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进击的图层管理 Alex HogrefeWord格式文档下载.docx

1、本期Alex男神帮你排忧解难O(_)O,手把手教你如何管理好你的psd图层。建筑表现图因为复杂而混乱的psd文件而“臭名昭彰”。但是有些时候,在我看来,一个很小的习惯往往能发挥巨大的作用,图层管理就是这些实用但是往往被人们忽略的习惯之一。在ps中合理地管理图层能够给你带来更高的效率、一个更加方便编辑的文件,甚至在大多数情况下能够呈现更加好看的图面。在过去的几年,我逐渐探索着建立一个建筑领域的ps文件体系。这套体系未必适用于每一个人,但是它的确简化了我的工作流程,并且使我获得了更清晰的图面。Architecture visualization is notorious for producing

2、 complex and messy PSD files. Sometimes, its the little things that can make a big difference and in my opinion, layer management is one of those little things that many people dont put enough emphasis on. Properly managing your layers in Photoshop can lead to better efficiency, a more editable file

3、, and in many cases better looking illustrations. Over the years, I have moved toward a system of building up Photoshop files. This system may not be perfect for everyone but has streamlined my workflow and has lead to cleaner looking illustrations.Psd文件的问题是它们非常容易失控。我的许多ps文件往往很容易就超出了几百个图层。轻视文件命名或者没有

4、适当地将图层建立成组可能在刚开始的时候能够节约一点时间。但是一旦你在ps中工作了几个小时,那么你所花费在找到并修改正确图层上的时间会远远超过你在开始阶段所“节省”下的时间。不仅如此,图片本身也会开始变得混乱而无法继续加工,因为图层蒙版和灯光控制会变得非常困难。The problem with PSD files is that they can quickly get out of hand. Many of my Photoshop files that I work on easily exceed several hundred layers. Being careless about

5、naming files or not properly grouping them may save a little time in the beginning. However, once you are several hours into Photoshop, the time wasted trying to find the right layers or make changes far exceeds the time saved at the beginning. Not only that, the image itself will start to get messy

6、 and unrefined since it becomes difficult to mask layers and control lighting.我整理了一个实例,里面包含了大量不同类型的组,并且都是我的psd文件里面经常用到的。显然,从一个图片到另一个图片,这些基于图片类型不同而创建的组会发生改变,但是在大多数情况下,总体的结构还是保持一致的。另一个值得注意的是,我所讲的组织psd文件的方法并不是“唯一正确”的方法。我相信一定有其他甚至更好的方法来做到这一点。但是这套系统对我来说很有用,并且根据图片的类型提供了大量的弹性空间。I put together an illustrati

7、on that takes into account a lot of the different types of groups that I typically use in my PSD files. Obviously, the specific groups change from illustration to illustration depending on the type of image, but for the most part, the overall structure remains consistent.One other note, I am in no w

8、ay saying this is the “right” way to organize PSD files. I am sure there are other ways and even better ways to do this. However, this system works well for me and provides a good amount of flexibility depending on the type of illustration I am working on.Groups, Masks, and Adjustment Layers分组、蒙版、调整

9、图层创建组整理ps文件的一个利器就是(groups)创建组。Groups是图层管理器下的一个文件夹,它可以包含一个和多个图层。组能够让你将众多令人崩溃的图层整理成简单的一行,使你能在几百个图层中快速找到需要的图层。另一个巨大的好处就是你可以为你的组做蒙版(masks),这在编辑的时候非常有效。你只要单击图层管理器底部的文件夹图标,一个组就这样创建了。图层可以单独或多个一起被拖进文件夹里面。GroupsOne of the keys to a clean Photoshop file are groups. Groups are folders in the layers palette tha

10、t contain one or more layers. Groups allow you to collapse many layers down to a single line allowing you to navigate between several hundred layers quickly. One more big advantage is that you can apply masks to groups which is useful for editing. A group can be created by clicking the folder icon a

11、t the bottom of the layers palette. Layers can then be dragged into the folder one at a time or several at a time.蒙版运用“无损”的方式来编辑你的图层,会使得你的工作效率大幅提高,并且最大程度地保证文件可编辑性。你可以通过某种方法编辑你的图片,但是之后出于某种需要,你的这些修改还可以被撤销。蒙版对于无损编辑是必不可少的,或许你之前没有使用过这个工具。在这里,我很少提到蒙版,因为对于刚刚接触它的人来说会觉得它非常难掌握。然而,它对于裁剪背景层或者删除图层的一部分非常有效。蒙版正如它听

12、起来那样,可以允许你遮盖或者隐藏图层中的一部分,类似擦除。两者的区别在于,蒙版是可以恢复的。MasksA big part of working efficiently and keeping your files extremely editable is by using “nondestructive” methods to edit your layers. The idea is to edit the illustration in a way where changes can be reversed later on down the road.If youre not usi

13、ng them already, masks are essential for nondestructive editing. I have talked about masks on this site only a few times because they can be difficult to understand at first. However, they are a life saver when it comes to cutting out backgrounds or removing parts of layers. Masks are exactly as the

14、y sound allowing you to mask or hide parts of the layer similar to erasing. The difference being the mask can be removed later to bring back the area of the layer that was erased.调整图层就像蒙版一样,调整图层也是无损的操作,可以同时调整多个图层的色阶、对比度、色相等属性,并且可以随时撤销操作。调整图层如同一个真实的图层一样允许你调整它的透明度,甚至你还可以为它做一个蒙版。我使用它们的次数并不多,但是它确实非常好用。A

15、djustment LayersJust like masks, adjustment layers are nondestructive and allow you to adjust things like levels, contrast, hue, etc. to several layers at once and also reverse the adjustment at any time later on down the road. Adjustment layers act like real layers allowing one to adjust the streng

16、th through opacity or even apply a mask to the adjustment. I dont use these too much but have found them really useful from time to time.Organizing the Layers图层的组织以上这个是一张效果图图层管理的截屏。你很快会发现每一个图层都是成组的。将所有图层都分组管理能够使我移动和调整图层变得更加容易。它还强迫我用心去思考放置这些图层的最佳的位置,以便在后期操作中能快速找到。Above is a screenshot of the layers palette for this illustration. You will quickly notice

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