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1、t hurry. We have a_time.8The results of this survey can be divided into three main c_.9He a_his speed, hoping to catch up with all the other athletes ahead of him.10Millions of people will face s_next year as a result of the drought.答案:1.Somehow2.applauded3.identify4.Primitive5skillful6.deleted7.amp

2、le8.categories9.accelerates10starvation.完成句子1Whenever we are in trouble, we must_ _(向前看)and encourage ourselves.2This job is open to all,_ _(不管)previous experience.3The history of this country can_ _ _(追溯到)the Stone Age.4_ _(要是就好了)we could have a day off tomorrow.5_ _(假定)the task is finished, where

3、can we have a holiday?1.look ahead2.regardless back to/date from4If only5.Assuming that.单项填空1More attention is to be paid to energy exploration to find_ _energy.Atraditional Balternative Cavailable DinexpensiveB考查形容词。句意:为了找到可替代能源,人们将投入更多的注意力进行能源勘探。alternative energy“替代能源”。2Is your husband g

4、ood at cleaning up the room?Not very, but when it_cooking, he is much better than I am.Atalks about Brefers to Ccomes to Ddeals with C考查句式。when it comes to doing sth.“当谈论到做某事时”。3Any information about your son?No,if only I_those tough words to him.Adidnt say Bhadnt saidCshouldnt have said Dcouldnt ha

5、ve saidB考查虚拟语气。if only引导从句应该使用虚拟语气。再由句意“要是我还没有对他说那些强硬的话该多好啊”可知,表示与过去的事实相反,因此用过去完成时。4The agent was_for carrying a false passport.Aarrested BaccusedCcharged DsuspectedA考查动词辨析。accuse, suspect常与of连用;charge常与with连用,而arrest则与for连用。5I had given up hope of going to college_word came that I had been admitted

6、 to a famous British University.Awhile BwhenCso that DuntilBhad done.when.“刚刚突然”。6Did you meet with the famous space hero Yang Liwei?_I had come here earlier.AIf only BIf notCBut for DFor fearA后句意为:要是我早来这里就好了!if only“要是就好了。”7All living organisms(有机物),_their unique identity, have biological, chemical

7、 and physical characteristics in common.Aas a consequence of Bfor the sake ofCin terms of Dregardless ofDregardless of“不管;不顾”。8May I take action to help those people whose village has been_by the flood?_.Acut off; By all meansBcut up; By no meansCcut down; Nothing can be betterDcut across; No proble

8、mA句意:“我可以采取行动帮助那些村庄被洪水切断的人吗?”“当然可以。”cut off“切断”,by all means“当然可以”。9_that you are chosen to be a volunteer at the London Olympic Games, what will you do?AAssumed BAssumingCTo assume DTo be assumedB此题考查assume的非谓语形式,因为与句子主语之间是主动关系所以选B。10They are close friends and their friendship_college days.Adates b

9、ack to Bdates backCdates to Ddates back fromAdate back todate from“始于;追溯到”。11The schoolmaster_the girls bravery in his opening speech.Aapplauded BappearedCapologized DclappedAapplaud除了表示“鼓掌”之外,还可以表示“赞赏”。appear“出现”;apologize“道歉”;clap“拍手”。12Friends have trouble remembering_that Kevin Durant did for fu

10、n, other than basketball.Awhere it was Bwhat it wasChow it was Dwhy it wasB考查强调句型。朋友们在纳闷除了篮球,Kevin Durant做什么有趣。remember后接宾语从句,宾语从句应用陈述语气。“做什么”应用what,应选B项。13I have got a headache.No wonder. You_in front of that computer too long.Awork Bare workingChave been working DworkedC此题考查动词的时态。由I have got a hea

11、dache现在完成时形式可知用现在完成进行时表示“从过去开始持续至今日还会进行下去”,表达过去开始的动作一直持续到现在或可能还要持续下去。14He hurried to the booking office only_that all the tickets had been sold out.Ato tell Bto be toldCtelling DtoldBonly to do表示“意想不到的结果”,表示出乎意料。15The firm was successfully run and_, he owed his success to the support of his friends.

12、Alooking back Blooked backCto look back Dwhen looked backA考查非谓语动词。and连接的是he owed his success to the support of his friends,因此选looking back表时间。公司经营得很好,回首过去,他把它归功于朋友的支持。.阅读理解A(2017鄂州市高三摸底考试)“Around 500,000 years ago, at the Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian in Beijings suburban Fangshan district, which is about 50 km from the city of Beijing, there lived early human beings,” says a China history textbook.The textbook now has to be revised. New dating techniques suggest the remains of Peking Manfound in the 1920sare over 200,000 years older than previou

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