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Cet4 语法精挑细讲Word下载.docx

1、They, his, him, mine, which, all 形容词The Adjective (adj)用以修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征Long, empty, heavy, different, cheap, hungry 数词The Numeral (num)表示数量或顺序Three, thirteen, twenty, second 动词The Verb (v)表示动作或状态Hear, write, swim, eat, borrow, sing 副词The Adverb (adv)修饰动词、形容词或其他副词Quickly, early, out, soon, then, some

2、times 介词The Preposition (prep)表示名词、代词等和句中其他词的关系From, with, at, into, behind, between, for 连词The Conjunction (conj)用来连接词与词、短语与短语或句与句And, or, but, so, because 感叹词The Interjection (interj)表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感Oh, hey, ouch, well, there, dear (一) 名词: 专有名词:表示人名、月份、日期、地名等。如 China, John, London, the USA, Harbin .

3、 1名词 个体名词:表示单个的人或事物。如 boat, chair, desk, apple . 可数名词 集体名词:表示一群人或一些事物的总称。如 family, people, class, police . 普通名词 物质名词:表示无法分为个体的物质。如 water, air, tea, sea, money, cotton . 抽象名词:表示抽象概念的词。如 health, help, work, friendship . 不可数名词 2名词的数。可数名词有单复数,不可数名词没有单复数。 3名词的格:名词有三个格:主格(作主语)、宾格(作宾语)、和所有格。其中只有名词的所有格有形式变化

4、。 (二)冠词 1定冠词the . 特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。The students are very good. 说话人与听话人都知道的人或事物。Where is the toilet ? 重复提到上文的人或事物。I have a cat , the cat is white and black . 表示世界上独一无二的事物。The moon moves around the earth . 形容词最高级和序数词前和表示方位的名词前。I am the oldest . He is the first to school . I live in the south . 乐器的名称前常用定

5、冠词the 。I like playing the piano / violin . 和某些形容词连用,使形容词名词化,代表某一类人。We should help the poor . 放在某些专有名词前。We will go to visit the Great Wall next week . the peoples Republic of China . 放在姓氏的复数形式前,表示全家人或夫妇两人。The Whites are watching TV . 固定词组中。In the morning / afternoon / evening . 2不定冠词a / an . 指人或事物的某一

6、种类。A horse is a useful animal. A table has four legs. 指某一类人或事物中的任何一个。Pass me a pencil, please. We write with a pen. 指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或何物。The book was written by a peasant. Last month we were working in a factory. 不定冠词还可以指“事物的单位”,如“每日”、“每斤”等。 Here is a letter for you . The meat is 18 yuan a kilo. 3零冠词。

7、 泛指人类或男女。Man will conquer nature . 抽象名词在用来表示它的一般概念时,通常不加冠词。Knowledge begins with practice . 有些个体名词有时可以转化成具有抽象意义,其前面也常不加冠词。We had better send him to hospital at once. 在专有名词前一般不用冠词。China is a great country. Mr. Smith is an artist. 在三餐饭何球类运动名称之前不用冠词。He often goes out for a walk after supper. Sometimes

8、I play basketball. 在节假日、星期几、月份、季节等名词前。October 10th is Teachers Day. 称呼语或表示头衔、职务的名词前不用冠词。Granny is sleeping now. We call him monitor. 在语言名词前,名词前有指示代词、物主代词或数词时,不用冠词。This is his book. I can speak English . 不用冠词的惯用语。At night / on food / go to town / at home / in class / at work 等。 (三)形容词 1形容词的构成。 简单形容词由

9、一个单词构成。Good, long, green, large, bright, interesting, surprised, learned, developing, sleeping . 复合形容词由一个以上的词构成。20-minute, second-hand, 500-word, 8-year-old, three-legged, round-trip, part-time, good-looking. 2形容词的用法。 修饰名词作定语。She is a beautiful girl . 作表语。He is very strong. 作宾语补足语。Let the door open.

10、 You must keep your classroom clean . “定冠词形容词”表示一类人或物,在句子中可作主语或宾语。We should speak to the old politely. 大多数形容词既可作表语又可作定语,但少数形容词只能作表语,不能作定语。如:asleep, ill, awake 等。 有些形容词只能作定语而不能作表语。many, little, wooden, golden 等。 3形容词的位置。 形容词通常放在它所修饰的名词的前面。A heavy box. 与表示度量的词连用,形容词要放在它所修饰词语的后面。3 metre long. 12 kilome

11、ter away . 与不定代词something, anything, everything, nothing 等连用时,可以放在这些词之后。 Something important . nothing serious . 当名词前有多个形容词修饰时,一般按下面的词序排列: 冠词(包括物主代词、序数词、基数词)描述形容词(brave, beautiful)表示形状(大小、长短、高矮)的形容词表示年龄或新旧的形容词表示颜色的形容词表示国籍、出处或来源的形容词表示材料、物质的形容词表示用途或类别的形容词被修饰的词。My nice small brown leather bag . those l

12、arge round black wooden tables . 4形容词的比较级和最高级。(一般加 er / est ,不规则见表) 原级的用法:“和相同”A 肯定句:A 动词 as 形容词原级 as B . He is as tall as me .B 否定句:A not as 形容词原级 as B (即A 不如 B 那么) A not so 形容词原级 as B = A+ less + 形容词原级than + B . 比较级的用法:A A 动词 形容词的比较级 than B . (A 比B 更 ,在这种句型中,比较级前面可用 much, even, still, a little, a

13、bit, a lot, any, far 等修饰,表示“得多”,“甚至”,“更”,“一点儿”。B “比较级 and 比较级”、 “more and more 部分双音节或多音节的原级” 译为“越来越”。 最高级的用法:(个体用of ,范围用in,最高级前面要用定冠词the)A 三种最高级表示法。最高级:Shanghai is the largest city in China .比较级:Shanghai is larger than any other city in China . / Shanghai is larger than the other cities in China .原级

14、: No other city is as large as Shanghai in China . / No other city is larger than Shanghai in China . (四) 副词 1副词的种类: 时间副词:often, always, usually, early, ago, already, before, ever, late, now, soon, since, tomorrow, just now 地点副词:here, there, above, below, outside, anywhere, back, down, home, out, everywhere 方式副词:hard, well, badly, fast, slowly, angrily, simply, carefully 程度副词:very, quite, much, still, a

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