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1、2Her mother is very happy because she has won the first _ in the national English competition.Ascholarship BrewardCaward Dmedal她妈妈非常高兴,因为她在全国英语竞赛中获得一等奖。award指为鼓励达到或完成所提出的要求或条件而进行的奖励,往往强调荣誉,而不在乎奖品的大小或者多少。scholarship“奖学金”;reward指对某人的工作或服务等的报答;medal“奖牌”。3Mary said she was looking forward as much to his

2、 return as he himself to _ her.Ahave seen BsawCseeing Dbe seenChe himself后省略了与主句相同的成分,补充完整后为:he himself was looking forward to,由此可知himself后的to为介词,后接名词或动名词作宾语。4History is about forgiving not forgetting. If some people forget history we should _ them.Arepeat BrememberCremind DrecordC由“History is about

3、 forgiving not forgetting”可知,我们不应当忘记历史,因此当人们忘记历史时,我们应当“提醒”他们,故用remind。repeat“重复”;remember“记住”;record“记录”。5John _ before he got word that the college he chose had accepted him.Aheld his breath Bdrew a breathCtook a breath Dgot his breath againA句意:约翰选择的大学录取了他,在得到这个消息之前,他很紧张。hold ones breath“屏住呼吸”,在此引申

4、为“非常紧张”。draw a breath和take a breath均意为“吸一口气”;get ones breath again“恢复正常呼吸”。6Why was Professor Liu thundering in the classroom yesterday?A students interrupting his speech _ the burst of his anger.Aset up Bset outCset about Dset offD句意:昨天刘教授为什么在课堂上怒喝?一个学生打断了他的讲课使他发脾气了。set off“使爆炸;出发;动身”。set up“建立,创建”

5、;set out“出发;开始”;set about“着手,开始”。7_ is estimated that 25 million school lunches are sold each day.AIt BThatCThis DAsAthat引导的从句为真正的主语,由于过长而后置,故用it充当形式主语。8As to the question of whether we will sell our house or who we shall sell the house to, you _ have an answer by tomorrow.Awill BshallCcould DmustB句

6、意:至于我们的房子是否出卖或者要卖给谁的问题,你明天就有答案了。shall用于第二人称的陈述句中,表示说话的人命令、许诺等。9An activity for love was held _ those who were killed in the Wenchuan Earthquake in 2018.Ain memory of Bin place ofCin search of Din favor ofA考查in memory of的用法。句意:这场爱心活动是为纪念那些在2018年汶川地震中死去的人们而举行的。in memory of“为了纪念”;in place of“代替”;in sea

7、rch of“寻找”;in favor of“赞成”,根据句意可知应选A项。10The villagers in the mountain have a firm _ that they will have a good harvest next year.Aopinion BtheoryCbelief Dorder山里的村民们坚信他们明年会有好收成。opinion“观点”;theory“理论”;belief“信念”;order“命令”。根据句意可知选C项。11You ought to have had Tedy _ Janet for his rudeness at the meeting

8、yesterday.Ato apologize Bapologize toCapologized to Dmaking an apology你本应该叫Tedy为他昨天在会议上的无礼向Janet道歉的。根据句意和apologize的用法及have sb. do sth.结构可知,应选B项。12It made many countries angry _ America, without the _ from the UN, started a war in Iraq.Athat; permission Bwhich; permitCwhich; permission Dthat;美国没有得到联合

9、国的许可发动了伊拉克战争,这使得很多国家感到愤怒。第一空处that引导的是主语从句,it在句中作形式主语; permission意为“允许”,permit也可以用作名词,但意思是“许可证”。故选A项。13When will the 70th anniversary ceremony for our school _? All the students and teachers are waiting for it.Well, in my opinion, at 9 am.Ahappen Btake placeCbreak out Doccur我们学校的70周年典礼什么时候举行?所有的学生和老师

10、正等着呢。哦,依我看,上午九点。happen偶然发生;take place按计划举行;break out突然发生;occur意外发生。根据句意,这里表示按计划进行或举行,故选B项。14_ in a space suit in the base, the young man looks more like an astronaut Ive been _.ADressed; admiring BDressed; admiredCWearing; admiring DWorn;这个年轻人在基地穿上宇航服时,看起来更像我一直羡慕的宇航员了。第一空处用过去分词短语作状语,相当于when he is dr

11、essed in a space suit,后面一空用admiring构成现在完成进行时,这里表示“我一直羡慕的”,故选A项。15He likes to play a trick _ me on the weekend and always begs me to _ him for his actions.Aon; depend Bat; forgiveCon; forgive Dwith; excuse他喜欢在周末戏弄我,并且总是乞求我原谅他的行为。由play a trick on sb.和forgive sb. for sth.可知,应选C项。.阅读理解A Between school,

12、homework, sports, your afterschool job, and hanging out with friends, it may feel like theres no time for healthy eating. And when you do stop to eat, its probably tempting to go the quick and easy route by grabbing a burger and fries, potato chips, or candy. Even if you take time to eat three meals

13、 a day, you may still feel hungry at times. This is naturalduring teens, a persons body demands more nutrients to grow. Whats the answer? Healthy snacks. Snacking on nutritious food can keep your energy level high and your mind alert without taking up a lot of your time. Snacks are a great way to satisfy that hunger and get all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs. But you need to pay attention to what you eat. Filling your face with a large order of fries after class may give you a temporary help, but a snack high in fat and calories will only slow you down in the long

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