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1、9. Someone believes that the children with different intelligences should be educated separately10. Someone believes that the fewer languages there are, the better it is, because human beings can communicate with each other more easily.第二梯次重点A类雅思作文题1. People are now consuming more than before.What p

2、ositive and negative effects does this phenomenon bring to individuals and society?2. Someone believes that writing skills are getting less and less important.3. It is better for governments to invest to fitness facilities than hospitals.4. Someone believes that women should be only responsible for

3、their family life.5. Now, women take some positions which used to be done only by men.What positive and negative effects does the phenomenon bring to individuals and society?6. Mothers are better instructors for their children than fathers.7. Computers have been widely applied to our life.What posit

4、ive and negative effects does the phenomenon bring to our life?8. Someone believes that smoking should be totally banned in public places.9. Our eating habits are changing.What cause the happening of this situation10. Watching movies has long been a popular pastime (an entertainment).What influences

5、 do movies bring to our life?1. catch1-1A catch B doing CA碰巧发现B正在做C例句:Some parents used to catch their offspring watching violent movies.一些父母曾经碰巧发现过他们的子女观看暴力电影。1-2A catch B off guardA令B猝不及防The natural disaster caught the local residents off guard.那场自然灾难令当地居民猝不及防。1-3A catch B off CA从C处感染了BThousands o

6、f infants catch HIV off their parents yearly.每年有数千名新生儿从他们的父母那里感染了艾滋病病毒。1-4A be caught up in BA被卷入(困在)B中Urban residents are often caught up in traffic jams.城市居民经常遭遇交通堵塞。1-5A catch on in BA在B处流行起来Americanism catches on in Asia today.现在,美国风在亚洲很流行。1-6A catch up with BA跟上BFew of baby boomers can catch up

7、 with modern lifestyle.在50、60年代出生的人口中很少有谁能够跟上现代生活方式。2. get2-1A get promotionA获得晋升Bilingual employees are more likely to get promotion.双语雇员更有可能获得晋升。2-2A get aboutA(消息)四处播散Rumors tend to get about.流言蜚语易于散播开来。2-3A get B across to CA将B传达给CThe websites get the latest news to people immediately.这些网站可以立即将最

8、新消息传达给人们。2-4A get along well with BA与B良好相处Adolescents cannot get along well with their parents.处于青春期的年轻人无法与他们的父母良好相处。2-5A get around BA说服BThe politicians failed to get around the entrepreneurs.政客们并没能说服那些企业家。2-6A get at BA查明BIt is impending for criminologists to get at the root causes of murder cases

9、.对犯罪学家们来说,查明谋杀案的根本原因迫在眉睫。2-7A get away with BA未因B而受罚Nearly all the polluters have gotten away with their behaviors.几乎所有污染者都没有因为他们的行为而受罚。2-8A get back at BA报复BThe demonstrators may get back at their governors.这些游行者可能报复统治者。2-9A get by on BA靠B(常为金钱)为生The paupers merely get by on their pension.这些穷人仅以他们的

10、退休金为生。2-10A get B downA令B疲惫The tedious work gets junior employees down.乏味的工作令很多低级雇员疲惫不堪。2-11A get downtoBA开始着手做B此处to为介词,因此其后的B必为名词或动名词。Ecologists are supposed to get down to the preservation of endangered species.生态学家们应该开始着手保护濒危物种了。2-12A get onto BA察觉(意识)BIt was too late for them to get on the seriousness of the situation.他们意识到情况严重性时业已太迟了。2-13A get over BA从B中恢复过来They have gotten over the intense sense of frustration.他们已经摆脱了强烈的挫败感。3. have3-1A have done with BA结束BThey h

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