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1、第一节单项填空(共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。 1、I dont think the experiment is _ failure. At least we have gained _ experience.A、a; an B、a; / C、/; an D、/; /2、He didnt go into detail on this subject; he spoke _.A、in common B、in particularC、in general D、in short3、Can you imagine what d

2、ifficulty people had this year _ against the severe natural disasters?A、fighting B、to fightC、fought D、fight4、Wenzhou is _ in natural resources, _ sea foods and water resources, and is a good place to live.A、rich; specially B、abundant; speciallyC、plenty; especially D.abundant; especially5、Those flowe

3、rs are _ for your mother on her seventieth birthday.A、intended B、devoted C、supplied D、produced6、It is obvious to the students _ they should get well prepared for their future.A、as B、which C、whether D、that 7、School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous _.A、states B、conditionsC、situations

4、 D、positions8、He made a promise that he would _ us with dinner the next day, but he broke his word.A、give B、offer C、entertain D、equip9、After a long journey across the whole country from north to south, they found themselves _ as well as their clothes. A、picked out B、called outC、caught out D、worn out

5、10、The Expo 2017 Shanghai has not only proved to be a great success but also provided a fantastic model for Milan _ managing and organizing events of this scale.A、in need of B、in terms ofC、in search of D、in favour of11、Mary is in bed with a fever and she cant hope to _ the cold in a few days.A、get r

6、id of B、get away withC、get off D、get out12、If you keep _ with silly questions, I shall go out of my senses.A、bothering B、interruptingC、troubling D、disturbing13、Its high time you had your hair cut; its getting _. A、too much long B、much too longC、long too much D、too long much14、Progress so far has bee

7、n very good. _, we are sure that the project will be completed on time.A、However B、OtherwiseC、Therefore D、Besides15、This printer is of good quality. If it _ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense.A、would B、should C、could D、might 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,总分值30分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A

8、、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。One famous artist Sheikh went back to his hometown. He hadnt seen one of his friends for many years, who was a _16_and needy man. When Sheikh asked about him, he was told by people that the man he was_17_was a rich man and no longer poor. Sheikh_18_to pay a visit to his friend._1

9、9_talking with his friend, Sheikh asked him the _20_for the change in his situation. The man replied that he had been so poor that he was forced to_21_some properties(财产)that belonged to him, like furniture(家具). By selling these things, he had_22_some money enough to start a _23_with.As he was on hi

10、s way back to his house with the_24_, he saw a poor lady_25_by the road. The man asked the lady the reason, and she_26_that her husband died and her children were_27_. Hearing this, the man felt_28_for her, and on seeing that she_29_the money more than himself, he gave all the money to her. He_30_ho

11、me and spent the night, sad and_31_for his family.The next morning,_32_he was summoned(召唤) to the house of a rich man. He was told by the rich man that he had six thousand bags of_33_which he wanted to sell quickly and the man could buy it at a_34_price on loan(借用) from him. The poor man did so and

12、sold the rice_35_. He took some more bags several days later and in this way he was able to make much more money. Soon he became rich. 16、A.clever B、rich C、lazy D、poor17、 with B、waiting forC、asking about D、listening to18、A.decided B、forgot C、refused D、tried19、A.Until B、Before C、After D、While

13、20、A.message B、reason C、time D、plan21、A.sell B、make C、keep D、find22、A.saved B、collected C、paid D、wasted23、 B、business C、family D、lesson 24、 B、news C、hope D、furniture25、A.crying B、walking C、sleeping D、standing26、A.believed B、explainedC、shouted D、imagined27、A.hungry B、dangerousC、crazy D

14、、angry28、A.sadness B、interest C、shame D、pity29、A.took B、needed C、owned D、earned30、A.drove B、returned C、left D、stayed31、A.worried B、pleased C、excited D、frightened32、A.happily B、surprisinglyC、carelessly D、unluckily33、A.rice B、meatC、vegetables D、clothes34、A.low B、fair C、high D、right35、A.slowly B、quickly C、hardly D、finally第二部分阅读理解(共两节,总分值40分)第一节(共15小题;每题2分,总分值30分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最正确选项。AThe practice of magic includ

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