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本文(部编版届高考英语一轮复习 第一部分Unit 4 Public transport 牛津译林版选修7Word文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

部编版届高考英语一轮复习 第一部分Unit 4 Public transport 牛津译林版选修7Word文档格式.docx

1、2As we know, the purpose of communication is to _ your thoughts and ideas to others effectively.Apass BsendCconvey DshowC解析:convey 意为“传达; 表达(想法, 感受)等”。 pass作“传递, 交流”讲时, 后接表示“具体的物品或眼色, 信号, 评论等”。 send意为“发送”; show意为“流露(感情等)”。 根据句意 “正如我们所知, 交流的目的是把你的想法有效地传递给他人。”可知答案应选C项。3An increasing number of cars on

2、the road _ traffic. That was the reason why they failed to get there on time.Achoked back Bchoked downCchoked off Dchoked upchoke back “抑制; 强忍住”; choke down“吞咽; 抑制; choke off“阻碍”; choke up“对苦恼”。 根据句意可判断此处是“路上越来越多的车辆阻碍了交通”。 故答案为C项。4(2018南京四校联考) _ no ad during TV plays.Great move! I cannot tolerate th

3、ose annoying ads appearing every several minutes.AThere is said to have BIt is said to haveCThere is said to be DIt is said to beThere is said to be“据说有”。5The best method to _ this goal is to unite as many people as possible.Aundertake Bconduct Cperform DaccomplishD解析:考查动词。 句意:完成这个目标的最好的途径是团结的人越多越好。

4、undertake “承担”;conduct “指挥”;perform “表演, 操作”;accomplish “完成”, 根据词义可知是完成目标, 故选D项。6(2018南京高三调研)A global village has indeed _ among the teenage generation, who share common values and attitudes.Aset up B.speeded upCrisen up D.sprung up地球村的确在青少年一代出现了, 他们分享共同的价值观和生活态度。 spring up“发生; 萌芽; 出现”。7Five minutes

5、 earlier _ we could have avoided the accident.Aor BbutCso Dand早五分钟, 我们可能就会避免那次事故。 此题考查的是“祈使句and简单句”结构。 Five minutes earlier相当于一个祈使句, 后面的简单句表示结果。8He was rejected for the job vacancy because he couldnt be _even for the interview.Aresponsible B.beneficialCpunctual Dregular他没有得到那个职位空缺, 因为他甚至连面试都不能准时。 re

6、sponsible“负责的”; beneficial“有益的”; punctual“准时的”; regular“有规律的”。9(2018南京师大附中模拟) Excuse me, sir. My visa is due at the end of this month. Can I _ it?Sure. You can just go to the Public Security Office in our city to fill in some forms.Aexpand B.extendCpostpone Dconfirm问句句意:打搅一下, 先生。 我的签证月底到期。 我能再延长一下它吗

7、?extend“延长, 延伸”; expand“膨胀, 扩张”; postpone“延期, 推迟”; confirm“证实; 批准; 确定”。10If the equipment is not up to the agreed specifications and quality, we will _ to replace it.Aundertake B.forceCovercome DapplyA解析:如果设备达不到商定的规格和质量, 我们保证进行调换。 undertake to do.“保证做”。11Many road accidents _ from careless driving,

8、according to the recent reports from the police.Ainvolve B.reduceCarise Dincrease考查动词辨析。根据警方最近的报告, 很多道路交通事故是由粗心驾驶造成的。 arise是不及物动词, 意思是“(由)引起, (因)产生”, 符合句意。 12(2018滨海中学期中)Nowadays working women bear a lot more pressure _ them from families and careers.Aput on B.put downCput aside D.put away考查动词短语辨析。

9、这里表示家庭和自己的事业给她们的压力, 用put sth.on sb.。13_ the satellite launch drew near, the research workers put their hearts to the test and always stayed up late.AAs B.BecauseCWith DWhile随着卫星发射的临近, 研究人员全身心地投入到测试中, 常常熬夜。 as和with都可表达“随着”的意思。 as 用作连词, 引导的是一个时间状语从句。 with介词, 后接名词短语作宾语。 分析句子结构可知答案应为A项。14.One thing that

10、 most organically grown food products seem to have in common is that they cost more than _ grown foods. Aapparently Bcontradictorily Cconventionally Dpunctually考查副词辨析。大多数有机食品有一个共同点, 那就是它们比用传统方式种植的食品成本更高。 这里用 conventionally表示“依照传统地”, 与前面的organically呼应。 apparently“明显地”; contradictorily“相互矛盾地”; punctua

11、lly“按时地, 准时地”。15Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?Thank you. _AIt couldnt be better BOf course you canCIf you like DIts up to you考查情景对话。你住得这么远我送你吧!谢谢你。 那再好不过了。 It couldnt be better,否定比较级表示最高级, 意为:没有比那更好的了。 阅读理解A“OK,” I said to my daughter as she bent over her afternoon bowl of rice. “W

12、hats going on with you and your friend J?” Jis the leader of a group of thirdgraders at her campa position Lucy herself occupied the previous summer. Now shes_the_one_on_the_outs,and every day at snack time, she tells me all about it, while I offer the unhelpful advice all summer long.“Shes fond of

13、giving orders,” Lucy complained. “Shes turning everyone against me. Shes mean. Shes bad at math. Shes terrible at kickball. And shes fat.” “Excuse me,” I said, struggling for calm.“What did you just say?”“Shes fat,” Lucy mumbled(含糊地说) into her bowl. “Were going upstairs,” I said, my voice cold. “We are going to discuss this.” And up we went.Id spent the nine years since her birth getting ready for this day, the day wed have to have the conversation about this horrible word. I knew exactly what to say to the girl on the receiving e

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