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1、Carry you bag 背包Go to school. 去上学8.-Happy Teachers Day! 教师节快乐-Thank you. 谢谢9.Good morning! 早上好! .Good morning! -Good afternoon 下午好!-Good afternoon 下午好!10.-lets go to school! 我们一起去上学吧! -Ok! 好的!11.-This is John. 这是约翰. -Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你 -Nice to mee you, too 我也很高兴认识你12.Touch your head. 摸头 Clap

2、your hands. 拍手 Snap your finger. 弹指头 Wave your arms. 摇手臂 Cross your legs. 盘腿 Shake your body. 摇身体 Stamp your foot. 跺脚13.How are you? 你过得怎么样? Im fine,thank you. 我很好,谢谢 或Fine,thanks14. -Lets paint. 让我们一起画画吧。-Great. 太好了。15.stand up 起立 Sit down 坐下 Touch the ground 摸地 Turn around 转圈16.Who are you? 你是谁17.

3、 -May I have a look? 我能看一下吗? -Sure. Here you are. 当然可以,给你。-Thank you 谢谢18. -Look! I have a rabbit. 看!我有一只兔子。 -Cool/Super/Great/Wow 真酷/真好/好极了/哇19.Act like a cat. 扮演猫。20.Hunt like a mouse 像老鼠一样捕食. Climb like a bear 像熊一样攀爬 Fly like a bird 像鸟一样飞 Walk like an elephant 像大象一样走路 Jump like a squirrel 像松鼠一样跳2

4、1.What do you like? 你喜欢什么 I like hamburgers. 我喜欢汉堡包。 me the hamburger 展示汉堡包 Pass me the Fench fries 把薯条递给我 Cut the bread 切面包 Eat the hot dog 吃热狗 Smell the chicken 闻鸡腿 Make the cake 做蛋糕23-Have some juice. 喝些果汁吧 -Thank you. 谢谢。或No,thanks 不了谢谢24.Can I have some chicken? 我能吃些鸡肉吗? Sure. Here you a

5、re. 当然可以,给你。Thank you 谢谢Youre welcome 不用谢25.pour the water 倒水 mell the coffee 闻咖啡 Taste the tea 品茶 Show me the milk 展示牛奶 Drink the juice 喝果汁26-How old are you? 你几岁了? -Im 9 我9岁。27-How many balloons? 有多少只气球? -4. 4只。28Lets eat the birthday cake. 我们一起来吃蛋糕吧.Great/Good/OK 好极了29.Happy birthday! 生日快乐 Thank

6、you 谢谢30.This is for you 这是给你的31.bounce the ball 拍球 Fly the kite 放风筝Throw the plane 扔飞机Hold the doll握着洋娃娃Drive the car 开车 Blow up the ballons吹气球Count the sticks 数筷子Say it again 再说一遍32.Happy New Year 新年快乐三年级下册1. Where are you from?你来自哪里?Im from 我来自2. We have a new friend today.我们今天又一个新朋友。3. Welcome欢迎

7、4. Happy Womens Day! 妇女节快乐!5. Whos that woman?Shes my mother.那个女人是谁?她是我妈妈.6. Whos that man?Hes my father.那个男人是谁?他是我爸爸。7. Whos this boy?Hes my brother.这个男孩是谁?他是我兄弟。8. Whos this girl?Shes my sister.这个女孩是谁?她是我姐妹。9. How many kites can you see?你能看见多少风筝?I can see我能看见10.Look,Amy!I have a new kite.看,艾米!我有一个

8、新风筝! Oh!its beautiful!哦,真美!11. How many crayons do you have?你有多少支蜡笔?12. Open it and see!打开看看!13. Do you like peaches?你喜欢吃桃子吗?Yes,I do.是的,我喜欢No,I dont.不,不喜欢14. Have some more 再吃些吧 No,thank you 不了,谢谢15.Can I have an apple,please?我能吃个苹果吗?Certainly!当然16.Where is my car?轿车在哪里?Its under the chair.在椅子下面。17

9、.Excuse me,Amy.Can I use your pencil?打扰一下,艾米,我能用下你的铅笔吗? No problem.没问题。18.Come on,children.Look at the elephant!过来,孩子们。看这头大象! Wow!Its so tall!哇!好高啊!19.It has a long nose and short tail.它有长长的鼻子和短短的尾巴四年级上册1. Whats in the classroom?教室里面有什么?2. open the door.开门Turn on the light.开灯Sweep the floor.扫地Clean

10、the window.擦窗户Put up the picture挂图画Clean the board擦黑板3. We have a new classroom我们有一间新教室。4. lets go and have a look.我们一起去看看吧5. Wheres my seat?我的座位在哪? Its near the door.在大门附近。6. We have 6 new lights我们有六盏新灯。7. look,this is my new desk.看,这是我的新桌子。8. lets clean the classroom我们一起来打扫教室吧Good idea.好主意9. lets

11、clean the desks and chairs.我们一起打扫桌椅吧All right. 好,行10. let me clean the board我来擦黑板11. Good job!干得好!12. How many books do you have?你有多少本书?13. put your notebook under your bag.把你的笔记本放在你书包下put your pencil in your desk把你的铅笔放到你桌子里put your pencil-case on your chair.把你的文具盒放在你桌子上put your eraser near your pen

12、cil-case把你的橡皮擦放在你文具盒旁边put your English book on your head把你的英语书放在你头上14. What colour is it?什么颜色?15. How many English books can you see?你有多少本英语书?16. My schoolbag is heavy.我的包很重.17. Whats in it?里面有什么?18. I have a new friend,我有一个好朋友。19. Whats his/her name?他/她叫什么名字?20. He has short black hair and big eyes

13、.他有黑色短发和大眼睛。21. My friend likes sports.我朋友喜欢做运动。22. listen to music.听音乐Do sports 做运动Paint 画画Make friends 交朋友Play computer games玩电脑游戏23. Youre right!你是对的24. Boy or girl?男孩还是女孩?25. Whats in your classroom?你教室里有什么?26. Whats in your schoolbag?你书包里有什么?27. Whats in your pencil-case?你文具盒里有什么?28. Do you like sports?你喜欢运动吗?29. Whos your best friend?谁是你最好的朋友?30. Whos your math teacher?谁是你的数学老师?31. Go to the living room.Watch TV去客厅看电视Go to the kitchen.Have a snack.去厨房吃小吃。Go to the study.Read a book.去书房看书Go to the bathroom.Take a s

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