogueActivity 8: Learn the new words通过课本P3图片进行新词汇的学习。通过游戏等形式学习新词汇。Homework:1、 听光盘熟读U

3、1课文。 2、抄写重点词句一次。Designing on the board U1 Whats your hobby? Whats your hobby? My hobby is总第 2 课时 Vocabulary hobby, model, collect, stamp, more, than, more than, country, keep, animal, every, during能听、说、读新单词;hobby, model, collect, stamp, more, than, country, keep, animal, every, during能积极与他人开展口语交际,询问

4、对方的爱好:名人图片,录音机,小黑板展示课本P6的小诗,由此引出本单元相关的话题hobby.熟读课文,巩固课文内容Leading in Fill the blanks抽出课文部分单词,让学生根据课文内容填空。 Presentation & v+ing practice动词ing形式的练习。根据例子说出动词的ing形式。(说完学生总结动词ing形式的变化规律) Role-play表演课文。分角色读课文。将全班分为三组,学生根据课文三个人物的角色朗读课文。ConsolidationActivity 9: Sum-up总结本节课所学内容Homework1. 熟读U1课文,并尝试背诵。 2.背诵并默写

5、U1单词。 Designing on the board板书My hobby is v.+ing 总第 3 课时 Unit1 Whats your hobby词汇:hobby, model, collect, stamp, more, than, more than, country, keep, animal, every, during 2)能熟读课文对话。图片、课件 Practice: Listening熟读课文。 Listen and match教师让学生观看P4第1题。(1) 让学生说出图中5个小孩的名字。(2) 说出每副图相应的短语。(3) 听号码说出相对应的活动。(4) 解释题目

6、意思。(5) 播放录音,必要时停顿。重复播放。(6) 检查答案。可假扮图中人物,告诉班上同学他/她的爱好。Practice: Speaking Act and guess通过guessing game 操练关于爱好的问答。 ReadingActivity 4: Read and answer设定阅读目标:Aki is talking with Janet. He is giving Janet sth. What are they talking about?What is Aki giving to Janet? WritingLook, write and draw教师先给出师范,然后依照

7、例子填入适当的动词短语。五、Homework1. 背诵U1课文对话。2. 做活动手册P1第1题。总第 4 课时 Unit 2 His hobby is drawing ()1. The new words: Coloured, sky, place, drawing2. Listen to English and understand and then do as the instruction.To try to motivate the different types of learners to be more interested in learning English.The new

8、 words:1. Go over the stationary and the preposition of places.Listen to English and understand and then do as the instruction.1. Free talk: whats your hobby? Brainstorm and draw the mind map, thus encourage the children to think over and sum up the activities.My hobby is . /I like doing (jumping /s

9、inging playing /dancing/drawing Doing /collecting /Presentation and practice2. Show the picture and teach “sky”, “drawing”. Then T says, “This drawing is drawn by coloured pencils. Then teach “coloured”.3. Lets try to draw. Ps draw on Activity book, P 8 空白位置, and T draws on a piece of large paper.(1

10、) Draw a big tree. There are many red apples on the tree.(2) Under the tree, there is a duck. It is sleeping.(3) Behind the tree, there is a fox. He is looking at the dog.(4) Far away from the tree, there are some birds. They are flying in the sky. They are white.(5) Near the tree, there are some fl

11、owers.(6) Next to the flowers, there is a pond. (7) In the pond ,there are many fish. Some fish are small, and some are big. They are swimming.(8) Well, this is our drawing.4. Have the pupils read the passage silently all the way through.5. Play the recording, have pupils record their reading aloud using the listen and repeat function.Development 6. Tell the drawing together in order.7. Focus on the new words.Ask some questions about place

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