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1、2 sing a song: GreetingsStep 2 新课呈现1 教师出示一张房间的图片:T; this is my home. Its No.9. Welcome to my home. Ill invite you to visit my home. Look, how many rooms are there in my home?引导学生用学过的句型对话, 并引出新单词room.2 教师逐个出示房间,通过各个房间的摆设帮助学生理解各个房间名称。Kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom,Step 3 practiceLook and gues

2、s:看口型猜单词:加入our ,theirGame;quick reactionStep 4 趣味表演1 talk show教师先做示范,介绍自家的各房间名称,再让学生上台介绍自己的家,评出最热情的小主人。T:Hi, good morning, my name is .Look, this is my home. Welcome to my home. This is my bedroom.(bathroom, living room, kitchen)2 Game:最佳推销员 出示一套房子的平面图,让学生来帮它们做推销员介绍房子,并评出最佳推销员。 教师可简单出示所需的句子和单词:Look,

3、 this is a house. There are three bedrooms, they are nice. This is a living room, its bigDo you like it?Step 5 homeworkPeriod 2welcome, living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, our , their, your, my , your, his/her1 Free talk2 RevisionGame: whats missing?教师同时出示三张不同房间的单词卡片,然后迅速藏起其中一张,问学生whats missing

4、?当学生能快速回答后,教师可适当增加难度, 如同时出示四张不同房间的单词卡片。Step 2 游戏演练 chantT: Everybody, come on! Follow me! Lets chant!S: OK!Living room, living room, this is my living room.Bedroom, bedroom, that is your bedroom.Kitchen, kitchen, this is their kitchen.Bathroom, bathroom, that is our bathroom.Step 3 趣味阅读1 look and gu

5、ess.出示D部分第一张图片。Who are they?让学生猜猜图片中的几个角色分别是谁2 Look and listen听磁带3 Read and fill in the blanks.出示D部分的四服图片,并配上相应句子,每个句子中有一处空白,让学生填出所缺的单词。4 listen and repeat教师适时指导学生有感情地朗读短文。5 Lets actStep 4 趣味活动Draw and say.每个学生简单花湖自己家的意见房间, 然后向全班同学展示并介绍所画的房间,平出最佳解说员并给与鼓励,教师可先出示一张房间的图片进行示范。例如:T;Look! This is my bedro

6、om. Its small and beautiful. I like it. Do you like your home? Yes Lets draw our homes, OK? Ok.Period 3教学目标; 操练字母w的发音词汇:巩固复习睡着单词熟练运用英语加法;正确书写句型“Its one hundred”Step 1 warming up1、Greeting ;2、listen to the song in Part F;板书:F部分 将带有w的单词标红。T用拼读法读出单词。学生从听从说出w的语音。单个学生奖励。 金耳朵。老师读单词 学生听,如果有含w的音 学生说yes,没有说n

7、oSwim, vat, wing, sweater 老师写单词,学生拼读Wall, window, what, wet 挑战单词: white, win, swum,Step 3 Homework Unit 11 Wheres the cat?1、 用“Where is/are”“Is?”询问并判断事物的方位。2、 语言结构:Where is/are?Is?3、 掌握词汇:where, under, in, on, a table, a cupboard, a bathroom, a bedroom, a kitchen, a sitting room理解词汇:hide, seek, find

8、, grass, grapes, granny, green, grow, ground4、 字母组合gr在单词中的发音。教学重、难点:2、 教学难点:课时安排:教学内容课时安排A部分1课时B、C、D部分E、F部分Step 1 Warming up1、 师生问候2、 表演唱英语歌曲“Colour Song”。Step 2 Presentation and drill1、 出示第四单元A部分教学挂图。 Look! Do you still remember the outing last time? Do you still remember the things you saw? Try to

9、 say something please!引导学生回忆所学知识。S1: The sun.S2: Ladybirds. Very good! Now please tell me where the sun is?Ss: Its帮助学生回答:“Its in the sky.”板书句子,解释介词in的含义。 And what are flying in the sky too?用具有相同特征的事物启发、加深学生们对介词in的理解。带读单词in。 The seagulls! Look at the eggs. Where are they? Theyre in the nest. Yes, and

10、 the nest is on the tree.板书单词on,结合挂图解释含义,帮助学生理解,带读。然后让学生们练读,并结合身边的事物(文具、家具等)进行自由会话。2、 用类似的方法教单词under。3、 出示课文A部分教学挂图。 Look at the picture. Theyre finding a cat everywhere. Where are they finding?帮助学生理解“Wherere”用来询问事物的方位,鼓励学生用学过的知识描述图片内容。 Right. Theyre finding the cat under the table, in the bedroom,

11、in the bathroom and in the kitchen.板书单词a bathroom, a kitchen,带读。出示单词卡片,让学生们练习。4、 听课文A部分录音,模仿跟读。然后请学生充当“小老师”,有感情地带读。Step 3 Practice分组竞赛。出示一幅简单的画:一棵树,树上有一只小鸟;树下停着一辆白色的小车,小车里一只小猫安静地坐着;一只球滚进了车轮底下。让学生们分组简单描述下图中事物的方位。然后选出代表陈述,进行比赛,看哪一组描述得最好最详细。Step 4 Consolidation1、 练习。1、 师生问候。2、自由会话和角色表演。1、 出示一幅画有床的画。 Wh

12、ats this?“Its a bed.” T: Can you tell me where it is? 帮助学生回答:“Its in the bedroom.” 板书单词a bed, a bedroom.带读。让学生们集体、分组、单个练读。 Can you say something else in the bedroom? S: A chair/table/desk/lamp/cat/2、 用类似的方法教授其他单词a cupboard, a sitting room,然后让学生听录音,跟读。3、 带着问题阅读课文D部分,标记难以理解的地方。What are Dino and Tim doing in the bedroom?Where does Dino hide?Why is Dino happy?听课文D部分录音,理解故事大意。跟读,并分角色表演。游戏Quick response(快速反应)教师出示单词卡片,学生快速说出单词。游戏Whats missing?(眼力大考验)教师出示许多单词卡片,学生仔细观察,记住这些单词;然后教师拿走其中一张,并隐藏,学生快速说出被抽走的是哪一张。1、 练

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