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1、1. have strong ability of heparin anticoagulation, does not affect the _, _ etc., as one of the better anticoagulant.2. in a hypertonic solution of red blood cells in _ in hypotonic solution in _, _ exudation, become ghost cell.3. red blood cells originated from _ _, in effect, from bone marrow hema

2、topoietic stem cell system red directional differentiation of stem cells into _.The same 4. blood cell counts of various types of electronic structure, mainly by _, _, _, _, _, _, _ etc. 5. hemoglobin is the main components of red blood cells, consisting of _ and _ combination. 6. the maximum absorp

3、tion peak of _ hemoglobin cyanide, the minimum absorption trough _.7. hemoglobin determination method, is recommended as the preferred method is the method recommended by _, _, and _ recognized as the standard method.8. the reticulocyte count, usually with _ after staining with reticulocyte for red

4、blood cells _, said.9. red cells were seen in the _ and _ anemia. Macrocytic anemia caused by _ and _ in common.10. determination of Wintrobe hematocrit, the _ anticoagulant consists of _ and _.11. cells originated from _, in hematopoietic inductive microcirculation under the influence of pluripoten

5、t stem cells to differentiate into _ cells. 12. according to the cell distribution and cell dynamics characteristics, neutrophils can be divided into five parts as _ pool, _ pool, _, pool, pool and pool _ _. 13. mononuclear cells and granulocytes originated from the common _ cells in bone marrow by

6、_, _ developed into mature mononuclear cells released into the bloodstream. About 14. of lymphocytes for white blood cells 1/4 human _ cells.15.T cells were sensitized, can produce a variety of substances involved in immune _, _. Staining 16. cells has _ effect, and _ effect.17. SLE patients in bloo

7、d and other body fluids, there is a lupus factor, it belongs to _ antibody. 18., _, _ hemostasis process involves _ and activity etc. 19. coagulation factors in plasma usually in _ state, only after being activated with _. 20. fibrinogen molecular structure of the peptide A and B, contains a lot of

8、_, so with more _. Normally, fibrinogen does not polymerize in plasma. The coagulation process can be divided into 21. stages, _ _ and _.22. fibrinolytic system is the most important system to maintain it, _, _, _ has an important role.23. isolated blood, _ factor was foreign body surface activation

9、, in _ and _ participation, through a series of reaction and solidification.24. prolonged clotting time seen in _ and lack of _ enhancement. ?The 25. National Academic Conference on the examination method of platelet count _ recommended method for the first choice method.26. the blood completely sol

10、idified, because _ effect, make _ shrink, serum separation, blood clots shrink, is conducive to hemostasis. 27. normal prothrombin time depends mainly on _, _ level, sieving belongs to test the blood coagulation system _. The 28. main _ decrease due to prolonged prothrombin time, _, _, _ factor, _ s

11、ignificantly decreased and increased _. 29. in the plasma directly into the _ solution, blood coagulation time required for thrombin time. 30. diffuse intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a complex pathological process caused by various pathogenic factors, early onset of blood coagulation system in _.

12、State, consuming a lot of blood coagulation factors for secondary _.31. white cells and red blood cells in the same antigen, and specific antigen is _.32.ABO blood group is composed of the _ ABO on chromosome three complex allele genetic of prisoners.33. blood group antigens, composed of polysacchar

13、ide and peptide, in general _ part of ABO blood group antigenicity, _ determines its specificity. The 34. most Rh incompatible transfusion reactions and hemolytic disease of the newborn is caused due to _. 35.Rh is _ type _ antibody and antibody. 36. general _ _, including blood transfusion reaction

14、, _, _ and massive blood transfusion caused by negative reaction. 37. renal unit is composed of _, _, _ and _.38. of the original urine pH, permeability and chemical composition and _ roughly the same, the difference is _.39. urea by bacteria alkaline glycolysis generated after _, the urine _ increa

15、sed, _ destroyed. 40. urine science tests including _, _, _, _, _, _ and _ etc.Determination is the examination method of kidney _ accurate 41. and _ function urine infiltration. 42. chemical examination of urine includes _, _, _ enzymes and hormones. 43., the normal urine protein content is very small, generally not more than _24 smallWhen,Qua

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