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1、可用所学到的指令如stand up . 等给同学们喊口令,让其他同学做动作。 或者可表演一些课内课外学到的儿歌及韵律。或讲一个英语小故事。2. 素材:可用到的基本句型: .im .years old.i like thank you! 可用到的指令:stand up, please. / sit down ,please . open your book./ close your book 可表演的课内儿歌和韵律:歌曲 good morning good morning , good morning , good morning ,teacher .i take my bag and book

2、, my book and book to school. 韵律 paper, a pencil , i can see paper , a pencil a ruler , a rubber i can can seepaper , a pencil a ruler , a rubber for you and you and me.3. 演讲要求:穿白衬衣,打领结,抄写并翻译演讲稿,做幻灯片。流利的背诵演讲稿,声情并茂的演讲。4. 评价:评价标准:5+ :衣着整齐并佩戴领结,有幻灯片展示,演讲背诵流利,声音洪亮。 5 : 上述四种情况有一项没达到的。4+ :上述四种情况有二项没达到的。 4

3、 :上述四种情况有三项没达到的。 评价主体:学生: 主持人先找两位同学打分评价,全班用手势给出评价。老师: 最后老师给出评价。得分: 主持人根据学生和老师的打分情况给出分数,并书写在黑板上。 评价用语:good ! super ! excellent ! very good ! wonderful .5.学生演讲稿及得分情况。 题目:自我介绍演讲者:郭雪蓉 日期: about megood morning, guo six years old.i like english .thank you !指令;stand up, please. / sit down ,pleas

4、e . open your book./ close your book 翻译:大家好, 我叫郭雪荣,我今年6岁了, 我喜欢英语。谢谢。 学生评价: very good! 得分: 5+ 老师评价: 5分得分: 5+家长评语:背的还行,就是声音有点小,需要多锻炼。 老师评语:有点紧张,背的比较流利,不错,加油。篇三:小学英语演讲文及儿歌 小学英语演讲文1. a wolfone day, a wolf sits like a dog. at this time, a cat and a rabbit see the : who is that animal rabbit: which one ca

5、t: the animal over : oh, is it a dog cat: no, it isnt!rabbit: is it a horse cat: is it a wolfcat: oh, yes, it is. wolf: ha, ha, i am a big wolf. i will eat you! oh, my god. go!2. a wolf and a sheepa wolf was badly wounded by dogs. he lay sick in his room. he felt very hungryand thirsty. when a sheep

6、 passed by, the wolf asked her to fetch some water from theriver.“if you bring me some water,” said the wolf, “i will be strong enough to getfood myself”. the sheep said: “if i take you water, you will make me your food!”3. a dreamone day, a beggar sat on a bench in a park. soon he fell asleep. he s

7、aid to thegod: “give me a house”. then he had a house. he asked again: “give me a nice garden”.then a nice garden was there. then he asked for all kinds of good food. all the foodcame to the beggar.“ouch!” he fell onto the ground. the beggar just had a dream.4. my hobbiesdear guests and judges,i am

8、very glad to say something here. at this time, id like to talk about myhobbies. i like some kinds of sports. i like being outdoors. i love fresh air andsunshine. playing outdoors with friends is fun for me. swimming in the sea is myfavorite. besides, i like to draw pictures at home. i often read pic

9、ture books onthe bed in the like music and singing. i often sing film songs while i walk in the street.of course, i learn english every day. as you know, english is used everywhere in theworld. so i learn english very hard. i hope i can travel around the world and speakenglish with foreigners someda

10、y. its my colorful dream to travel around the world is nice, and i hope your world is nice too!thank you!英语儿歌7. red and morning gray,one, two, three, foursend the traveler on his way, merry at the cottage door, evening gray and morning red, five, six, seven, eight, bring the rain upon his cherries o

11、f a plate. 8., cow, work while you work, friendly and brown, play while you play, let down your milk,that is the way, for the hungry be happy and are full of many things, good, better, best, that i would like to know, never let it rest, books are full of greatest men,till good is better, that lived

12、long, long ago. and better, best. books are full of mountains, can be high or low. try, try , books are full of flowers,never say die, that i would like to grow. to you, by and by. rain, rain, go away,peas pudding hot,little johnny wants to play. peas pudding cold, 11. peas pudding in the pot, there was a little girl,nine days she had a little curl,some like it hot, right

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