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1、 )32025=( 64 )()=4000五、选择题。(把正确答案的序号填在括号里)(12分)1.小明5分钟走325米,平均每分钟走多少米?这是一道求()的题目。A.时间B.路程C.速度D.不能确定2.三位数乘两位数积是()。A.四位数B.五位数C.四位数或五位数一、用下列单词的正确形式填空。1.WuYifan _(stay)at home last night.2.The kangaroo can jump _(high)than the monkey.3. My mother _(buy)some food just now.4. Im 48_(kilogram).5.What size

2、_(be)your shoes?二、选出不同的一项。( )1.A.her B.yesterday B.she C.tallest)3.A.taller B.shorter C.longest)4.A.look B.took C.stayed)5.choose B.chose C.take三、单项选择。1.I went camping _.Ayesterday B.tomorrow month2.The elephant is _ than the monkey.A.bigger C. smaller3.My brother _ yesterday.A

3、.washes her clothes B.washed her clothesC.washed his clothes4.My father got some _ from the C.dinosaur5.Mike is the _ boy in his class.A.tallest B.taller C.smallest6. I studied English _.A.tomorrow B.the day after tomorrow C.yesterday7.Did you _ yesterday?A.go swim B.go camping C

4、.ate cake8.Im 52 _.Akilograms B.kilogram C.meters9. Jason is 10 _ taller than John.A.metre B.centimetersC.kilograms10.The red pen is _than the blue pen.A.biggest B.bigger C.longer四、连词成句。1. size what your are shoes?2. cleaned she yesterday room her.3. She taller than me 10 is centimeters .4. Jim pare

5、nts to with his went park a .5. taller her he is .五、选出正确的答语。)1.How tall are you?)2.What did you do last Monday?)3.What are they going to buy?)4.How heavy are you?)5.Where did you go the day before yesterday?A.I did my homework and read books.B.Im 55 kilograms.C.Im 1.66 meters.D.I went to the theater

6、 the day before yesterday.E.They are going to buy some foods and fruits.六、阅读短文,完成练习。Hi!Im Lisa. Im 12 years old. Im 1.48 meters tall. There are five people in my family. They are my father,mother,my brother and my sister.My brother is 12 centimeters taller than me. My sister is 4 centimeters shorter

7、 than me. I went to Renminpark yesterday with my family. My shoes are size 37. I love my family.第一部分:判断正()误( )1.Lisa is 12 years old. ( )2.Lisa went to Renmin park the day before yesterday. ( )3.There are 5 people in Lisas family. ( )4.Lisa loves her family. ( )5.Lisa is 1.45meters. 第二部分:选择填空。( )6.L

8、isas brother is _meters tall.A.1.60 B.1.50 C.1.55( )7.Lisas sister is _meters tall.A.1.44 B.1.34 C.1.47( )8.Lisa went to a _ yesterday.A.cinema C.park( )9.There are _ people .A.3 B.4 C.5( )10.Her shoes are size _.A.36 B.37 C.38七、小作文。请你描述一下上周末你都干了些什么。要求:不少于6句话,字迹工整,语句通顺。_ 一、用“”选出下列加点字正确的读音。

9、饺子(jio jo) 蒸腾(zng zhng) 摩擦(m m)裤兜(du du) 鼎盛(dn dng) 抽噎(y y) 二、下列词语书写完全正确的一项是( A.吭声 搅拌 匣子 聚精会神B.恐布 寺庙 翡翠 勤俭持家C.鸿雁 残酷 挪动 精兵减政D.书籍 裙子 揉搓 涛涛不绝三、从下列词语中找出两组近义词,两组反义词。【慈祥 畏惧 试图 空虚】【勇敢 充实 和蔼 打算】近义词:)( ) 反义词:四、根据画线部分的意思写词语。1.游行的队伍声势雄壮,规模宏大走过天安门广场。2.时间过得真快,暑假没有意识到,无意之中就过去了一大半。3.两个人谈了一会儿,明明就满脸的怒气,异常的激动地走了。4.虽然遇到风暴,船上所有的人都还是平安,未遭受损害地回来了。五、选词填空。聚精会神 目不转睛 精益求精1.鲁迅先生写文章总是反复锤炼,( 2.我们( )地听李爷爷讲革命故事。3.人们(

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