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1、you played a good game anyway, I just hate.” Critics believe that such statements by coaches weaken the idea that other things, such as fair play, following the rules of the game, and behaving with dignity when one is defeated, are also important. Unfortunately, many coaches still share the “winning

2、 is the only thing” philosophy. There is, however, also a tradition of honorable defeat in American sports. Sociologist Harry Edwards, for example, has pointed out that “The all important significance of winning is known, but likewise, there is the consoling(可安慰的) reward of the honorable defeat. Ind

3、eed, the sweetness of winning is derived from the knowledge of having defeated a courageous opponent who performed honorably.” When the idea of winning in sports is carried to excess, however, honorable competition can turn into disorder and violence. In one game, the players of two professional bas

4、eball teams became so angry at each other that the game turned into a large scale fight between the two teams. The coach of one of the teams was happy about the fight because, in the games that followed, his team consistently won. He thought that the fight had helped to bring the men on his team clo

5、ser together.Similarly, a professional football coach stated: “If we didnt go out there and fight, Id be worried. You go out there and protect your teammates. The guys who sit on the bench, theyre the losers.” Both coaches seemed to share the view that if occasional fights with opposing teams helped

6、 to increase the winning spirit of their players, so much the better. Hockey(曲棍球) coaches would probably agree. Professional hockey teams are notorious(臭名昭著的) for the fights among players during games. Some hockey fans seem to expect this fighting as part of the entertainment.A corrupt B consistentl

7、y C derived D dignity E entertainment F glorified G honorable H opponent I occasional J professional K scale L significance M strengthen N violence 对在运动中获胜的思想的批评尽管在美国许多人都崇尚运动,但还是有一些人对过量运动的破坏力量持批评态度。例如,在运动中过分地渴望获胜更多地是削弱而不是巩固美国传统的价值观。评论家们曾经指出教练和运动员这样做是一个长久的传统。20 世纪 60 年代美国著名的专业橄榄球教练文森伦巴蒂经常因为说获胜是体育运动中最


9、状态。一场比赛中,两个专业棒球队的队员对对方感到非常愤怒,以至于那场比赛最后变成了两个队之间大规模的斗殴。其中一个队的教练因这场斗殴而感到高兴,因为在接下来的比赛中,他带的队一直赢。他认为那场斗殴让他的队员更加紧密地团结在一起。同样地,一个专业橄榄球教练曾说过:“如果我们不去那里打架,我会不高兴的。你要出去保护你的队友。那些袖手旁观的家伙是失败者。”这两个教练看来有一个共同的观点,那就是如果偶尔与对方队员的斗殴有助于增强他们队员获胜的信念的话,那就再好不过了。曲棍球教练可能也会赞成该观点。专业曲棍球队因比赛中队员之间的斗殴而臭名昭著。一些曲棍球迷似乎期望把这种斗殴作为娱乐的一部分。难 句 解

10、析1. Although sports in the United States are glorified by many, there are others who are especially critical of the power of sports to corrupt when certain things are carried to excess.【分析】多重复合句。句首Although 引导让步状语从句,后面不可以用 but。主句为there be句型,其中 who 引导的定语从句修饰others, to corrupt作宾语补足语,句末 when 引导 时间状语从句。2

11、. Critics believe that such statements by coaches weaken the idea that other things, such as fair play, following the rules of the game, and behaving with dignity when one is defeated, are also important.believe 后为 that 引导的宾语从句,其中 that 引导的从句为 idea 的同位语, when 引导的为时间状语从句,following.the game 和 behaving.

12、 defeated 为 other things 的伴随状语,such as fair play 为插入语。3. Indeed, the sweetness of winning is derived from the knowledge of having defeated a courageous opponent who performed honorably.【分析】复合句。分词短语 having defeated. 之所以用完成时,是因为其表示的动作完成了以后,主语表示的动作才发生,who 引导定语从句修饰 opponent。下面我们学习文中标红的高频词#09#09高频词汇glori

13、fy /9glO:rIfaI/ vt. 褒扬,使光荣【引申】同根glory n. 荣誉,光荣glorious a. 光荣的 , 显赫的【活用例句】Her brave deeds were glorified in song and story.人们用歌曲和故事来颂扬她的勇敢行为。corrupt /k59r(f6)pt/ a. 贪污的,腐败的 v. 使腐化,使坠落【联想】由于领导腐败(corrupt),这家公司破产(bankrupt)了【搭配】a corrupt judge 贪赃舞弊的法官【提示】一起来记忆的“同根兄弟”词有:abrupt a. 突然的bankrupt v. 使破产interrupt 打断corruption n. 腐败,贪污,堕落【活用例句】 Do you think young people are corrupted by big city life?你认为大城市的生活会使年轻人道德败坏吗?strengthen* /9stre(ce)Tn,9stre(ce)kTn/ vt. 加强;巩固#09【词根】来自 strength(强度) en(动词后缀)加强【搭配】strengthen so

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